Your Guardian Angel Pt.2

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(Namjoon pov)

I sat there, just staring at Jin's body. His lifeless body. I didn't know what to do, I felt as if I was paralyzed,I couldn't move. I stood up slowly and wiped my eyes and face from my tears with the back of my sleeve, fighting the urge to let more drip down my face as I kneeled down and picked Jin up bridal style, his blood staining my hands and clothes. I slowly walked towards the exit of the warehouse, and hated myself for not being there to protect him. My Jinnie. I was the reason he spent his final moments in pain, bleeding to death at the hands of a hellhound. Choking on his own blood as he struggled to tell me the one thing I will never find out. I couldn't bear to take it anymore.

As I walked out, I was meet face to face with Hoseok who rushed forward when he saw the sight in my arms.

"Namjoon, what happened?" He asked, looking in shock at Jin's bloodied and tear stained face.

I struggled to speak, choking on my words as more tears threatened to fall," He ...he.. he d-didn't make I-it Hobi. It's all my fault. I should've been there."

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Don't ever let me hear you say that again." Hoseok ran his hand over Jin's face and brushed his bangs out if his eyes.

"C-can you bring him back?" I asked shakily, staring down at Jin's beautiful, perfect, and bloodied face. Oh how I longed for his eyes to open and see my face and smile that gorgeous smile of his.

Hoseok shook his head." No. I can't, it's not in my power anymore. I can see how he is in heaven, but I can't bring him back."

"He's in heaven?" I asked, feeling relieved that he wouldn't have to go through the torture of hell that I went through. Hobi nodded. "Good." I felt Hobi's fingertips brush my face and land on my forehead. I blinked and I was back in the bunker, but I was no longer carrying Jin's body. I collapsed on the chair and rested my head in my arms as let out several loud sobs that shook the table. I then grew so exhausted from crying, I dragged myself to my room and laid on the bed, hoping that sleep would calm me. It didn't. Instead it just kept giving me flashbacks of what happened and made me hate myself even more.

(Hoseok pov)

I placed my fingertips on Namjoons head and sent him back to the bunker. I knew it was wrong to send him without Jin's body, but I needed his body to be okay and not charred to a crisp for when I brought him back.

(Jin Pov)

"Hello Jin"

I turned as I suddenly heard the familiar voice saying my name. I knew where I was but didn't know why I was here.

"Why am I here Hobi? I know that you can bring me back, so why don't you?"I asked, rather frustrated with the way thing were playing out so far. I wanted to see Namjoon again for myself, not in some memories from years ago.

"Because it hasn't happened yet." Hobi said, taking a couple steps towards me. I stood there,confused out of my mind. Because it hasn't happened yet? What the hell does that mean?

"Because what hasn't happened yet? Hobi what the hell is going on?" I shouted, not caring if I was acting absurd. Something was going on, and it most likely had to do with Namjoon and I, but no one was spilling, and it irritated the absolute hell out of me.

He sighed in defeat, knowing that if he didn't tell me right now, I was going to find out myself, and it wouldn't be pretty if I did.

"The reason I asked Yoongi to send the hellhound to that warehouse and for you guys to hunt it, was to have Namjoon admit his feelings for you." He said finally, turning to stare off into the distance.

"Wait, so, you asked Yoongi, the King of Hell, to send a freaking hellhound after me?"I said in disbelief.

"Yes. Although I didn't expect it to go exactly as we planned." He lingered on the words, as if he was trying to find the right explanation.

"To go exactly as you planned? This whole thing was a setup?" I growled, not caring that he was trying to do me a favor by getting Namjoon to admit his feelings.

"Yes." Was all he said.

"So? Now what?" I asked, biting the inside of my cheek.

"We wait for Namjoon to admit. It won't be long, I promise. Then, I shall bring you back and you and Namjoon will be okay." He stated.

"Fine. But when I'm back and alive and well, I'm kicking your feathered ass.."

(Namjoon pov)

I woke up really late the next day. I turned and checked what time the clock said. 7:00. I grabbed the keys and left the bunker, surprised to find the impala was there. I shrugged it off. I didn't care about doing anything except getting wasted at a bar, much less figure out how the impala got here.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I spotted a teenage couple kissing goodbye near the drivers side of a car door. The whole scene reminded me of Jin, but I didn't know why. I walked into the bar and grabbed a seat at the counter.

"Vodka. Lots of it." I told the bartender, who looked concerended for a moment but went and grabbed my drink.

"You look rough buddy. What happened?" He asked while pushing a shot glass towards me. I picked up the glass and swallowed the strong beverage all in one motion whilst dying my best not to break down.

"Nothing. I just....lost someone recently that's all." I said plainly, pouring myself another shot and gulping it down.

"Aish, that must be rough. Was it your brother or something?" He asked.

"Some might think we were, but no, it wasn't my brother. Don't have one. It was someone else, someone I was very, very close to. He helped me through thick and thin and was always there for me. He was one of the only people who cared me in this world." I told him, fighting back all but one tear slipping down my face.

"Wow. Sounds like you really cared for this person." He said as he cleared the shot glasses from my space.

"I didn't just care about him, I... I loved him." I felt a rush of air hit my face as I heard a voice, as if on cue, say my name in an all to familiar tone.


I turned and looked towards the entrance to the bar, and standing there was the one person I had so much love for. I got up and ran towards the door and wrapped my arms around him, praying that this wasn't a dream.

"Jinnie? But how-?" He cut me off as his soft, plump lips crashed into mine, making me shudder with relief.

"Shhh. Don't worry about that right now baby boy. Just worry about me and you." He hugged me tighter as he said that, making me feel so happy.

"I love you so much Kim Seokjin."

"And I love you so much Kim Namjoon."


So that took forever. 😂. There will be smut I promise. There'll be smut in the next couple chapters to make up for it.

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- Annie

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