In Love With My Best Friend

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Requested by: @Aki_nakii

Based on: Best Friend by Jason Chen


Namjoon stood outside the elementary school, cowering behind his mother's legs. The place in front of him looked so big and scary, he thought he was in a nightmare.

"Namjoon..mommy has to go now, so I need you to be a brave boy and go with the nice lady inside, okay?" Namjoon's mother had bent down so she was eye level with her son, speaking in a warm, nurturing voice to soothe her son's nerves.

Namjoon shook his head no. He didn't want to leave his mother. He was worried that the other children wouldn't like his smart nature and wild imagination, or that they would always tease him for breaking things. "Don't wanna go. I wanna stay with you!" He cried with a quivering lip.

"It'll be okay sweetheart. You'll make a new friend." Namjoon's mother engulfed him in a tight hug. "I have to go to work now, so I need you to be good and listen to your teachers, okay?" Namjoon nodded, knowing the battle was already lost.

Namjoon's mother kissed him goodbye, and let a woman take his hand. Namjoon had just moved to the area a few days ago, and today was his first day of fifth grade.

The woman led him outside, where a bunch of other children were playing on a playground. Well, except for one.

Namjoon spotted a little boy sitting on a swing by himself, a pout in his plump lips. The boy looked upset, so Namjoon decided to approach him. "A-are you okay?" He asked as he stood in front of the smaller boy.

The little boy shook his head. "No. I spilled milk on my hoodie this morning, so now I'm cold and miserable." He sighed looking up at Namjoon with his doe eyes.

Namjoon blushed, this boy was cute. But wait, aren't boys supposed to like girls? Namjoon frowned, confused on why this boy he just met made him wonder that. He shook the thought away, he would worry about that later. Instead, he lifted his own hoodie over his head, pulling it on the boy a few seconds later.

The boy's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he pulled the oversized hoodie tighter around him. "T-thank you. What's your name?"

"I'm Namjoon. What's yours?"

"Seokjin. But call me Jin. Or Jinnie. That's what my eomma calls me."

Namjoon took a seat on the swing next to Jin. "Jinnie? I like that. It suits you." Namjoon gulped as one of Seokjin's sweater paws wrapped around his big hand.

"Thanks. But now I need a nickname for you." Seokjin bit his lip as he thought. "How about Joonie? It's cute, isn't it?" He asked sporting a wide smile, his inner corners folding on the sides of his mouth.

"Y-yeah. That sounds good...Jinnie." Namjoon smiled as well as he spoke Seokjin's nickname, it just felt right to say. "Hey Jinnie, I think you just became my new best friend."


Years have passed since Namjoon and Seokjin met and became best friends on the playground of their elementary school. They both were now in college, and even though they had both grown up quite a bit, they never lost the bond that made them attracted to each other. Not that either if them would admit they were attracted to the other.

Namjoon was studying in his dorm he shared with Jung Hoseok, someone he had met in high school and had become close too when he heard a knock on their door. He stood up and answered it, surprised at who it was.

" happened again." Seokjin sobbed, throwing himself in Namjoon's arms. This wasn't the first time Seokjin had showed up like this. It was always because some guy had decided to mess with Seokjin's heart and make him feel loved and safe, just to break up with the sensitive male and tell him it was all just a joke, that they were never really in love.

It made Namjoon furious. He had known for a long time that he was in love with the older, and to see his heart be broken over and over again by some jackass made Namjoon want to hold Seokjin and never let go.

Although it hurt to see his best friend dating all these other guys, Namjoon felt it was too late to confess his love, convinced that Seokjin would reject him for the sake that he simply didn't feel the same way. Nevertheless, that was no excuse to not be there for the older when he needed a pair of arms to cry in.

"Hey, it's okay Jinnie. I'm here. You're okay, everything will be okay." Namjoon shushed the older while rubbing his back to soothe his sobs.

"I c-came back to the dorm to find him in bed with s-some girl. He cheated on m-me Joonie. Why am I so needy that I let myself get hurt over and over? Why do people want to hurt me all the time?" Seokjin cried while fisting Namjoon's shirt tightly.

Namjoon lifted Seokjin's head up to face him. "Listen to me Jinnie. Those guys didn't deserve you. You're way to beautiful and perfect for this world. They didn't realize that they left behind the best thing this life has to offer. You're not needy for wanting someone to love. If I were one of those guys, I'd make sure to never hurt you, to thank my luck every fucking day that I was with you. Understand?" He softly wiped away the tears that wear staining Jin's cheeks.

"What'd I do to deserve someone so caring Joonie?" Seokjin smiled as he ran his hand through Namjoon's soft hair. He enjoyed the feeling of Namjoon's soft tough on his cheek. In fact, he enjoyed everything about the younger. You could say, he loved him.

Namjoon shrugged. "You deserve me more than you think you do. Now come on, it's late. Let's get you to bed." Namjoon lifted Seokjin up bridal style carrying him to his bedroom. He gently laid Jin on the bed and pulled the covers over him so he was warm.

Seokjin leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Namjoon's cheek. "Thank you Joonie." He whispered before going to sleep.

Namjoon was sitting on the couch, his fingers lingering the place on his cheek where Seokjin had kissed it a few hours earlier. Since that happened, he couldn't sleep. His heart was aching in his chest because he wanted it to be like that all the time. He wanted Seokjin to be his. To love him, hold him, whisper sweet things while snuggling in bed. He wanted that to be real.

The youngers thoughts were interrupted by someone wrapping their arms around his waist and pulling themselves into his lap. How did he not notice Seokjin get so close?

"I couldn't sleep. And I missed your warmth from earlier." Seokjin murmured as he laid his head in the crook of Namjoon's neck.

Namjoon tensed, beginning to unwrap the olders arms from his waist, but he was stopped by a hand on his.

"Joonie...what's going on with you? You've been acting weird since I came over. You never used to get so mad when I had a breakup. And you've never been so quick to push my cuddles away until recently. Are you okay?" Seokjin said with concern.

Namjoon looked away. "Its nothing." He took a deep breath. It's now or never. He took a deep breath. "I just...I just...I don't know, I think I...I think I fell in love with my best friend."

Seokjin remained silent for a couple of seconds. Then, very slowly, he moved his face towards Namjoon's.

What happened next could only have happened in Namjoon and Seokjin's wildest dreams. Their lips connected, fitting perfectly with one another as if they were made to be together. Seokjin's lips moved rhythmically against Namjoon's, both males lost in the sweet moment.

The sweet kiss lasted for quite a while before they came up for air, the olders lips lingering against Namjoon's.

Namjoon could only stare at the older, his gaze filled with intense love. Seokjin giggled softly in return.

"I think I did too."

Wowww, two stories in two days! A new record! XD
Anyway, this didn't publish in the last chapter, but I have been lacking inspiration for the past few weeks because life is a dick that needs to go fuck someone else other than me. However, I'm really satisfied with how these last two chapters came out, and that gives me happiness, so hopefully I  can get my life together and provide some amazing new chapters.

Peace~ 💕

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