Will you be my Daddy? Pt. 2

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"Aghhh!! I hate you shooo much Joonie!" Little Seokjin screamed as he clenched his fist tightly and glared menacingly at the younger.

"Jinnie, I'm sorry! It wasn't my fault!" Namjoon said back at the older with a raised voice before quickly cupping Seokjin's cheeks and pressing his lips against the little's forehead to calm him down. Thankfully, it worked.

Seokjin softened his gaze upon receiving the tender kiss. Whimpers began to be heard as Seokjin closed his eyes, leaning forward to press himself into the warm embrace of Namjoon's toned chest, the only place he truly felt safe in.

"Jinnie almost won. Then meanie Joonie hadda be a big meanie and thwow the bwue shell at me." Cried the little who had previously been in tantrum mode as a result of Namjoon carelessly beating him in Mario Kart, whom had no way of predicting the sudden tantrum.

Namjoon ran his fingers gently through Seokjin's fluffy black locks, one of the things that helped whenever Seokjin cried. "Shhh, I know. I'm sorry baby. Joonie didn't mean to hurt your feelings." The younger murmured with a calm, soothing voice, although he was still bewildered as to how this had happened.

Seokjin stood frozen in the doorway as he identified who was standing on his front porch. He hurriedly attempted to shut the door only to cause Namjoon to wedge his foot in before that could be done.

"Jinnie? Could you let me in baby? Please?" Namjoon asked the latter, who looked at him with large doe eyes.

"W-what if J-Joonie gets mad at Jinnie again? Jinnie don't want to be yelled at again." Seokjin held RJ close to his chest as he looked down at the ground, tears threatening to fall onto the ground beneath them.

Namjoon mentally slapped himself in the face. Was he the reason his boyfriend was in little space? And why he had neglected to tell him? He wouldn't know until he opened the door wider, witnessing a canvas of old beer cans, bottles, and cigarette butts strewn on the floor carelessly leading into what he guessed was the living room.

The swelling around Seokjin's eye this morning suddenly made sense, and Namjoon felt like an absolute dick for letting himself act so cruelly to Seokjin. His boyfriend was being beaten, and retreated to acting like a helpless child for salvation.

"Hey, listen to me baby." Namjoon stepped inside the house in front of the scared little, putting three fingers underneath his chin and lifting his head to face him. "I won't get mad at you again. I'm sorry I yelled this morning. I shouldn't haven't let my emotions get out of hand. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?"

Seokjin's eyes immediately lit up, a wide smile appearing on his face as if nothing had been wrong. "Jinnie wanna play! He wanna play Mario Kart with Joonie! Hurry, hurry before daddy gets home!" Seokjin then proceeded to grab Namjoon's arm, yanking him up the stairs into his quaint little bedroom.

When Seokjin squirmed around Namjoon's lap wanting to be released from the youngers tight grip around him, Namjoon suddenly snapped back to reality. "Where are you trying to go sweet cheeks?" Asked Namjoon.

"The bafroom. Jinnie gotta pee~!" Seokjin whined finally getting himself free and dashing into the bathroom down the hall, leaving Namjoon all alone in his room.

The younger looked around the pale pink room surrounding him. The room was so different than the rest of house, Namjoon could swear he was in a different dimension or something.

Out of the corner of his eye, Namjoon spotted a box poking out the closet, it's black exterior making it stand out from the rest of the pastel colors in the room. Slowly, he stood up, curiosity getting the best of him as he made his way over to the mysterious box. He squatted down in front of it, gripping the edges of the lid with his fingertips before sliding it off.

Inside the box, among some pacifiers and small stuffies, was a picture. Carefully holding the picture between his index finger and thumb, Namjoon admired it. The picture was of a heavily pregnant young woman, with a man beside her holding her close. The smiles and happiness on their faces were that of parents expecting their first child. Looking on the back, Namjoon noticed a little blurb had  been written in very neat handwriting. It read: 'Two more days before little Seokjin joins the world!'

"Joonie, what are you doing?" Namjoon cursed as he heard Seokjin's quiet voice behind him. 'Shit,he's big again.'

Namjoon stood up, still tightly gripping the picture in his hand as he faced Seokjin. "Jinnie, who is she?" He asked pointing to the pregnant woman in the picture.

Seokjin stared at her for a few moments before taking a deep, shaky breath. "That's my mother. Sh-she died giving birth to me...and that picture is my only connection to her. My father blames me for her death. Every single day he reminds me how I'm a cursed child. And how disappointed she'd be if she saw that her son wore onesies and slept with stuffed animals every night to make himself feel better. She'd probably hate me if she knew I was a little. And that's why I didn't tell you. I was afraid... you'd hate me too." Tears streamed down Seokjin's cheeks as he finished explaining, the older wrapping his arms around himself and avoiding eye contact with Namjoon.

Namjoon quickly engulfed Seokjin in his arms, letting the older sob into his shoulder as he rubbed his back. "Jinnie, I could never hate you sweetheart. If this is how you feel better every day, then fine. But you can't stay here any more. It's not safe. One day your father's beatings will get out of hand, and you could die. I don't want that to happen Jinnie. I don't want to lose my little baby." Namjoon pressed his lips against Seokjin's temple as he continues to hold the older.

"But where can I go? There's no one else to take care of me except for him. Littles can't be without caregivers. We can't really be by ourselves all the time in little space."

Namjoon looked Seokjin in the eyes, sincerity in every word as he spoke. "I'll take care of you. I've googled how to take care of littles. You can stay with me at my house too. I'll be your new daddy, if you want to call me that at least." The younger ended with a small chuckle, making Seokjin laugh as well.

"I'd like that very much. Thank you Joonie. I love you so much." Seokjin whispered, pressing his lips against Namjoon's for loving and meaningful kiss after Namjoon said 'I love you' back.

Afterwards, the two then went to Namjoon's house, where Namjoon could finally be the loving, nurturing, and caring daddy Seokjin wanted so badly.


Okay, so I'm going to start updating weekly on either Saturdays or Sundays, which gives me enough time to think of new ideas during the week, and also have time for my schoolwork.

Anywho, I really enjoyed writing this chapter, even if Little Jin's time seem short. I'll write a future chapter about him to make up for it :)


(Also, sorry if the ending seems bad >\\\<)

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