CHAPTER TWO: You Can Be A Hero

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Tohru hummed happily as she walked along beside Izuku, her green dragon tail happily swaying as she walked. She bobbed her head side to side along with the tune of her humming. She was humming happily before a question popped into her head. "Master Izuku?" Tohru spoke, earning a hum in response from Izuku, "What's a Villian?". Tohru stopped her humming and looked at Izuku as she waited for his response. "A Villian is someone who uses their quirk illegally to harm and rob others," Izuku explained.

"But who fights these villains?" Tohru asked. Tohru saw Izuku gain a shin in his eyes. "Heros are people who use their quirks to save others. Heros are selfless and put others before themselves and protect the people from villains," Izuku explained happily. Tohru smiled at Izuku as he spoke about Heros. "You really want to become a hero, don't you, Master Izuku," Tohru asked. Izuku looked up at Tohru with his eyes closed and a wide and bright smile. "Yes! More than anything!" Izuku said happily.

"Well, if Heros use their powers to save others, then what's yours?" Tohru questioned with a tilt of her head. Izuku's smile faltered slightly as he looked at the ground. "I...I was born Quirkless," Izuku whispered with a saddened tone. Tohru immediately regretted asking Izuku the question. "I'm so sorry if I overstepped anything!" Tohru apologized. "It's fine Tohru, You didn't do anything wrong," Izuku said before he looked up at Tohru with a determined look on his face, "I still plan on becoming Hero. I'll become the first Quirkless Hero to ever exists."

"But isn't that dangerous?" Tohru questioned with a voice and look full of concern. "It is...but I want to prove that even people born without powers can make a difference in this world," Izuku said with that same determined tone in his voice. Tohru stared and Izuku with an awe-inspired gaze. Izuku sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "At least, that's what I want to do," Izuku admitted sheepishly. "I believe you, Master Izuku! I know you can do it!" Tohru exclaimed.

Izuku had a light blush creep across his face as he felt a warm tingle sensation throughout his body. "Y-you do?" Izuku stammered. "I believe you because I love you, Master Izuku!" Tohru exclaimed as she entangled Izuku in a hug. Izuku slowly but surely brought his arms around Tohru and hugged her back. As Tohru held the hug, she took in Izuku's scent and let out a sigh of content. "He smells so good," Tohru said to herself. A firey explosion not far from them interrupted the moment.

Izuku and Tohru's heads whipped towards the direction where the noise came from. Tohru picked Izuku bridal style and ran towards the location of the explosion in a burst of speed. The two arrived seconds later and saw a crowd had already gathered around what was happening. From where Izuku and Tohru were at in the back of the crowd, they could see the surrounding buildings were on fire. As Tohru looked at the building, Izuku snuck off through the crowd and made his way to the front of the crowd.

When Izuku got to the front of the crowd, he saw the same Slime Villian that Tohru had faced off against earlier. But this time, it had a hostage and was using his quirk recklessly. Izuku looked around and saw that none of the Heros that were there were doing anything except for the Hero Backdraft, who was using his quirk to put out as much fire as he could. "Why aren't the other Heros doing anything!" Izuku exclaimed inside of his mind.

Izuku looked back towards the slime villain to see if he could catch a glimpse of his hostage. But when he saw the familiar Ash-blond hair and red eyes, he knew exactly who it was. "Kacchan!" Izuku thought. Izuku was frozen to his spot, not knowing what to do. When Izuku saw Bakugo look towards him, he saw the fear and pleading in Bakugo's eyes. Izuku shook his head vigorously before charging forward. He ducked under the barriers that held the crowd back and rushed forward, ignoring the call from the Heros to come back.

Just before Izuku had run off, Tohru looked up at the flames on and inside the buildings. She was so distracted that the only reason why she was brought back to reality was that she heard people shouting. She looked to where Izuku should have been and saw an empty space. Tohru felt her heart stop and began to look around frantically for Izuku. She looked towards where everyone else was looking and spotted the same slime she had fought earlier. The only difference now was that he had a hostage, and someone was charging him. Tohru widened her eyes when she realized that the person charging the slime was her Izuku. "Izuku!" Tohru cried out in fear. She ran forward and shoved people out of her way to try and reach Izuku.

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