Secrets Pt.2

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Namjoon couldn't begin to fathom what had just happened. One second he was happily waiting to eat breakfast with Seokjin, then the very next he was slapped in the face, being told he was hated by the person closest to him. It hurt him so bad. If he was this hurt, he couldn't even begin to imagine what Seokjin was feeling in that moment. 

"What have I done? How could I be so fucking stupid?" Namjoon whispered to himself, clutching onto his chest. All this time he was so afraid of people hating him for his dark secret, yet it seemed they ended up hating him anyway. 

Namjoon began to sob as he made his way up to his bedroom, the scent of Seokjin still lingering in the air. His heart ached as he envisioned the older in front of him, horrified by what he had said. The image of the older breaking down and crying in front of him was still fresh in his mind, it hurt more than the sting on his cheek. He pulled out his phone, dialing the first person that came into his mind and who had first hand experience with this type of thing. 

As the phone rang, Namjoon tried to gather up what he was going to say. How would he explain this when he himself didn't know how to explain it?  

The person on the other end of the phone picked up. "Hello?"

Namjoon took a few deep breaths to get his nerves under control before responding. "Yoongi hyung...I've done something awful."

"What do you mean 'awful'"? What the hell happened?" Yoongi asked in confusion. 

"I...I hurt Jin hyung. I said horrible things to him, but he kissed me. He knows I'm not gay but I still feel awful about it."

"What kind of things did you say to him?" Yoongi asked growing slightly irritated with the younger. 

"I-I said he was a sin, and that I would never be a disgrace like him." Namjoon mumbled, feeling his cheeks grow red from the embarrassment he was feeling. 

Even though Yoongi was not visible to Namjoon, the younger could tell how angry and upset his hyung was with him. "You did what?! You fucking idiot! How could you say that to him?! Do you know how many times I've had him come over to stay with me because of the shit show he dealt with at home?! His parents said they wished he was never born, that they were ashamed of him because he was gay! You think he needs to hear that bullshit from you?! I don't care if you're gay or not Namjoon, but how dare you disrespect and hurt him like that?!" 

Namjoon was speechless. "I-I didn't know hyung. I didn't know at all. I-I'm such an asshole. I feel awful. I'm so sorry." 

Yoongi sighed. "Don't apologize to me, idiot. Apologize to him."

Namjoon gasped. "W-what? I can't. I can't face him after this. I can't see him hurting like that again. It'll break me, seeing him like that again." he cried. 

What Yoongi asked next made Namjoon almost drop his phone in shock. "Do you love him?"

Namjoon sighed softy. The older had such an effect on him. He knew how to make him smile when no one else could, gave the best hugs in the world that felt like the softest blanket ever, nice plump lips that were perfect for kisses, soft skin that felt like velvet, shiny locks of black hair, a beautiful voice that could lull you to sleep whether he was taking or singing, and his smile. His wonderful smile that made Nmajoon's darkest days light up within a split second. 'But...I'm not I? I've never felt this way around any girl before. I... I think I love my Jinnie.' 

"Hyung, I have to go. I have to find Jin hyung. I'm such an idiot for doing this." Namjoon said quickly ending the call before Yoongi had a chance to respond. 

Climbing out of his bed, Namjoon swiftly wiped away the dried tears on his face and changed his clothes. He pulled out a black hoodie with a rainbow design on it. He had bought it a few months prior with Seokjin after the latter had recently come out. He bought it "because he liked it", but now he felt like it had a different meaning behind it. 

Namjoon pulled on the hoodie, along with a pair of skinny jeans. He smoothed out his clothes before whispering to himself," Jinnie, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

Meanwhile, Seokjin had begun to wander far away from Namjoon's house, the stream of tears endlessly flowing down his cheeks. "Maybe he's right, I am a disgrace. Who loves the same gender as them? How could a person be made so wrong?" he whispered to himself, letting the tears continue to fall as he allowed the dark thoughts to enter his mind. 

The pitiful man made his way towards a playground, one he used to visit all the time as a child, even now as a young adult. The last time he was here was when he had come out to everyone as gay. He had been hiding that part of himself for so long, he had felt relieved that it was finally out in the open. Now, he regretted it all. 

He took a seat on the swing set, staring down at the ground as he swung along slightly. "I shouldn't have said anything. I'm so stupid. Of course he's not gay." he muttered.

Namjoon walked up behind the older during his private moment, making him jump. "I don't think you're stupid Jinnie. If anything, I'm the stupid one."

Seokjin turned to Namjoon and scoffed. "Oh yeah? How are you the stupid one? You didn't make a move on someone who's straight."

"I'm the stupid one for not realizing I'm gay sooner. I'm stupid for not realizing that I, Kim Namjoon, am gay and in love with you, Kim Seokjin." Namjoon retorted firmly.

"W-what? What about all the things you said about how you won't ever be a disgrace like me?" Seokjin questioned cautiously, his insecurities about who he was beginning to come out.

"I shouldn't have said that. If anything, we can both be a disgrace. I don't care what the world or my parents think of me anymore. That's why it took me so long to accept who I really am inside, because I was afraid of what they would do. But Yoongi told me about how your parents treated you after you came out. I figured we could go through it together, so that we wouldn't be alone through it. I know that doesn't excuse what I did, but I hope you can forgive me Jinnie. I love you." Namjoon said taking the olders hands in his, the words coming out with ease. 

Seokjin couldn't help but smile. "If you return my kiss I'll consider forgiving you. And a date."

Not even a second after he was finished speaking, Seokjin felt Namjoon's lips connect to his, a loving, honest kiss. A kiss you read about in fairy tales, that you could only dream of. 

Seokjin looked Namjoon in his eyes once they broke away, their smiles never fading. "I love you too Joonie. I'm so proud of you."



Wooooo part 2 is done! I really enjoyed writing this part, so I hope it came out okay! Idk when I'll be able to update again, but I hope its soon if I have ideas!

Let me know what you guys think!


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