Will you be my Daddy? Pt. 3

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Requested by: -meonlyplease-

Months have passed since Namjoon had convinced his boyfriend, Seokjin, to come live with him and escape the indescribable hell the latter had lived in previous to the offer.

The boys have never been happier than when they lived together. Pillow fights, make out sessions, the occasional scolding, and Mario Kart competitions were just some of the few activities they got up to. Not to mention Seokjin's personal favorite, movie night.

"Joonie. Joonie~. Joonie!" Seokjin held onto Namjoon's shoulder as the younger was shaken awake from his short after school nap by his needy and persistent boyfriend.

Namjoon stretched his tired muscles before looking at his boyfriend with slightly sleepy vision. "What is it pumpkin? What do you need?" He asked sitting up and taking Seokjin in his lap.

"It's movie night Joonie! It can't start without you. Jinnie needs his daddy so they can watch movies together!" Seokjin pouted as his pupils began to dilate and he slipped into little space in the middle of his sentence.

Watching Seokjin slip into little space was one of Namjoon's favorite things to witness. The older always looked so much softer and cuter while in little space. So much so, Namjoon's heart would always beat just a tad louder, making the little press his head against the youngers chest to listen and find out what the heck was making all the noise.

It all made Namjoon love Seokjin that much more.

"Ah, that's right. How could I keep my baby waiting? Stay here for a second sweet cheeks, daddy will be right back." Namjoon stated tenderly kissing both of Seokjin's cheeks then grabbing his special onesie to change into.

The reason why Seokjin loved movie night was because he always got to be in little space while they watched, no questions asked. The two also had matching onesies to wear for the occasion, sugar gliders, to be exact. But the best part was it was just them. Just Jinnie and his daddy cuddling on the couch with a blanket wrapped around them to keep warm. No amount of dinosaur nuggies could ever compare to the amount of love Namjoon showed Jinnie on these nights.

While Seokjin sat in his onesie gnawing on the sleeves while waiting for his daddy, he suddenly felt himself being lifted up from the bed. The little squeaked in surprise as he clutched onto the blanket, holding on for dear life. "Eep! Monster got Jinnie! Daddy save Jinnie! Daddy!" He cried out.

"Woah, woah it's okay baby. There's no monster. It's only daddy sweetheart." Namjoon said taking the blanket out of Seokjin's hands and holding the older bridal style against his toned chest.

Seokjin whimpered in return while clutching onto the fabric of Namjoon's sugar glider onesie. "Meanie daddy. Jinnie thought monster gots him and gonna eat him up."

Namjoon almost cooed at how innocent his boyfriend looked in the moment. Almost. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you. Why don't we go watch the movie now? That'll make you feel better." Namjoon murmured with the soothing voice he reserved specifically for little Jin.

Seokjin nodded. "Can we have dino nuggies too, daddy? Jinnie hungwy." The little pouted rubbing his tummy that began to growl.

"Course we can baby. I'll make you the best dino nuggies ever while RJ keeps you company. Okay baby?" Namjoon placed Seokjin down on the couch, handing him his stuffed alpaca RJ to cuddle with until he returned.

Just as he was about to turn and leave, Seokjin grabbed onto Namjoon's sleeve. "Daddy~ Jinnie want kissy." Whined the little as he puckered his plump lips.

Namjoon happily obliged to Jinnie's request, cupping the olders chubby cheeks as their lips connected, moving rhythmically against each other. 

When the two males separated, Namjoon switched on the T.v. to the movie they decided to watch: Beauty and the Beast. It was Seokjin's favorite movie, big or little.

Seokjin watched the screen intently while sucking on a pink paci he snuck from the cabinet and had hid in his pocket. Namjoon had been trying to get Seokjin to quit pacis for a while, but the said male only threw temper tantrums when one got taken away. So, whenever Jinnie got caught, or threw a tantrum, he would earn a scolding and a few spankings for breaking the rules. Jin hated spankings.

After successfully completing the task of making Seokjin's dinosaur chicken nuggets, Namjoon made his way back to the living room only to be met with the sight of Seokjin carelessly sucking on a paci. Namjoon cleared his throat. "Jinnie, you know the rules about the pacis, right?" He asked sternly.

Seokjin whipped his head around, staring with wide eyes at the younger. He nodded shyly. "But daddy~ Jinnie hafta have a paci. Makes him better." He whined when Namjoon came over and became eye level with him.

Emitting a soft sigh, Namjoon ruffled the boy's hair. "You know what? You've been behaving well lately and helping out a lot with my parents, so just this once I'll let you have the paci. But no more after this or else you get a punishment. Understand?" Seokjin responded with a quick nod. "Good. Now, scoot over baby. Daddy has to fit too."

Situating himself on the couch, the two lovers then cuddled into each other, occasionally turning their attention to the chicken nuggets sitting on the coffee table in front of them. Namjoon fed Jinnie his nuggets after receiving a look of pure innocence that made Namjoon absolutely incompetent to say no.

"Daddy's heart being loud again. Why's it always so loud around Jinnie, daddy?" Seokjin asked with a slight giggle of mischief. Little Seokjin understood that Namjoon loved him, but he always wanted to hear why every single day.

Namjoon chuckled as he watched Seokjin listen closely to the beating of his heart, loving the warmness of Seokjin's body against his provided. Namjoon then rubbed Seokjin's side as he explained. "Well, daddy loves Jinnie very, very much. He can't live without him, they're the love of his life. The way Jinnie makes daddy feel better on a bad day just by offering one his precious smiles, making cards for him when he's sick, having the most beautiful laugh in the entire world, and being the most perfect boyfriend he could ask for just makes daddy's heart go wild. Daddy loves you so, so much Jinnie. Never forget that." The soft spoken speech was ended by Namjoon placing a sweet kiss on his lovers lips, Seokjin gratefully returning it.

"Jinnie loves daddy too. More than his stuffies or pacis. Jinnie gets weird feelings inside whenever he sees daddy. It's like a roller coaster in Jinnie's tummy. Jinnie miss daddy whenever we're apart, and gets happy whenever daddy gives Jinnie attention. Daddy is perfect for Jinnie." Seokjin murmured nuzzling his cheek against Namjoon's chest, the younger hugging his baby tighter than he ever had in the entire time they had lived together

They wouldn't have it any other way.


Soooo, this was kind of a filler chapter of how the boys were doing after living together for a while. I enjoyed writing it nonetheless, especially coming up with the dialogue for Little Jin and writing about Namjoon being his loving caregiver. It makes me so soft :')

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! The next chapter will be
out next week!


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