Special Day

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Requested by: namjinlives

I'm having Jin wear a dress for the wedding (cause I think it's cute), so if you don't feel comfortable with that, then feel free to skip this chapter or pretend he's wearing a suit. :). This story is also inspired by Ruby and Sapphire's wedding from Steven Universe!


Today is the day. It's the day everyone dreams about since they are little kids. The most special day in one's life. That day is a wedding day.

Today is Seokjin and Namjoon's long awaited wedding, and neither of the two could contain their excitement. How could they? They had been planning this special occasion ever since they got engaged three years ago. Everything had to be perfect, nothing could possibly ruin this day for them.

Since they were aspiring to regular wedding traditions, the groom and groom had been separated so they could get ready. Namjoon couldn't see his beautiful groom until he walked down that aisle. It was very nerve racking.

"Oh god, I think I'm going to pass out. Did it suddenly get hotter in here?" Namjoon asked as he pulled on his white button shirt that went underneath his tuxedo top. He tugged at it trying to loosen it until he felt a pair of hands pull his own away from the shirt collar.

"Joon, chill the fuck out. You're not gonna pass out on your wedding day. Jin hyung will have a fit if you do." The best man, Yoongi, said with a small chuckle.

Namjoon sighed, running a hand through his slightly damp hair. "I know, I'm just so nervous! I'm getting married to the most important and beautiful person in my life! You'd be freaked the fuck out too!" He screeched.

"Of course I would. That's why me and Chiminie don't plan on getting married for a while yet. Now put the rest of your suit on. We only have a few hours left." Yoongi said tossing Namjoon the suit jacket.

"A-A few hours?! Oh god I'm freaking out again."

"Kim Namjoon, I swear to god, if you don't get yourself together I will personally slap you in the face." Hoseok threatened from where he stood in the room.

"Cut me some slack hyung. Weren't you nervous when you, Taehyung, and Jungkook got married?" Namjoon asked as he clumsily put on the rest of his suit.

Hoseok nodded. "Of course I was. But when me and Taetae were waiting for Kookie to walk down the aisle, I didn't feel nervous anymore. I had been with them for years before we got married. Why would I suddenly feel nervous when I should be happy I'm marrying the people I want to spend the rest of my life with?" The older asked with a tiny shrug.

"You're right. I hope Jinnie's doing better than I am."


"What do you mean it's two hours before the wedding?!" Seokjin screeched from where he sat getting his hair and makeup done.

Seokjin's mother/bridesmaid massaged his shoulders in an effort to calm down the raging male. "I mean, it's two hours until you are officially married to the love of your life." She said calmly.

Seokjin sighed deeply, feeling even more stressed out than he already was. He just wanted this day to be over. He wanted to see Namjoon. He wanted to be married already. Why is that so hard?

The young male turned his attention to the window where the sun shone brightly over the ocean. Yes, they were having a beach wedding. Seokjin thought getting married on the beach with calm waves and beautiful sky overhead was the most perfect scenario in the world.

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