CHAPTER EIGHT: Battle Training

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The next day in Class 1-A...

It was finally time for afternoon classes at UA High. For Class 1-A, this was the best part of the day because it was their Hero, Basic Training class. Tohru was sitting right behind Izuku and smiled as she watched his face beam in excitement as he waited for the teacher to show up. "I have...!" Everyone in the class could clearly hear All Might's voice boom in the hallway. "He's here!" Izuku said with an excited smile. "...come through the door, like a normal person!" All Might exclaimed as he best through the door.

"That's not normal," Tohru deadpanned. "He's a little eccentric Tohru; you know that," Izuku whispered over his shoulder at her. All Might marched over to the center podium while some of the students talked excitedly about the number one hero. "It's All Might...!! Incredible. He's really gonna teach us". "That's his silver aga costume! He's drawn so differently than the rest of us, gives me goosebumps". Once All Might reached the podium, he didn't turn to face the class.

Instead, he struck a pose while flexing his muscles. "Again, not normal. I do some weird things but not that weird," Tohru commented. "You're do weirder things," Izuku said jokingly. "That's mean," Tohru huffed as she crossed her arms, "You're going to get it when we get home," Tohru threatened. Izuku paled and quickly turned back around to face All Might. "Hero Basic Training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes. No time to dally. Today's activity is this...!" All Might pulled a card out from nowhere. The card had the word "Battle" Written in bold letters. "Battle training!" All Might exclaimed.

"Battle-" Bakugo smirked evilly. "Training!" Izuku thought worriedly. "And for that, you'll need these!" All Might pressed a button on the little control in his hands. The wall to the left of the class began to extend outwards towards them, revealing cases with numbers on them. "In Accordance with the "Quirk Registry" and the special request forms you filled out before being admitted..." Before All Might could finish, every one of the students jumped up and exclaimed, "Costumes!!". "Costumes!" Izuku exclaimed in his head excitedly.

"After you change, some out in ranking order around to Ground Beta," All Might said before turned swiftly to the door and left the room. The students ran to grab the cases that held their costumes before running to the changing room. When Izuku went up to grab the case with his number on it, he realized that it was the last one. He looked over at Tohru, who was now standing next to him. "Hey Tohru, where's your Hero Costume?" Izuku asked curiously.

Tohru's clothes suddenly transformed from the UA High school uniform to her maid uniform. "I'm ready to go," Tohru said. "Right...kind of forgot that you could do that," Izuku said, muttering the last part under his breath. The two walked out of the classroom together and walked to the changing rooms provided to the Hero Course students. Izuku was about to enter, but before he did, he turned around to Tohru and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you out there," Izuku said before he entered the changing rooms.

Izuku noticed that he was the last one in the changing room and panicked a little. He quickly placed his suitcase down on the wooden bench inside the locker room. The case made a 'clicking' noise before he lifted the case open. Izuku lifts the suit that took Tohru a few hours to make specially for him. Izuku looked at the costume for a bit before he smiled at it. His Hero costume was a green full-body jumpsuit with a red belt, elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves, along with, What Tohru likes to call his signature red shoes. The suit also consisted of a mask with long ear-like protrusions that resembled All Might's haircut and a respirator with a makeshift smile that reflects that of said hero.

"This looks great. I'll have to thank Tohru for her hard work later," Izuku said before he narrowed his eyes when he thought her heard some noise, almost like shuffling of feet, behind him. When he turned around to look, he found no one. "That's weird," Izuku muttered before he placed the costume down and began to strip down and change. Tohru held her breath when Izuku looked behind him, right at her. She let out a quiet sigh of relief when Izuku turned away from her but immediately felt her face heat up when Izuku began to strip.

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