Clothes Shopping

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(Jin pov)

I woke with a strong arm wrapped around my chest. I shifted slightly and placed a sweet kiss on the persons lips. I place my forehead against his and whisper sweetly in his ear.

"Happy Valentine's Day Joonie." He opened his eyes slightly and laughed before returning my kiss with an even sweeter one.

"Happy Valentine's Day. So what are we gonna do today Jinnie?" He winked seductively and started kissing down my neck making me moan slightly. He sat us both up and and rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"It's a surprise. But first I have to go clothes shopping later so that number one on the list." He made a cute little pout and whimpered slightly.

"Ok. Let's go shower and get dressed then we can all go to the mall. Sound good?" He said running his hands through my soft black hair and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

(Namjoon pov)

I slowly get out of bed and stretch, feeling a pair of eyes burning into my back. I started walking out towards the bathroom to tease Jin. I turned the water on and felt Jin backhug me while I was removing my shirt and his cheek touching my bare skin. I turn around and slowly take off Jin's sweater and his pants leaving him only in his boxers which revealed his already hard memeber.

I quickly remove the rest of my clothes and pick Jin up by his waist and carry him into the shower while locking my lips with his soft ones. I felt myself growing harder and harder with each second, and knew I had to take care of it. I pulled Jin closer my hips, hearing him moan as I grinded my hips against his member.

I leaned in and whispered in his ear,"Suck me baby." Then forced him onto his knees. He licked the tip of my cock and licked off my precum, making me pull on his hair and grunt loudly. He slowly moved down the length of my cock and bobbed his head up and down, making me go wild as I felt his wet walls all around me.

"Agh. Jinnie baby. I'm g-gonna cum." I say and start thrusting in his mouth as I feel myself reaching my climax. I feel a warm, bubbling feeling in my stomach as I release myself into Jin's mouth and watched him take his mouth off my member and swallow all of my cum, and licked the outside of his mouth where some of my cum leaked out.

He stood up and kissed me, making me taste myself. It was salty as fuck. I took some soap and washed Jin's hair, making sure to get every spot and starts washing his body off, stopping as I noticed he was still hard.

"Why don't we take care of that baby boy?" I said as I grab his hips and cause him to jump up and wrap his legs around my waist. I kissed down his neck, marking him with a dark purple bruise that made him moan loudly. I slowly slide my hand down his body and wrap it around his member, rubbing it up and down as he groaned loudly into my neck.

"H-hurry up and touch me already." He gasped as I started pumping his member and jerking him off. His moans got louder as I start pumping faster, digging his fingernails slightly into my back.

"I-I'm gonna cum daddy." He groaned deep in my neck.

"Then cum for me baby." He releases his sticky load into my hand and on both of our stomachs as he panted loudly. After a lot of hot breaths and kisses we finished cleaning up and walked into the kitchen where Yoongi and Jimin were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

Jin walked over to the counter and started making himself a plate of food and one for me too while I grabbed across from Jimin. Jimin silently sipped his tea while looking at the table with a wide eyed expression.

"So uh.. Namjoon, could you guys be anymore fucking louder when you have privacy?" Yoongi said sounding annoyed at me and Jin while intertwining his hand with Jimin s, who was still shook by what he heard.

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