Joonie's Baby

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KimSeokjinnie Anyone wanna have some fun? I'm bored~

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KimSeokjinnie Anyone wanna have some fun? I'm bored~

GodOfDestruction, AgustDUpYourAss, JiminiePabo, Jungshookie, JDope, CupOfTae, and 35 others liked your post.

GodOfDestruction sent you a message!



Hey, I saw your post earlier.
You look so hot in that crop top baby ;)

Um, thank you?
Why are you calling me baby though?


Why not? You're absolute baby material.
And maybe I want you to be my baby.
What do you say Jinnie? 😏


How do you know my name???😐


Come over to my place and you'll find out baby.
I'll send you my address.
See you there Jinnie, and maybe we'll have some fun 😉

Seokjin stared at his phone screen as a deep cherry blush snuck into his chubby cheeks. This was not the outcome he expected from posting that photo. I mean, yeah, it looked like a snippet from a gay porno, but he didn't think anyone would actually have the balls to say anything. And now he was invited to some random persons house.

"Well, what's the worst that can happen? If I'm being catfished then I'll just kick him in the dick and run." Seokjin said confidently getting up off his bed to change into some decent clothes.

Walking out of his house with a pastel pink sweater, black skinny jeans that hugged his ass just right, and white converse, Seokjin made his way down the lonely sidewalk to the mysterious address.

Finally getting to his destination, Seokjin hesitantly knocked on the door despite the confidence he had shown earlier when he had received the messages. He gulped nervously when the door created open to reveal a tall, rather handsome figure in the doorway.

"Geez Jinnie, it took you long enough." The figure spoke with a slightly smug tone of voice.

"Joonie! God, I thought I was being catfished or something! I've missed you so much. " Seokjin mumbled the last part as he wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist.

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