Boy in the Pink Sweater

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It was a typical school day for Busan High School's most notorious student: Kim Namjoon. You know, skipping class, picking on the lower classmen, vandalizing the principal's car when you're supposed to be on lunchbreak. The usual.

Kim Namjoon isn't a bad person. Not at all. He was just...bored. He had nothing to do in his spare time, so exposing the principal's affair with the math teacher to get out of the many detentions he received seemed like the best possible way. That is until, one fateful day when someone may have everything Namjoon wanted to spice up his life.

Kim Seokjin was the new kid. The type if new kid that didn't fit in with others right away which always resulted in bullying, dreadful whispers and stares from his classmates, or if the situation was really bad, he'd be sexually harassed and be forced to transfer schools. Now, it was his first day at Busan High, and he was not looking forward to it.

Namjoon was walking through the hallways of the school just like he always did, occasionally pushing kids out of his way here and there. He wasn't usually one to care about his surroundings, things just didn't bother him. But what did bother him was a group of kids from his grade pressing some kid in a pink sweater up against the lockers.

The kid was begging to be left alone, trying to break away from the group surrounding him. One of the members of the group, a smug badstard by the name of Lee Hakyan, was pressing himself up against the poor kid, making the latter start to breathe heavily and have tears well in his eyes.

Namjoon clenched his fist inside his jean pocket, making his way towards the group. "Hakyan, dear~ you mind getting your 2 inch cock away from this kid who is obviously terrified by its puny length?" Namjoon cooed sweetly to the shorter male, who looked up at Namjoon with a flustered face.

"H-how'd you..? Never mind, anyway, I was just showing the kid around. Nothing to get worked up over." Handyman replied trying to look tough against the 6 foot tall male in front of him.

"Yeah, and every girlfriend you ever had praised you during sex for how big you are. Give me a damn break." Namjoon let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes out of what seemed to everyone was boredom. He reached out his arm to grip Hakyan's shirt and push him against a wall. "So, given my bad mood of the day and you making it forever worse, I suggest you stay away from this kid before I make your dick nonexistent." Namjoon growled, his face inches away from Hakyan's.

Hakyan flinched from Namjoon's words, the confidence he had been showing signs few seconds earlier vanished into thin air.  "A-and? You don't own me Kim Namjoon. How do you know I won't sneak up on pretty boy over there and wow him with my charms? Or are you looking to snag him for yourself?"

Namjoon hesitated for a moment, but just for a moment. Even though it had only been a few minutes, Namjoon felt really attracted to this mysterious boy. "Doesn't matter if I do or not. I'm not gonna force myself on him if he doesn't want me to. That's sick, just like you. Now go, before I pound your ass so hard into the ground the janitor will have to scrape you off with a shovel!" Namjoon growled one final time before throwing Hakyan onto the ground.

Hakyan regained his stance and quickly walked away, signalling for his group to follow him. Namjoon took some deep breaths to calm himself before walking over to where the boy in the sweater stood.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right?" The boy shook his head no. "Good. I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon." Namjoon stuck his large hand out for handshake, which the boy hesitantly accepted.

"S-Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. B-but you can call me Jin if you w-want." Seokjin murmured with a slight stutter as he tried to control his shaky hand.

"What class do you have next? Maybe I can walk you there to make sure you get there safely." Namjoon surprised himself as soon as the words rolled off his tongue. He never made offers like this for anyone. This Seokjin character must really have an affect on him.

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