CHAPTER SIX: The Start of a Hero's Career

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The Next Day...

Izuku's eyes fluttered open as he began to wake up slowly. Izuku tried to move his body, but he felt a pair of arms tightened their grip around him, a pair of large breasts pressing up against his back. He looked over his shoulder and saw Tohru sleeping right next to him. When he saw Tohru, all the memories of the previous day, of the exam, of his confession to Tohru, they all came flooding back into his mind. He smiled at the memory and at the fact that he finally got to confess to the person he's had a crush on for a while.

Another memory came back to him, and he shuttered at it. It reminded him never to anger Tohru at all. His movement woke Tohru. She slowly opened her eyes, her Red-Orange eyes meeting his emerald green ones. She smiled fondly at Izuku before leaning over and giving him a light kiss on the cheek. Izuku blushed from the kiss, making Tohru giggle. "You're going to have to get used to that, Izuku," Tohru said before leaning closer to his ear, "Unless you want me to wake you up some other way?" Tohru suggested, pressing her breast up against Izuku's bare back even more.

"N-no! That's quite all right!" Izuku exclaimed before he gained a calmer demeanor, "Th-the kiss is fine, Tohru." Tohru smiled at him before he threw the cover off himself and stood up from the bed. He dawned nothing but his All Might-themed boxers as he turned around and land towards Torhu and gave her a similar kiss that she just gave him. "Do you want me to get Breakfast to start?" Tohru asked. "I can do it today, Tohru," Izuku said with a smile as he slipped on his morning robe and All Might-themed slippers.

"Nonsense!" Tohru exclaimed as she leaped from the bed and stood in front of Izuku. "You died and somehow got revied yesterday. The old lady in the city said that you should probably take it easy for the week," Thoru said with a concerned tone. Izuku knew he wouldn't win an argument with his Dragon Girlfriend, so he caved in. "Okay, can make breakfast," Izuku said with a defeated tone. "Yes!" Tohru exclaimed happily, jumping up and down, which caused her bosom to bounce.

"But please put some clothes on," Izuku pleaded. "Oh-" Tohru said with a look of realization before she closed her eyes and focused. The Maid's outfit she wore the day prior and for the past ten months popped into existence on Tohru's body. "I'm already," Tohru said before running out of the room. Izuku stood there for a second before he smiled and exiting his room. As soon as he exited his room, a little white blur tackled Izuku to the ground.

Izuku let out a small 'ow' before he looked up at his attacker. Kanna sat on Izuku's chest, staring down at him with that same, almost emotionless, look on her face. Izuku has lived with Kanna long enough to tell what Kanna was feeling, so he could tell that right now...she was happy to see him. "Good Morning Mister Izuku" Kanna said with her usual flat tone. "I told you already, Kanna-chan, can you call me something other than 'Mister Izuku,' makes me feel old," Izuku said.

Kanna's face froze while she contemplated a name to call Izuku. She thought of Tohru as somewhat of a big sister, so she thought the name would fit. "Okay...Good Morning Aniki," Kanna said, repeating her greeting with her new name for Izuku. Izuku was speechless for a second before he began to smile brightly. "Too bright," Kanna said, covering her face. "Sorry, Kanna-chan," Izuku apologized. He lifted Kanna off his chest and stood up, dusting himself off.

"Tohru is making breakfast. Let's go get some," Izuku said. "Yeah!" Kanna cheered with her flat tone. She ran ahead of Izuku while Izuku walked towards the dining room more slowly. When he got to the dining room, he saw Tohru flipping a pancake on the pan in the kitchen. He walked over and stood next to Tohru and watched as she continued to make breakfast. Izuku took a sniff, and the smell of the delicious pancakes hit his nose. "Mhm, they smell good, Tohru," Izuku complemented.

Tohru is Izuku's Dragon MaidWhere stories live. Discover now