My Bad Boy

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Requested by: mykoreandaddies

Kim Namjoon was a bad boy who just wanted someone to love and stop him from acting out on everyone and everything.

Kim Seokjin was the soft, gentle, and caring person who happened to fall in love with a bad boy.

Need I say more?


"You can't be serious. Him?! Kim Namjoon of all people???" Jimin whispered a bit too loud at the news shared with him moments before.

Seokjin rolled his eyes as he stuffed his books in his locker, a faint shade of crimson starting to appear on his cheeks. "Yes, him. What's so wrong about liking a guy like him?"

"Umm how about his record for one? He's had sex with literally every girl or guy in the whole grade. You'd mean nothing to him. And he never smiles. What's the point in having a boyfriend that will never smile at the things you do?  Trust me hyung, you'll only get hurt if you love him." Jimin's ramble was cut short by the bell, signalling that class was starting.

"Well, I gotta run. See you later hyung!" Jimin shouted before running down the hall to his class, leaving Seokjin all alone.

Sighing, Seokjin dragged himself to his science class. When he entered, all the students were sitting in different seats. Except for Namjoon, who had the only empty seat left in class next to him.

"Ah, Seokjin!" The teacher said as Seokjin walked in the classroom. "We're doing a partner project about combustion, and you'll be Namjoon's partner. I think you two would do great together." She stated excitedly.

Seokjin wanted to curl up and die. There was no way he would be able to focus working with Namjoon. Everything about him was a distraction. His deep dimples that showed when he gave the slightest hint of a facial expression, those plump lips Seokjin just wanted to kiss all day long, and the youngers broad, toned chest that made Seokjin want to snuggle in forever.

' Seokjin stop. You're gaydreaming.' Blushing, Seokjin snapped out of his gay thoughts and scurried over to his seat, hurriedly taking out his science materials then proceeding to fiddle with his sweater paws. He was so focused on his racing heart he didn't even notice the younger was talking to him.

"Hello~ earth to Jinnie! Do you want to come to my house after school to work on this dumb thing?" Namjoon chuckled inwardly as his partner whipped around to face him.

"W-What? Um, yeah sure. If you want." Seokjin stuttered as his and Namjoon's eyes locked.

'He's even more beautiful up close. How is that even possible?' Namjoon was dumbfounded as he stared at Seokjin. The one who stole his heart. He didn't even think it was possible that he of all people could fall in love. With one of the most gorgeous and caring people he had ever met, too.

No, Seokjin was more than gorgeous. There were no words to describe the beauty the older showed. It was like his partner was a god or something. It made Namjoon go crazy. Those luscious plump lips, perfect chocolate brown eyes, and a nice round ass that Namjoon would love to make his. To pound into and have the older scream his name in pure ecstasy. That was after he would confess, of course.

"I'll see you then, I guess." Namjoon smiled widely as he gave his answer.


Jimin angrily walked up to his hyung. "You agreed to go to his house? Are you insane?? Even after everything I told you?!" He asked a little louder than he intended.

Seokjin stared at his dongsaeng with wide eyes, desperately trying to quiet him down. "Chim, don't be so loud!"

"I don't care! I'll be as loud as I want to open your eyes!" Shouted the mochi boy.

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