CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.4

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Previously in CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.3

When he saw Ilulu use that fireball attack to prevent Todoroki's team from grabbing their headband, his mind start to wander. "How can she use a fireball attack when her quirk should be those arms of hers? Maybe it's a part of her quirk, and it's kind" The realization suddenly hit him. The girl's horns, her eyes, her dragon-like arms and claws, her attack. Along with the fact that he's never seen the girl before until today only further pushed the fact that this girl wasn't just a normal student. "Just who are you really," Izuku asked himself as the alarm for the end of the game sounded.

Now in CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.4

"Let's see who the top four teams are right now!" Present Mic shouted once the alarm had stopped. "In first place, to no one's surprise, Team Midoriya!". Uraraka and Mei let out triumphant cries. Uraraka was pumping her fist into the air while Mei was talking excitedly to herself. Izuku hung his head back and let out a sigh of relief. He chuckled to himself as he let himself soak in the fact that his team came in first. "I hope Tohru saw that," Izuku said to himself as he returned his attention to the earth.

"In second place is Todoroki's team! Third, Team Bakugo, and last but not least, Team Tetsu...Wait a minute! I must have had this wrong," Present Mic exclaimed. Izuku's head snapped up to where the points for each team were displayed. "Sorry about that, folks! In fourth place, we have Team Shiso?!". "Shinso? Where have I heard that name before?" Izuku muttered to himself. Uraraka looked at Izuku worriedly; this was something that Mei noticed. "Why the long face Uraraka-san! We have won first place! Obviously with the help from my babies, but still, why do you look unhappy?" The pink-haired girl asked.

"It's just that...The day we were told of the Sports Festival, practically all of the first-year classes showed up at the door to our classroom. I don't really remember exactly what happened, but I do remember that the guy whose team got fourth place said something to Deku, and he snapped. If it weren't for Tohru and Kirishima, I don't know what would have happened. It was kind of scary. It was almost like he was acting like a feral animal or something," Uraraka explained.

Ilulu stood away from the two teens. She heard every single little thing that the bubbly human had said. "This is perfect! If that green-haired, filth-filled human has what I think he does, then my spell will bring out the worst parts of it. Then Tohru will finally see how awful humans are and come back home!" Ilulu couldn't help the sickly sweet smile that spread across her face. She turned around and put on a face before walking towards Izuku. All the students had begun to filter out of the stadium so that the field could be cleared and the final stage be set up.

"Alright, folks! The kids are gonna take an hour-long lunch break! Use this time to stretch your legs and get something for yourselves!" After Present Mic's announcement, most of the spectators filter out of their seats and into the inner workings of the stadium to the various food stalls that were open. The students walked back into the tunnels that they came out of. "Man! I really just wanted t measure up to Midoriya," Sato said as they walked. "Men. Always comparing their..." Before Momo could finish, Urarak interrupted her, "Hey, wait. Where's Midoriya?" She asked, looking around for the green-haired teen, "Deku! Where are you?!" She called out.

In the tunnel not that far from them, Ilulu had Izuku trapped up against the wall with her large claws. Izuku tried activating Full Cowl to his max and budging out of her grip, but nothing worked. Every time he struggled, the girl just tightened her grip on him. "You can't escape, human!" Ilulu spat. Izuku grunted as Ilulu tightened her grip on him. Izuku then shot a glare right at the dragon girl. "Why are you doing this?! Are you with the League of Villains?!" Izuku demanded.

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