You're What?!

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Jin pov

I looked at the pregnancy test I held in my shaking hands. I looked closely at the result to make sure I'm not mistaken. The result was positive. I'm pregnant. With Namjoons child. I could scarcely contain my excitement but at the same time was riddled with fear and anxiety for Namjoon's reaction to the news. How was I going to tell him? I thought for a moment. Our anniversary is tomorrow so I'll tell him and everyone else then. I placed the test in the trash bin so Namjoon wouldn't find it and spoil the surprise. Speak of the devil, I heard the door close and I knew it was him because he yelled in pain which made me guess he closed his finger in the door...again...for the third time this week.

I ran downstairs and jumped into his arms when he stood at the bottom of the stairs with open arms and kissed all over his honey-colored face.

"Yore finally home oppa!" I smiled brightly and he leaned forward and connected his lips with mine, his as soft as cotton. He climbed up the stairs while keeping his lips in mine. He stumbled backwards a bit and I clinged into him tighter.

"You better not drop me Namjoonie or else I'll give Taehyung the file name for the next Cypher and tell him to feel free to add a part for himself." I mumbled into his shoulder. He chuckled softly and sighed heavily as he continued to carry me into the bedroom. He plopped us down at the edge of the bed with me still on his lap.

"You seem happy today hyung. You a have a glow. What happened?" He combed his fingers through my hair and placed his hand around my waist. I wanted to tell him so bad, but I held my tounge.

"It's a surprise silly. You'll find out at the anniversary party tomorrow." I pinched his nose as I spoke and he pouted but I wasn't going to cave in.

"Fine, you win. What do you want to do?" He asked lifting me off his lap and laying me on the bed as he changed out of his work clothes and into a black t-shirt and sweatpants and then collapsed next to me with a heavy sigh. I wanted to watch a movie and stuff my face with sweets since I was craving it, but we didn't have any and i didn't want Namjoon to leave since he was really warm so I just sucked it up and just told him to pick something and make popcorn real quick. 

He left to go downstairs and I took the opportunity to place my hands underneath my large sweater and rest them on my belly.

"Hi there, I'm your mother, Seokjin. Your father is a wonderful man named Namjoon." I cooed sweetly while gently rubbing my hands up and down my for now flat stomach,"I can't wait to meet you. My sweet little angel."

Namjoon came back into the room carrying a large bowl of popcorn and two glasses of water. He switched on the tv and picked a scary movie so he could have an excuse to cuddle next to me. But I wasn't complaining. He wrapped his hands around my slim waist and pulled me closer to him, placing several wet kisses on my neck and then resting his head on mine. 

Suddenly, I felt a wave of exhaustion hit me like a truck. I struggled to keep my eyes open but was failing miserably. The last thing I heard before passing out was,"Sleep well my pretty princess." And felt a kiss on my fluffy black hair.

The next morning I woke up underneath the covers and Namjoon was nowhere to be found. But a faint,"God fucking damn it, my fucking hand!" made me suspect he was attempting to cook breakfast for me for our anniversary. I appreciated the gesture, but preferred not having to worry about the kitchen being set on fire for the second time.

Stretching, I start to get out of bed when I feel a burning feeling in my throat. I rush to the bathroom and kneel over the toilet, emptying my stomach contents from yesterday. I thanked my lucky stars Namjoon was downstairs and didn't have witness me violently throwing up and sobbing due to my raging hormones. After I was done, I flushed the toilet and weakly stood up to brush my teeth. When I spat the last of the toothpaste out I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like I hadn't slept in days, and my face was flushed red. I splashed water on my face and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

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