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Hi everyone! Unfortunately, this isn't an update for a chapter like some of you might be hoping, but rather an update in my life and the future of this book.

Since it's been a little while since I updated this book, I'm considering not continuing this book. I'll also be off to college in literally two weeks, and my major requires most of my focus and attention, so I would have even less time to write.

However, that doesn't mean I'll stop writing for good! I might start new stories with My Hero Academia or other shows that have been in my interest lately, but this book in particular might not be a priority.

I'm so super thankful to everyone who has read and supported this book from the beginning! It's crazy to think that I started this book when I was a diehard BTS fangirl my freshman year of high school and now I'm going to be in college!

Also, I've been in a good relationship for almost three years now and I couldn't be happier! I'm so excited to spend more of my life with her!

Also, I've been in a good relationship for almost three years now and I couldn't be happier! I'm so excited to spend more of my life with her!

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(Me lol)

(Me and her lol)

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(Me and her lol)

Also, if you're interested in my art from previous chapters and want to see my more and my improvement, follow me on Instagram! @annie_k69

Again, thank you to everyone who has supported this book! Love you all! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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