Sweet Relief

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Jin struggled to get comfortable on his large bed he shared with Namjoon as he waited for his darling husband to come home. It was a struggle for Jin as he was currently 5 months pregnant with a baby boy. He sighed and rubbed his large belly. 

"I wish you were here already mochi. That way eomma could finally get comfortable and sleep. And I would really like to meet you. I can't wait another second." He laughed softly. Deciding that sleep would not be coming anytime soon, Jin sat against the headboard and waited patiently for his love to come home.

About half an hour later, Jin heard the door open. He got himself out of bed and went to greet Namjoon downstairs.

Namjoon closed the door behind him slipping off his shoes and turning to see his pregnant husband speed waddling towards him. He greeted the older with open arms, which were soon filled by Jin. "Jinnie, you know you have be careful when you're rushing somewhere. You don't wanna trip and fall right on your stomach. Speaking of which, how was our little mochi while I was gone? Has he kicked yet?" Namjoon cooed sweetly at Jin. He kissed the shorter male's forehead softly while his hands traveled downward to rest themselves on Jin's belly. He rubbed it gently, hoping to feel something, but there was nothing.

Jin blushed at the action. "No, not yet. It's a shame too, I really wanna feel him kick." He looked up at Namjoon and pouted cutely, earning a wide smile from the younger.

"He'll kick soon enough baby, I wouldn't worry too much." Namjoon pet the pouting older's hair then leaned forward to peck his lips. "For now, how about we watch a nice movie and cuddle under the covers, hmm? I bought you some noodles at the store so you can eat those while we watch it. That sound good baby?"

The pout on Jin's plump lips quickly turned to a large smile at Namjoon's words. "That sounds perfect Namjoonie. But I'm cooking the noodles." He pressed a finger to Namjoon's lips as he opened his mouth to protest. "Yes, I know I'm pregnant and shouldn't be over working myself, but I prefer to know the kitchen won't be in utter chaos from cooking noodles. Please and thank you for your cooperation Kim Namjoon. It's always appreciated." He giggled and pinched Namjoon's cheeks lightly.

"Okay, but let me know if you get tired or need to lay down for a bit baby. Then you'll let me take over." The younger said back. He took Jin's hand and walked to the kitchen.

The couple laid in their warm, large bed as they put on a movie to watch. Jin was laying with his back against Namjoon's chest, the youngers hands resting on top of Jin's stomach. Jin was happily eating his noodles while he watched, giggling a bit to himself every once in a while when Namjoon ran his fingers lightly across his bump because Namjoon knew how much Jin enjoyed it. Jin turned to look at Namjoon, whose head was resting on Jin's broad shoulder.

"Joonie do you want a bite?" Jin asked cutely as he held up the bowl of noodles slightly.

Namjoon nodded and leaned forward to slurp up the hot noodles Jin held in front of him. He smiled brightly as his cheeks became swollen with food. Jin squeaked at the adorable sight. "So cute Namjoonie~ I hope our mochi has your dimples. I'd be so happy if he did." Said Jin as he poked Namjoon's deep dimple.

Namjoon swallowed his mouthful of noodles and laughed at the pregnant older. "I'm sure he will baby. It'd be even better if he had your beautiful face. And your windshield laugh." Namjoon chuckled a bit at the thought while rubbing Jin's bump lightly. "Imagine that: a baby that sounds like a windshield being cleaned. Such an adorable thing."

Jin nodded in agreement. "Oh my god that would be the best thing ever Joonie. I can't wait until our mochi is born. I almost don't want to wait four more months." He sighed softly as he placed his hands on top of Namjoon's.

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