Good Kitty

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Requested by:  jinhavethejams and YOONGILookingFINE

Namjoon was a famous rapper for the South Korean music company BigHit Entertainment under the stage name RM. The raps that slide off his tongue with ease could make fangirls and fanboys alike wet their panties. This was especially true for Namjoon's boyfriend, an adorable cat hybrid named Seokjin, or Jinnie for short.

And, rather unfortunate for both of the two lovers, Seokjin had just begun heat. Right in the middle if Namjoon's recording studio.

Seokjin had been acting like he was uncomfortable all morning, but Namjoon just assumed it was an upset stomach, only because the latter still didn't know where or when his hybrid would begin heat. It seemed unpredictable at times.

"J-Joonie~" Seokjin suddenly whined as his feelings of need and want grew along with the heat building in his stomach. "F-Fuck- I need h-help daddy~"

Namjoon looked up from his laptop at the sound of the older's voice. "What is it ba-" He stopped mid-sentence, his throat becoming dry as he saw his boyfriend remove his jeans and begin palming a bulge forming in his boxers. He stood up, slowly making his way over to the whimpering hybrid on the small couch in his studio, hovering over him with eyes glowing with lust.

"Daddy please~ it hurts~" Seokjin whined beginning to grind his hips upwards against Namjoon to try and fulfill his need.

Namjoon smirked holding Seokjin in place by placing two hands firmly on the latter's bare thighs. "You feel so warm baby. Are you in heat?" He asked, reaching over to Seokjin's fluffy tail and stroked it a few times.

Seokjin nodded frantically, whimpering as he arched his back when Namjoon yanked harshly on his tail. "Jinnie needs help daddy~ make the feeling go away please~" He whined.

"I'll help you baby. Just make sure you're quiet. Daddy doesn't want anyone disturbing us." Namjoon said running his fingers lightly over Seokjin's growing bulge, while simultaneously reaching into his own pants and palming his own member.

The room slowly got stuffier with the heat both men were producing, especially Seokjin, and the hot breaths shared in the long moments of lust. This soon changed however, when Namjoon shoved three fingers inside Seokjin's mouth, ordering him to suck.

The older happily obliged, swirling his tongue around the long, slender digits as if they were a piece of candy, such as a lollipop.

Once Namjoon's fingers were fully coated in Seokjin's saliva, the young rapper pulled them out. At the same time, Namjoon began pulling down his hybrid's now wet boxers, allowing for an immaculate view of the whimpering older's lower half.

Positioning his three fingers, Namjoon shoved all of them inside Seokjin's pink hole since seeing the latter's growing need withered away all of his senses of self control. This caused Seokjin to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, his tight ring of muscles desperately trying to adjust to Namjoon's three fingers inside him.

"Joonie~ it hurts a lot." Seokjin cried as he frantically clawed at Namjoon's still covered back and pressed his fluffy ears flat against his head.

Namjoon reached behind Seokjin's fluffy ear and scratched a certain spot to soothe the older. "I know baby, it won't hurt for very long. I promise." He whispered before placing a kiss on Seokjin's forehead and curling his long digits to get the latter used to the feeling quicker.

Soon after, Seokjin's whimpers of pain turned into moans of pleasure. "F-fuck! Joonie m-more!" He shouted not loud enough for anyone but them to hear while rutting his hips against Namjoon's fingers.

"Do you deserve more baby? Hmm?" Namjoon asked as he spread his fingers out inside the tight space.

"Please daddy, I need more! Jinnie wants your big cock deep inside him daddy. Make me cum a lot daddy." Seokjin panted.

Namjoon groaned to himself hearing his boyfriend's talk with such need and want. "Fuck baby. You turn me on so much." He murmured. With that, Namjoon pulled his fingers out, replacing them with the tip of his hard cock. He pushed the tip in for a second before swiftly pulling out. "How much do you want me Jinnie?" He asked in a husky voice, nibbling on Seokjin's flushed neck to leave small love bites.

The hybrid whined at the teasing, making him feel as if his heat was becoming to hot to bear. "So much daddy. I want you to fuck me so hard I can't walk for a year. Please daddy I want your cock in me so badly." He begged.

Namjoon chuckled lowly, his eyes darkening with lust as he stared Seokjin straight in the eyes. "If that's what you want baby." The younger said before pushing his whole cock inside Seokjin's ass, moaning at the immediate tightness he felt.

Seokjin, on the other hand, dug his fingernails deep into Namjoon's back, leaving dark red scratches as he let out a throaty moan. "Ahhh~ f-fuck, fuck, fuck daddy it hurts." He whimpered.

In response, Namjoon peppered light kisses all over Seokjin's face while also gingerly stroking his tail. "It'll be okay Jinnie. Just let me know when to move."

Several minutes passed before Seokjin felt comfortable enough to allow Namjoon permission to begin thrusting. The younger of the two let out a sigh of relief as he began thrusting slowly inside Seokjin's slick, already lubricated hole. (That's how it works, right? 😂)

"Daddy! Daddy! Faster please!" The hybrid yelled as he clenched his walls tightly around the younger, feeling adrenaline pump through every inch of his veins, turning him on even more.

Namjoon heeded the older's request, bucking his hips forward harder and faster with every hot second that passed when he felt a pair if hands on his chest, pushing him onto his back.

"Let me do some of the work daddy. I wanna ride your dick so badly." Seokjin said with a pout. Before Namjoon could fathom a response, Seokjin started to bounce up and down on his cock at a moderate pace. Namjoon didn't get mad, he couldn't when his baby boy knew how to ride him just right.

"Jinnie you feel so good- fuck!" Namjoon groaned as he gripped onto his older boyfriend's hips, thrusting his own hips upward, knowing in that instance he just hit the older's prostate. Seokjin was very verbal about it.

"God- fuck! Daddy m-more please!" Seokjin whimpered as he started to bounce at a faster pace to reach his climax.

Namjoon wrapped his fingers around Seokjin's untouched member and stroked it in time with his thrusts, causing cum to squirt out of the tip.

"Are you close Jinnie? You wanna cum? You want daddy to fill this pretty ass of yours with his cum?" Namjoon asked seductively, using his other hand to yank Seokjin's tail to create more ecstatic feelings.

Seokjin nodded frantically. "Can I cum please daddy? I can't hold it much longer." He whined.

Not being able to deny his baby's request, Namjoon gave his permission for Seokjin to cum. The older moaned as he released the hot, sticky load all over Namjoon's broad and sweaty chest, staining it white. He tightened himself even more around the youngers cock in order to he filled faster.

"Jinnie~ fuck..." Namjoon panted as he released his own cum deep inside Seokjin's hole, the older mewling at the feeling.

The two leaned in to share a passionate kiss, still feeling a bit horny.

Namjoon smirked at Seokjin as he stroked his fluffy tail softly. "Round two baby?"

"Yes please daddy."


Y'all I'm back again. Sorry for such long periods of time between updates, but something happened in my personal life that I needed and still need to take care of.

I'll try to update as much as I possibly can because I really enjoy writing these stories.

I hope you guys understand and are able to bear with me at this time.


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