Our Little Kookie

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Requested by: mykoreandaddies

"Joonie~ baby~ wake up. It's almost 6 o'clock. You have to get ready for work dear." The soothing and tender voice of Namjoon's husband rang pleasantly in his ear, so soft and delicate the mere tone of voice almost lulled him back to sleep. But, since Namjoon had to support himself and Seokjin, the young man had no choice but to open his eyes.

"Morning beautiful. How's the love of my life so far?" Asked Namjoon knowing his older husband had been awake longer than he had.

Seokjin giggled before his cheeks turned a light shade of red. Even after being married for two years Namjoon's compliments towards him never failed to make him look like a ripe red tomato.

"He's doing just fine, but he's going to become very pissy if his lazy husband doesn't get his butt up to go to work." Seokjin said with a sing songy voice all with a wide smile plastered on his face, which to be honest is a little frightening if you know the threats gonna come true, and Namjoon did.

Pushing himself up out of bed, Namjoon pulled Seokjin out with him, afterwards placing a sweet good morning kiss on the latter's pink, plump lips then starting his morning routine.

In the bathroom while Seokjin was washing his face, he worked up the nerve to ask Namjoon a question that had been in his mind for some time.

"Joonie, what do you think about having kids?" Namjoon nearly choked on his toothpaste.

The younger male rinsed his mouth out before turning to his nervous husband, running a hand through his hair. "Kids? I haven't thought about it a lot to be honest with you. I mean, I think now would be a good time to have one. We're in a good place financially, and I know you get lonely being in this house all by yourself. Tell you what, when I get home I'll call the orphanage to set up an appointment for us, okay?"

Seokjin was surprised, to say the least. He had expected the younger to flat out say he didn't want kids and be done with it. It was a little disappointing. Seokjin had a whole argument planned out and now he didn't get to use it. Oh well.

"Y-yeah that sounds perfect. I'll see you after work then." Seokjin murmured before fixing Namjoon's messy hair then giving the younger a goodbye kiss as he went downstairs to leave.

Once Namjoon had left, Seokjin instantly became bored. He just wanted a child right there and then to play with. Was that too much to ask? It sure felt like it if he didn't have one yet.

Luckily, Jin's boredom didn't last very long as he wandered outside the house to go for a short walk in the park. The weather was perfect after all, it was chilly but some warmth was in the air as the sun beat down on the earth.

Walking among the dirt path provided in the park, Seokjin happily breathed in the fresh air around him, thankful that no one else was around to disturb his peace and quiet. The quiet part, however, didn't last very long.

Seokjin stopped dead in his tracks when he started hearing faint cries coming from further down the path. Thinking it was just a fussing baby, he shrugged it off before continuing his walk. That is, however, until he came face to face with the source of the now loud wails.

On the side of the path sat a park bench, the state of which was dangerously old, threatening to collapse right then and there had it not been for a cardboard box underneath it.

'Wait, cardboard box?' Seokjin eyes widened as he realized that's where the sound was coming from. He wasted no time in sprinting over to the bench, hurriedly pulling the box out from underneath it just as the old wood creaked and gave out.

Seokjin regained the breath he had lost as he bent over the box, lifting his head so he could peek inside it. The sight before him made him sick to his stomach.

Inside the box was a small infant, who couldn't be more than a few days old, wailing it's little head off. It made Seokjin's heart clench painfully. Accompanying the child was a small baby blanket carelessly wrapped around their small body so that it gave no protection from the chilled air.

"Oh my god. You poor, poor thing. Who would do this to you? Come here little one, you're safe now." Seokjin took the baby into his arms after wrapping his warm sweatshirt around the baby's bare body.

The baby calmed down a little bit as they snuggled into the safety of Seokjin's arms, who looked on with pity and sadness swelling in his chest. 'Oh god, he's so little. How long has he been out here? What would have happened if I hadn't-" Seokjin was snapped out of his thoughts as his phone started ringing.

Putting the phone up to his ear, Seokjin began walking back to the house, the baby in his arms still a little fussy but slowly becoming tired. "Joonie? What's up?" He asked his husband on the phone.

"Hey baby, I got out of work early so I'm heading home now. You need me to get anything?"

Seokjin looked down at the baby. "I need you to get baby clothes, formula, a blanket, a crib, and diapers. Why? Let's just say you don't need to call the orphanage after all."


"So someone just left him there to die? That's awful. Who would do something to such a sweet baby?" Namjoon asked with a look a disbelief as he held the baby, who was now fully clothed, bathed, fed, and sleeping in his long noodle arms as they drove to the nearest adoption center.

"Joon, I don't know, but I called my friend who works at the orphanage. She said to bring Jungkookie in for a checkup and to see if we would be able to adopt him." Seokjin explained keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"Jungkookie? That's what we're calling him?" Namjoon snickered softly at the name.

"We have to call him something don't we? And I like Jungkook okay? It's a nice name. We could call him Kookie for short."

Namjoon only smiled as he stared at Jungkook.


It was the middle of night, and Seokjin and Namjoon were woken up by a baby crying. Namjoon rushed to Jungkook's aid, followed closely by Seokjin. He lifted the crying baby from his crib before going into the kitchen to fix him a bottle.

"Don't cry Kookie~ you'll be able to eat soon. I know, your mommy's taking forever with your bottle." Namjoon received a playful flick in the head from his tired husband after giving Jungkook his bottle.

The parents sat down on the couch as they waited for Jungkook to finish so they could burp him. It would be a while though. Jungkook loved taking his time while eating.

"You know, I still can't believe we have him. I was so worried that another couple would be chosen." Seokjin whispered stroking Jungkook's cheek.

"Why? You were the one who found him after all. We don't know if anyone else would have stopped to take him. And we already had all the things we needed to care for him." Namjoon whispered back while Jungkook let out a little grunt as he pushed the bottle away, signalling that he was full.

Seokjin took Jungkook from Namjoon, positioning him on his shoulder and gently patting his small back. "Either way, I'm grateful. He's absolutely perfect. Our Kookie is perfect."

Namjoon watched as his husband carefully cradled Jungkook after burping. He placed a soft kiss on each of their foreheads before sitting close next to Seokjin, looking on with overwhelming pride and love at his wonderful family.




But for real tho this my favorite comeback next to Wings. It's so amazing.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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