Your Guardian Angel Pt.1

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Bts Supernatural AU

Sam= Namjoon

Dean= Jin

Castiel= Hoseok

Crowley= Yoongi

Rowena= Jimin

Davies and Ketch= Taehyung and Jungkook

(Jin pov)

I sat on the hood of the impala, staring at the trees in the horizon while Namjoon was sleeping in the backseat. I sighed, I never wanted this life for us when we met, but when the yellow eyed demon my father had been tracking for years before had killed Namjoons sister all those years ago, after he killed my mother, I had wanted to give up the life of a hunter and take Namjoon with me. But that didn't happen. Instead my father forced him to come with us and learn how to be a hunter with me. As the years passed my affection had grown for Namjoon, and I'm pretty sure he felt the same, but after we ganked Yellow Eyes, I thought Namjoon would leave me, but he didn't , and I just wanted him to be safe, instead of with me.

"Having a little morning time to yourself are we Jin?" A deep, raspy voice said.

"What do you want Yoongi." I said coldly. I still didn't trust the son of a bitch after the way he treated Namjoon, but that didn't stop him from interrupting my private moments.

"Bitter are we? If I'd didn't know any better, I'd say it'd be the weather, but I do and I know it's me." He said smugly. God, I wanted to punch him so bad.

"What do you want Yoongi." I repeated, keeping my fingers wrapped around the demon blade I kept in my huge coat pocket.

" I have a case I want you boys to work, a hellhound. In Busan. Nasty little bitch wandered off while doing a bit of... collecting for me. I want you to gank the thing for me."

"Why can't you do it?" I asked, jumping off the hood.

"Because I don't want to" he said with a shrug.

"Why should we?" I said with clenched teeth.

"Because if you don't, I will have little Namjoon there sent straight back to hell, and he'll be missing a lot more than just his soul. Things you can't get back. And I will show no mercy on him" he turned to look at Namjoon, who was just starting to wake up. I growled in defiance but knew we had to do this, not because of Yoongi, but because of all the people that would die if we didn't.

"Fine." I said and turned away, heading towards the the drivers side of the impala. As I closed the door and put the key into the ignition, Namjoon climbed into the seat next to mine. I looked at his bed head and couldn't help but blush when I kept staring at him. His pretty, soft lips, his smooth, tan skin, and his beautiful eyes.

"So where are going?" He asked, looking at me.

"Uhh,, *ahem* well, the King of Hell wants us to hunt a hellhound in Busan." I said, pulling onto the main road.

"Why can't he?"

"Because he doesn't want to' he says." Namjoon scoffs and shakes his head.

"Hello Jin." A voice in the backseat says.

"What's up Hoseok?" I say, still amazed how Hoseok is able to show up at the worst times.

" I found where the hellhound is. An abandoned warehouse right outside of Busan."

"Thanks Hobi that's a big help. Now we don't have to ask around." Namjoon said, turning back to look at me, I nod and kept driving, placing my hand an inch away from Namjoons.

*outside the warehouse*

I gripped my flashlight as I scoped out the inside of the warehouse with Namjoon right behind me.

" Jin, how are we gonna see this thing?" He asked, shooting a concerned glance at me. I handed him a pair of glasses.

"Here. Yoongi gave me these before he left. This way we can see the son of a bitch." He took the glasses and placed them on his face. Before I could put mine on, I heard a snarl and felt myself being knocked to the ground. I rolled a few feet away and felt a searing pain in my midsection. I heard someone yelling my name. The hellhound ripped through my clothes and created several slash marks in my body, blood flowing heavily out of each one. I screamed out in pain and tried to yell, but ended up choking on my own blood. I heard a shot and heard the hellhound run off, indicating it wasn't coming back. I lay there and felt a pair of warm hands cup my face, I looked into the eyes of the person and it was Namjoon, tears falling off of his face and into mine, the bottom of his lip quivering slightly as he told me it was going to be okay and I would be fine, but we both knew it was a matter of time. I summoned every ounce of strength I had and tried to speak, to say the words I'd been meaning to tell him all these years. "I....I...I..".

(Namjoon pov)

As I put the glasses on that Jin gave me, but before I knew what was even happening, I turned and saw Jin being knocked to the floor, and as I stood, trying to comprehend what just happened, the hellhound standing over Jin. It had been half a second before I could react.

"Jin!!" I shouted as I heard the hellhound growling and ripping into Jin as he cried out in tremendous pain. I ran forward and shot the damned thing, but I couldn't see straight and landed a shot in the leg. I saw as it turned and ran off, revealing Jin's mangled body. I felt myself drop to my knees as I cupped my hands around his blood covered face and felt tears building in my eyes. "Hey, it gonna be okay Jin, you're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay. You'll be just fine right? Don't leave me Jinnie. Don't..." I trailed off as he lifted his tear streaked face and placed his hand against my cheek and smiled weakly.

"I....I...I.." I listened desperately to his voice as it trailed off, praying that that wasn't it. I felt his hand fall from my cheek and saw the smile slowly fade from his face. And I watched. I watched as the light and life faded from his eyes and his head fell to the side into the crease of my elbow.

"Jinnie? Jinnie, don't go..please? You promised me. You p-promised. I can't do this without you, I can't be without you. Please. I need you Jinnie. I..." I stopped talking as I felt more tears fall and land on his lifeless face. I gently closed his eyes and held him in my caress, just holding to my chest and pressing my cheek against his, as I littered it with more tears.

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