Accidental Call

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The day was starting out well for Namjoon. He had finally finished the overwhelming amount of work that was needed to be done for his new mixtape that would be released soon. He was beginning to take out a sheet of paper to write lyrics to pass the time. After all, it was still early and the work day was yet to be over.

When about ten minutes had passed, Namjoon realized something: he had absolutely no idea what to write about. There so many things in the world to write about it shouldn't be that hard, right? Wrong. However, his mind kept wandering to a place deep in his thoughts. A place where he would always go to find comfort and inspiration. That place was where his sweet and unforgettable memories of his now long time crush Kim Seokjin were.

There were so many things about Jin that Namjoon could write about. Hell, he could write a one hundred page novel on why Jin was so perfect. Everything about Jin stood out to Namjoon. His soft, fluffy black hair that he loved to feel between his fingertips when playing with it. His oh so luscious lips that probably tasted like strawberries. How good it would feel to have Jin's plump lips against his, just to see if they fit perfectly with the olders. Namjoon bit his lip softly as his thoughts became more intense.

Dirty thoughts and images filled Namjoon's head as he reached his hand towards his jeans and slowly slipped it inside. Vivid scenes of the older moaning beneath him and begging for younger to fill him flooded Namjoon's mind as be began to pump his member with soft moans coming from his mouth. Namjoon knew it was kind of wrong to have these thoughts about his hyung when he hadn't even confessed to Seokjin yet. Nevertheless, he couldn't let his hard buddy down there be ignored. That would be way worse.

As Namjoon continued to jerk himself off and become close with every pump, he could swear he could hear Seokjin's voice as if he were right next to him. "Joonie. Joonie." He moaned slightly louder as he imagined Jin moaning his nickname while becoming pleasured by the younger. Namjoon's release followed soon after, his cum dripping from his hand because of how heavily he had came. Once he had cleaned himself up, Namjoon reached for his phone in his back pocket. When he brought the screen up to his face, his eyes widened in shock and horror at what it read.

Kim Seokjin.
Call ended: Three minutes ago.

Seokjin was sat on his bed in the dorm minding his own business and playing Mario on his Nintendo, huddled up in a thick blanket because it had become cold in his room. He turned his attention from the game to his phone when it rang, which was lying next to him on the bed. He picked it up and unlocked it, bringing it up to his ear when he saw he was receiving a call from Namjoon.

He was about to say "Hello" when he suddenly stopped when he heard the noises on the other side. Seokjin's mouth went dry, unable to speak as he heard Namjoon's soft moans echoing in his ear. Unable to contain himself, the now blushing older let out his own moan not even worrying about Namjoon hearing him. Now Jin couldn't lie, he had liked the younger for quite some time now. He always became a blushing mess whenever they would cuddle on the couch together, Namjoon's lips always inches away from his. Whenever Jin was around Namjoon, his heart beat painfully against his ribcage, threatening to burst inside him. The fact that Namjoon was jerking off on the other end of the phone was not helping. At all.

Seokjin ended the call as soon as he heard Namjoon groan when he released. But he didn't end it soon enough as he heard Namjoon moan his name right before he came. If Seokjin wasn't a heavy breathing, blushing mess before he was definitely one now. He tossed his phone to somewhere on the bed before burying his face in the pillow beneath him and crossing his legs as he began to have his own problem.

Jin must've passed out, because he was awakened by Namjoon's large hand shaking his shoulder. Jin tried to sit up, but his boner was hurting more than it was before. Namjoon must've noticed Jin's awkward situation, because he laid next to Seokjin and pulled him against his chest.

"Did you um...hear what happened during the call?" Namjoon asked the older quietly with a deep red painting his cheeks. Seokjin couldn't help but nod. Namjoon sighed. "I'm sorry hyung. I didn't mean for you to hear that. I mean... it was wrong anyway but it would've been better if you hadn't heard it. I'm sorry if-" the blushing younger was hushed as Seokjin placed a finger on his plump lips.

