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Previously in CHAPTER TWELVE: Villain's Assualt at the U.S.J.

"Thirteen!! Protect the Students!" Aizawa shouted. "What the heck's that?! More battle robots? Like during the entrance exam?" Kirishima asked curiously. "Don't move. Those are Villians!".


"Thirteen!! Protect the Students!" Aizawa shouted. "What the heck's that?! More battle robots? Like during the entrance exam?" Kirishima asked curiously. "Don't move. Those are Villians!". Aizawa shouted as he moved his goggles up to cover his eyes. Tohru was even more revolted when she saw the entire body of the Villain with the hand on his face. He not only had a hand covering his face, but he had hands all over his body. The swirling dark-purple portal had formed a head, with the only visible thing at that second was two glowing yellow eyes. "Thirteen...and Eraser Head, is it?" The mist questioned, "According to the staff schedule I received the other day, All Might is supposed to be here."

"Where is he...?" The Hand-covered Villian questioned with a scratchy voice, "We've come all this way. And Brought so many playmates...All Might...The Symbol of Peace...Is he here...? I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here?". The Hand-Covered Villain had said that so casually that it sent chills up Tohru's spine. She was a dragon who had, admittingly, killed some humaNs back in her world, but that was during a war, and she was only defending herself from the attacks of humans. She made threats to the humans, but her voice was always filled with anger it hatred. She never sounded so casual when making a threat to kill someone.

"Villians?! No Way!" Sero exclaimed incredulously. "What Villians would be dumb enough to sneak into a school for Heroes?" Kirishima questioned. "Sensei. Aren't there intruder sensors?" Yaoyorozu asked. "Yes, of course, there are!" Thirteen replied. "Are they only here, or also at the main building...? Either way, if the sensors aren't working, it has to be one of their Quirks that's doing it," Todoroki stated. "From what I can remember, this pace is far from the school. They even picked a time when there would be few people here," Tohru pointed out. "So maybe they're not as dumb as they seem. They must have an objective. Because this is a well-coordinated sneak attack," Izuku said.

"Thirteen! Begin evacuation! And try calling the school! One of these Villians must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of their electric types is causing the interference. Kaminari. Try using your Quirk to signal for help," Aizawa said, taking a step forward and letting his capture gear unravel and float slightly. "But Sensei, you can't fight them all alone!" Izuku exclaimed. "Izuku's right, sir, trust me!" Tohru said, backing Izuku up.

"Against that many...Even you can't nullify all their Quirks! As Eraser Head, your fighting style involves erasure and a quick binding capture. Head-on battle isn't..." Izuku was cut off by Aizawa. "No good Hero is a one-trick pony" Aizawa turned his attention back towards the Villians, "Thirteen! Take care of them". As soon as he stopped talking, Aizawa leaped down the stairs with his capture scarf unraveled and ready.

"Ranged Squad. Let's move," A Villian with finger guns shouted to the other VIllian's with ranged quirks. "Our intel said it was just supposed to be Thirteen and All Might! So Who's this?!" A Villian with snakes on her head questioned. Dunno! But he's coming at us all alone," A Villian with a strangely shaped head and horns said. "A dead fool, then!" The Finger Gun Villian shouted. The Villian tried firing his Quirk and was confused when it didn't activate. "Huh? I can't shoot," The Villian said with confusion.

Aizawa wrapped his capture scarf around the Figner gun and Horned Villian, and once he landed, yanked on his capture gear. That resulted in the two Villians crashing their heads together, knocking them out. "You dumbasses! He can cancel out your Quirks just by looking at ya. That's Eraser Head!!" Another Villian shouted. A bulky, masked Villian stepped up. He had four arms that looked to be composed entirely of rocks. "He cancels quirks?! Heh heh heh. Let's see if that trick works against us Mutant-type quirks!" The villain exclaiemd.

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