CHAPTER ELEVEN: This Is Only the Beginning

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Previously in CHAPTER TEN: Spectation, Harmony, and Chaos...

"Well, all of that doesn't matter now. You're here now, and you can repair your friendship with Tohru. It may take a while, but if you put effort into it, then it will happen," Izuku said with a comforting tone, giving Elma hope that what he said was true.

Now in CHAPTER ELEVEN: This Is Only the Beginning

When Tohru returned later that night and found Elma sitting at the dinner table, she was displeased. And much less happy to find out that Elma also didn't have a place to stay. She couldn't make herself mad with Izuku, though when he showed the closed eye smile that made her heart flutter each time she saw it. Later that night, the pair were getting ready for bed. Izuku was brushing his teeth while Tohru brushed her wet hair. Izuku was nervous around Tohru now because the first moment they were alone, she pressed her cleavage against his body more aggressively than before.

He shrugged that off but what made him cement his nervousness around her again was when she tried to get him to shower with her. Overall, she was trying to be even more erotic than ever. "Why is she acting like this?" Izuku thought as he brushed his teeth, "Is it because there are more female dragons in this apartment now? That's a high possibility considering that Tohru is somewhat of jealous type". Izuku spat out into the sink and whipped off the edges of his mouth with a nearby towel.

He walked out of the bathroom without a single word and headed towards his bedroom. Once he was in his bedroom, he jumped underneath the covers and laid his head on the soft pillows. He didn't fall asleep instantly, though. He laid awake in his bed while staring up at his ceiling, several thoughts running through his head at once. He laid like that for no longer than five minutes when the weight shifted the bed down to his left. The covers were moved over another body before they settled down.

Izuku felt a pair of arms snake their way around his body before they hugged him close to their own body, pressing their chest against his arm. Izuku felt his entire body stiffen and his face heat up when he felt the bare skin of Tohru's bosom touch his arm. It wasn't different from anything she had done before, but she was more aggressive in hugging herself close to Izuku that if she moved more towards Izuku, she would fall on top of him.

Izuku slowly moved his head to look at Tohru and saw her peacefully sleeping, a content look on her face. Izuku couldn't help but smile at Tohru as he heard her quietly snoring. He settled himself into a better position and tentatively wrapped an arm around Tohru before he finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The following day was an exciting endeavor. Izuku sat in his usual spot while Tohru made everyone Breakfast. While she was making Breakfast, she was sending glares towards Lucoa and especially Elma. Lucoa sat down in her seat with a smile on her face as if she couldn't feel the glare. Elma, on the other hand, was squirming nervously in her chair. When Tohru finished preparing Breakfast, she served some of Kanna before placing the rest of it on the table. Before she sat down, she leaned down towards Izuku and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Breakfast was quiet, and the air around the table was tense. Tohru had scooted her chair closer to Izuku and occasionally sent glares towards Lucoa and Elma as she ate. When they finished their food, it was time for Izuku and Tohru to head to school. Izuku grabbed his backpack and opened the door for Tohru while Lucoa and Elma stood near the door. "Can one of you take Kanna to school please, she should know where to go, but I'd feel better if someone went with her," Izuku asked both Lucoa and Elma while Kanna stood in between them.

"I'll be happy to take Kanna to school, Izuku baby," Lucoa said with a smile. Izuku felt his cheeks heat slightly from Lucoa's nickname for him. "I'll go along as well. To make sure that nothing bad happens," Elma stated with her head in the air. Izuku smiled thankfully at both of the Dragon Girls. "Thank you," Izuku said, thanking the two before kneeling to Kanna's level. He held his arms out for her, and she ran into them. He hugged her tightly before tenderly kissing her on her forehead.

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