"Its okay Joonie. I-I didn't mind it actually. You sounded kind of hot." Seokjin whispered not meeting the youngers gaze. Namjoon's eyes went wide as he heard this. He lifted Seokjin's head up and looked him in the eyes.

"Does this mean you like me too?" A smirk was visible on Namjoon's face while he stared at the older. Seokjin nodded once again. Namjoon leaned forward slowly, connecting his lips gently to Seokjin's. He was right, they did fit perfectly on his. They kissed lovingly and sweetly, enjoying every moment of the long awaited kiss. Unfortunately because humans needed air, the kiss had to be broken for the two to catch their breath.

"Joonie~. I'm really hard and r-really horny. Could you help me? Pwease?" Seokjin gave him a pout as he let his hands roam around the youngers toned body, feeling every hard muscle through his shirt.

Namjoon chuckled. "Of course baby. I'll help you out." Their lips reconnected again, the kiss being more rough and full of want. Namjoon adjusted position, now being on all fours hovering over Seokjin as they kissed.

"Joonie~ need you. Now." He whimpered pulling on the taller boy's waistband. He latched his lips onto Namjoon's neck, sucking on several different spots leaving dark hickeys on the tan skin.

Namjoon moaned softly at the contact. He removed Seokjin's shirt slowly, taking in every detail of his beautiful pale skin. "D-daddy stop staring at me." Seokjin whined his face going completely red as he realized what he had just called Namjoon.

Namjoon pulled off Seokjin's pants to reveal his very hard member before stripping himself down. "How cute. My baby's already calling me daddy just by staring at his beautiful body." He smiled. Namjoon sat down on the bed, placing Seokjin on his lap. Namjoon shivered when Seokjin shifted his position ever so slightly, making Namjoon's cock twitch. He kissed Seokjin again while pulling off the olders boxers.

After the two were completely naked Namjoon laid Seokjin onto his back once again, teasing Seokjin's hole with the tip of his cock. Namjoon grabbed lube from the bedside drawer spreading on his finger then coating it onto his cock. Meanwhile Seokjin was a panting mess beneath him.

"Daddy... fill me. Want your big cock in me daddy~" Jin let out a deep, throaty moan when he felt the youngers cock push inside of him. Namjoon gripped onto Seokjin's hips while he waited for the older to adjust to his size. Seokjin immediately clenched his walls tightly around Namjoon. "So thick daddy. You're so big."

"You're so tight baby boy. So fucking tight for daddy." Namjoon leaned down and began  biting and sucking on Seokjin's neck. Minutes later, Seokjin gave the okay for Namjoon to move. Namjoon thrusted slowly at first, making sure not to hurt the older too much. Namjoon's thrusts gradually got faster, loving the moans Seokjin produced.

This continued on for a long time before both boys started to getting close. Seokjin clenched tighter around Namjoon and wrapped his legs around the dominant male's waist, forcing him to thrust faster. As soon as he did, he hit Seokjin's prostate. "Daddy! Daddy! Please fill Jinnie! Jinnie wants your cum make him full daddy!" Seokjin moaned digging his fingernails into Namjoon's shoulder blade as Namjoon pounded into his hole against his prostate.

"Fuck Jin. You're so good. You feel so good around me." Namjoon groaned. He thrust more times, cumming hard inside Seokjin and filling the olders hole to the brim. He bucked his hips a few more times, riding out his orgasm. Seokjin shouted the youngers name as he came onto his and Namjoon's stomach. Namjoon panted pulling out from Seokjin and cuddling him close as he laid next to him. "I love you so much Jinnie." He kissed the olders forehead gently. Seokjin hummed in response.

"I love you more Namjoon." Seokjin slurred. He pressed his head against the youngers chest, slowly falling asleep, Namjoon following after, murmuring sweet compliments in Seokjin's ear.


I'm back! Finally! Ughhhh I've missed it so much. I've recently been having major writers block and just couldn't think of anything. But now I have a whole list of ideas to write!
I hope the chapter doesn't suck, I'm just starting to get used to writing long things again XD.

Peace~ 💕💕

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