Will you be my Daddy? Pt. 1

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Seokjin was woken up suddenly by someone violently shaking him. He hesitantly opened his eyes only to see his "father" glaring at him with cold eyes and telling him harshly to get up for school.

"Get your ass up you absolute disgrace of a person." His father growled gripping the younger boy's arm, dragging the helpless male out of the safety of his bed and dropping him on the hard wood floor.

Seokjin whimpered and hugged his alpaca stuffy, RJ, close to his chest as his body came in contact with the floor. " 'M sowwy daddy. Jinnie is sowwy." The boy said in a childish voice.

Kim Seokjin was a little, and his father despised him for it.

"I said get your ass up you little bitch!" Seokjin's father grabbed the poor little by his hair, forcing him to stand up. "Listen to me when I speak to you or else you know what happens!" The wretched man's eyes were bloodshot, and his breath reeked of alcohol due to his obsessive drinking that occurred every single evening.

Seokjin felt himself be pushed onto his bed, his father looming over him placing both hands on his son's thighs.

"Daddy no! No pwease! Jinnie will listen! Jinnie pwomise!" Seokjin begged as tears began forming and threatening to fall at any moment.

Seokjin's father scoffed before punching Seokjin in his face then getting off the bed. "You queer son a bitch. I wish you'd never been born!" He shouted then stormed out the boy's room.

Objects were being thrown around Seokjin's pale pink room as the little began throwing a temper tantrum. "I hate little Jinnie! Little Jinnie stinks and I hate him!" He repeated banging his fists on the floor.

"Why can't Jinnie have a daddy who loves him?"


After the events of the rather stressful morning, Seokjin was now in big space and sitting in the back of his English classroom next to his boyfriend Kim Namjoon.

Seokjin loved Namjoon very, very much. And Namjoon loved Seokjin very, very much. However, the older had not yet told his boyfriend about the life he lived at home and the fact that he was a little.

"Baby, what happened to your eye? It looks swollen." Namjoon whispered reaching out to gingerly touch the swelling skin around Seokjin's eye.

"Don't t-touch it! I walked into a wall this morning. It's not a big deal." Seokjin snapped slapping Namjoon's hand away.

Namjoon frowned. "Woah, what's your problem today? I'm just trying to ask what's wrong. I'm so sorry that I care about my boyfriend." The words came out harsher than they were supposed too, but Seokjin didn't know that.

"It's just...complicated, okay? I don't want to put any weight on your shoulders. I had a rough morning, that's all." Seokjin replied lamely looking down at his desk.

"A rough morning? That's all you're gonna tell me? God, do you not trust me or anything? I've told you every single detail about my life and not once have I received a breadcrumb from the big loaf of bread that is Kim Seokjin's life. I'm sick of it. It makes me think you don't care about our relationship. If that's the case, then fine. I hope you're happy wallowing in your own self pity that you can't even tell your boyfriend the fucking truth." Namjoon gathered his things and stood up, walking over to a vacant desk in the front of the room.

Seokjin was beyond stunned. That's not what he wanted. Not at all. It wasn't his fault he had been convinced his whole life no one would accept him for who he truly was, that he was afraid of his own dark truth.

Namjoon had completely misinterpreted his reasoning, and it may have just cost them their relationship.


"What the fuck did you do to him?" An enraged Min Yoongi stomped up to Namjoon, giving the taller male the worst death glare he had ever received.

"Who? Jinnie? I didn't do anything. I'm not the one who's untrustworthy of his boyfriend and keeps everything to himself instead of actually communicating and caring about the relationship." Namjoon retorted glaring back at Yoongi.

If Yoongi wasn't mad before, he sure was now.

The older kicked Namjoon hard in the shins. "You idiot! Do you realize how fucking selfish you sound right now!? Have you ever thought to yourself, 'What if there's a reason he hasn't told me anything? I should talk to him about it and find out before I rush to conclusions like a selfish bastard?!' No? I'm not surprised. He cares Namjoon. A whole fucking lot, and you just had to let your precious ego get in way!" Yoongi shouted, the blood rushing to his cheeks from how angry he became.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was in shock at what Yoongi had said. He hadn't thought about why his boyfriend never told him anything. He just assumed that it was because he never truly cared.

"I...I...never thought of it that way. God, I am a selfish bastard! Where's Jinnie? I have to go find him!" Namjoon worriedly said, frantically looking around the hallways.

Fortunately, he didn't have to look for long. "Tough luck. He already went home. Guess you should've realized you were a dick sooner." Yoongi said with a harsh tone before taking a deep breath to calm himself. "Look, just go to his house, talk to him, and apologize. Then maybe I'll consider not beating you to a pulp."

Namjoon smiled slightly before grabbing the rest of his things from his locker and sprinting out of the school building.

It was only a few minutes later when Namjoon had reached the small, but cute house that Seokjin lived in. The younger had never been inside, but had walked his boyfriend home from school plenty of times.

While reciting what to say to the heartbroken older, Namjoon walked up the small patio stairs that led to the front door. He took a breath before hesitantly knocking on the door, patiently waiting for someone to answer.

The sight he was greeted with was not what he had expected.

Seokjin stood in the doorway with a light blue onesie, clutching an alpaca stuffy, and a paci hanging from his mouth.


Oh my Lord, it's been forever since I updated! Mainly because I haven't had much inspiration or motivation for stories. (Someone give me ideas pls :')) Anyway, I really wanted to do a one shot about Little Jin since he is honestly so precious and I recently read a lot of stories about Little Jin and felt like I absolutely needed to.

Part two will be released soon!


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