Please Don't Go

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Namjoon walked into the dimly lit room of his bedroom to his beautiful, perfect, and heartthrob of a fiance, Seokjin.

Except...Seokjin wasn't there.

"Jinnie? Are you here baby?" Namjoon called out through the house, hoping his voice would be answered. However, there was no response. 'This is the third time this week. He's never been gone for this long.' Namjoon thought sadly to himself.

Namjoon's fiance had been leaving the house for sometimes hours at a time and not return until the middle of the night. On these nights, no calls or texts would be returned for Seokjin most likely felt no need to explain himself.

It was now three a.m., and Namjoon had just gotten back from working the late shift at a music studio he produced at. Seokjin had been out this late before, he always came back at midnight if not a little later. Never this late.

The only reason Namjoon knew was because he would often be done with his shift, getting home, eating, showering, and numerous other nighttime things at midnight when he heard Seokjin enter the house. But this time, the rappers fiance was nowhere to be seen.

'What could he possibly be doing? And this soon before the wedding? He's not cheating on me. He wouldn't...right?" Running a hand through his hair, Namjoon plopped himself onto the king size bed, rubbing his face with his palms.

Soon after, Namjoon fell asleep just wondering where his baby was and if he was even going to be home that night.


Seokjin entered the room only to find Namjoon passed out on the bed. He smiled lovingly at how cute the younger looked with ruffled hair, chubby cheeks, and slight snores coming out of his open mouth. He climbed in next to the built figure and pet his hair careful not to wake him. "Hey Joonie. I'm sorry I came home so late. I won't be doing that soon. Your surprise is almost ready. Just a few more touches and I'll be done. I love you so much." He whispered kissing Namjoon's temple then snuggling into the warm, toned surface of his chest.

The next morning Namjoon awoke to his arms wrapped around a certain someone, and a sweet scent in his nostrils. No matter how annoyed Namjoon could get with his fiance, the older had a spell on him. His scent, his face, his voice, everything made Namjoon calm down and forget about his bad thoughts. It got annoying sometimes.

Namjoon leaned forward and pressed light kisses to Seokjin's exposed neck. "Babe, wake up. I wanna spend time with you. It's my day off." He whined placing his hand on Seokjin's lower back.

"Can't. I have to go over to Lisa's house today. Sorry Joonie. Maybe tomorrow. You don't go in till late tomorrow." Seokjin slurred starting to open his eyes.

The younger sighed in frustration. "Lisa's again? What do you do over there that's more important than spending time with me?"

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." Seokjin mumbled lamely avoiding eye contact.

"Bullshit. You are perfectly capable of telling me, you just don't want to." Growled Namjoon. "Are cheating on me? Is that it?"

Seokjin sat up along with Namjoon and frowned at him. "How could you think that? What do I look like to you? I love you! If I didn't I wouldn't have agreed to marry you for God's sake!"

"So what is it then? If you're not cheating, then prove it. Tell me what the truth is then. Or can you not tell me? If you loved me then you wouldn't be afraid to tell me the truth!" Namjoon yelled glaring at his fiance, who looked at him with a scared look in his brown eyes.

"Joonie, you're hurting me!" Seokjin whimpered when he felt Namjoon's large hand wrap itself painfully tight around his wrist.

It was then that Namjoon noticed his hand around Seokjin's wrist. He had become so angry for not receiving a straight answer that he had begun to see red. He carefully unwrapped his long fingers from Seokjin's arm, seeing that he had left behind the beginning of a purple bruise. "Jinnie...I-I'm sorry. I didn't...didn't mean to." He whispered, reaching a hand up to caress the older male's cheek, only for the latter to back away from him.

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