CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.6

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Previously in CHAPTER NUMBER: CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: The U.A. Sports Festival PT.5

Uraraka stood up from the table and began to walk over to the door of the room they were in. "That's why. Thanks, but no thanks! Everyone here is fighting for the number one spot, so we're basically rivals." Uraraka stopped at the door. She held her hand on the knob before looking back at Izuku and Ida with a thumbs up. "I'll see you in the finals," Uraraka finished with a confinate smirk. Both Ida and Izuku stood, staring at the door that Uraraka had just walked through. They eventually left the room and made their way back to their seats, where Present Mic announced the next match. "For the last matchup of the first round. A celebrity since his middle school days, with a face only a mother could love...It's Katsuki Bakugo of the Hero course! Versus my personal pick! Ochaco Uraraka, also of the Hero Course!"


There was ideal chatter around them as Bakugo and Uraraka made their way to the center of the arena. Izuku was leaning forward in his seat with his chin resting on his folded hands, observing the upcoming battle. "How were you going to help Uraraka earlier?" Ida said suddenly. "Hm?" Izuku hummed. "You said earlier that you were going to help Uraraka out with her fight against Bakugo. I was just curious what it was you going to do?" Ida clarified.

"Oh, that." Izuku leaned back against the back of his chair as he looked up into the sky. "Ever since school started, I kept an eye on how strong Kacchan was getting. I wrote in a small notebook different strategies on how to take him down," Izuku said, pulling out a small, pocket-sized notebook, and shaking it a bit. "Kacchan is strong. He's got practically zero weaknesses in close-quarters combat. His Quirk is stronger the more mobile he gets. He can maneuver in midair, but if she can just touch him and get him floating, she'll gain an advantage over him."

Ida gripped his chin in thought. It was a well-thought-out analysis of Bakugo. He just hoped that Uraraka was just as good at analyzing her opponents. "Hey, Ida." The mentioned teen turned his head towards Izuku, "Don't worry about Uraraka. I've got a feeling that we'll be in for a pleasant surprise." Ida couldn't help but smile at his friend and his words. "Alright, Midoriya, I'll trust your words," Ida said, returning his attention back to the arena just as the match started.


Uraraka began the fight by charging head-first towards Bakugo. Bakugo was waiting for her, not even attempting to move anywhere as his opponent got closer and closer to him. When she was just within arms reach of him, he threw his right arm forward and let loose an explosion right in Uraraka's face. "No good!" Uraraka exclaimed to herself, "I knew it was coming, but I couldn't react!" There was a massive smokescreen in front of Bakugo, left behind by his explosion. "Now Die," Bakugo grumbled.

He spotted something on the ground right in front of him. Reacting, his hand zeroed in on the object. "Don't underest-" He had placed his hand on the object, only to press against stone instead of flesh. Uraraka appeared out of the smokescreen just behind Bakugo, closer than she was before. "Just gotta make him float now!" Uraraka reached both her hands out. Bakugo reacted as soon as she saw spotted her out of the corner of his eye. He swept his right hand back, and her flying backward with an explosion.

Up in the stands, some of CLass 1-A were commenting on the fight as it went on. "He reacted after spotting her!" Sero, the tape user, said, impressed. "Smokescreens won't work against reaction time like that! Her Quirk doesn't work if she can't touch him. And it wouldn't matter in the end because she's slower than him." Kaminari commented. Back down in the arena, Bakugo swiped at the smoke before him, making sure that he kept an eye on Uraraka.

As he did so, Uraraka pushed off the ground and charged right back at him. "Round cheeks really waste no time. She's charging in again," A ghost of a smirk appeared on Bakugo's face as she neared him. "Too slow!" He shouted as he swiped his left hand upwards. Urarka rolled back, nearly rolling out of the ring, before charging back in towards Bakugo. Each time she charged in, Bakugo kept sending her back. The process kept repeating over and over again. Each time, Uraraka looked more and more burned and exhausted. But despite all that, she still pushed through and kept going forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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