I'm sorry

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Jin pov 

Beep beep beep.

I slowly open my tired eyes when I start to hear rapid beeps from somewhere near me. I look around and realize I'm in a hospital. I look around the blank white room and try to remember what happened, my eyes dart to my arms, which are all bandaged up thickly. I try to sit up but don't have the strength to. I feel something warm near my body so I look over and see Namjoon bending over me, my face inches away from his.

"Ughhh. Joonie what happened?" I say groggily, my voice still tired from sleep. He plants a firm kiss on my lips before answering, making my spine quiver.

His voice is barely a whisper when he looks deep into my eyes and says," Jinnie, you tried t-to kill yourself."

2 days prior

I walk into math class feeling a pair of eyes burn into my back as I sit in front of my boyfriend and best friend, Kim Namjoon. I turned and stretched my arms, making sure to stretch enough so that he could glimpse my milky white skin that was exposed under my sweater. I heard him whisper to himself as I asked to be excused to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom stall and let out a gasp as I felt strong hands pin me against the wall and felt soft lips graze my ear.

"Naughty naughty baby boy. Don't you know not to tease daddy in class?"

I froze where I stood. This person wasn't Namjoon. I recognized his ugly voice. The persons lips started to graze down my neck and started kissing it roughly.

"Ugh, no Chanyeon stop. What the hell are you doing?!" I cried out, but he stuffed something in my mouth so no one would hear me scream. He pushed me hard against the wall if the stall and started removing my sweater while pinning my arms above my head so I couldn't stop him. I felt him press against me and remove his belt. He struck me across my bare back with it making scream in pain, but no one heard me. He tied his belt around my wrists and started slowly removing mine.

I begged him to stop as he removed my black skinny jeans, revealing pink lacy panties I wore to please Namjoon . He growled in my ear again," what a good boy, wearing these to please daddy." I shook my head violently, tears falling down my face and onto the floor. He pulled my panties down to my ankles and started grinding his hard member against my entrance.

When Chanyeon did this, all I could feel was sickness and disgust as this unfamiliar man played with me as if I were his. I yelped in pain as he nipped my neck over an area where Namjoon had already marked me and felt foul, hot breath over my neck, making me shiver uncomfortably.

He slammed his member into me, hard. Without warning he started thrusting at full speed, as if he were being rushed and couldn't get enough. I screamed and screamed, even though it was useless as my gag was preventing anyone from hearing me. He tightened his grip around my wide shoulders, making sure he left bruises so I would know forever what he did to me.

I wanted him to stop, and after many more pain induced thrusts, he came deep inside of me. I wanted to throw up knowing that this disgusting human being mocked the person I loved by taking advantage of me.

He undid his belt from around my wrists and pulled his pants back up, spitting on me and telling me to clean myself up. He laughed to himself as he left the stall and snorted the word slut, and left me crying on the floor with no comprehension of what had just happened.

After I pulled my clothes back on and stumbled out of the bathroom, I walked aimlessly passed my classroom and towards the large double doors that led outside. It was pouring rain and I felt myself get soaked as soon as I stepped outside. I made my way off school grounds and kind of tripped/walked to my house. I unlocked the door and ran to my room, collapsing on my bed and started sobbing all over again. I heard my phone ringing and pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen.

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