A Little Surprise

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Seokjin looked up Namjoon's side profile, lifting up one of his adorable crooked fingers to get the younger's attention.

"Daddy~~" Jinnie whined, his plump lips turning into a pout until he got the attention he needed at that moment.

Namjoon heeded to the little's whiny tone and turned his head, his eyebrow raising slightly as he questioned the little. "Hmm? What is it baby?" he asked curiously.

Jinnie's pout became prominent as he used one of his hands to rub small circles on his tummy. "Jinnie don't feel good daddy. Can you take me to the bafroom?" the older asked, feeling foul bile rise up in his throat at that very second.

Upon noticing Seokjin's reaction, Namjoon quickly scooped up his boyfriend in his arms, racing up the stairs into the bathroom. He placed Seokjin on the floor just in time for the latter to hunch over the toilet and begin to throw up everything he had eaten up to that point. 

Namjoon bent down next to the male, rubbing small circles on his back and massaging the nape of his neck to make the nauseous feeling go away. 

"Daddy make the bad feeling go away! Jinnie no want the feeling anymore." The little cried, his throat burning uncomfortably as he continued to spew out disgusting vomit.

Namjoon watched on helplessly while Seokjin threw up. "I'm sorry baby. Daddy can't make the feeling go away if he doesn't know what's wrong. But you know who can make the feeling go away?" he asked the latter who looked up him with glossy doe eyes.

"W-who daddy? No one can make Jinnie feel better like daddy can." Jinnie said, with a soft smile despite feeling very ill a few seconds ago.

Namjoon chuckled softly a bit before reaching out his hand to caress Jinnie's cheek gently, he frowned, it didn't feel warm like he expected it to. "The doctor can make you feel better baby. You've been throwing up for almost a week and you still don't have a fever or anything. Do you still feel yucky? Maybe it was the hot chocolate you drank earlier..."

Seokjin shook his head rapidly, his eyes growing wider at the sound of visiting the big, scary doctor. "Jinnie don't feel yucky daddy! Don't need the doctor!" he screeched before coughing a few times and throwing up a little bit more into the porcelain toilet bowl. 

"Nice try Jinnie, You're going to see the doctor."


The following day, Seokjin was nervously biting his sleeves while kicking his feet, feeling anxious abot visiting the doctor's office. Even when he was out of little space, he despised the doctor. He didn't know why, but it scared the absolute shit out of him. And now, here he was, forcefully sat outside the awful office with his daddy while they waited to be called inside for Jinnie's checkup. 

As if on cue, the doctor came out of his office and turned to the couple outside his door. "Kim Seokjin? Kim Namjoon?" he called out.

Jinnie pouted as he looked up at Namjoon with glassy doe eyes, his nervous feeling growing deeper. "Do I haf to go daddy?" he asked with a whiny tone of voice.

"Yes baby. You don't want to feel yucky forever, do you?" Namjoon asked his little as he ruffled the older's soft, fluffy hair. He intertwined Seokjin's hand with his upon receiving a timid nod from the little., leading him inside the awaiting doctor's office.

The doctor instructed Seokjin to lay down on the provided bed in the room, however, Seokjin refused to, for fear of leaving his daddy. "No! I don't wanna leave daddy's side!" he cried, stomping his feet on the tiled floor of the room in the beginnings of a temper tantrum. 

Namjoon quickly grabbed onto the little's wrist, not too tight to hurt him, but tight enough to make him stop. he looked at the little with a frown, disappointment evident in his face. "Jinnie." he said sternly. "What did I say about your behavior? If you keep it up, I won't give you ice cream when we get home." he threatened. 

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