Hot Chocolate Nights

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Winter is the time of year that is perfect for romance. Despite the weather being bitterly cold, there are many advantages to the merciless frost brought by this season.

Cuddling to keep warm, enjoying a snow day, or perhaps even making a hot, steaming cup of creamy, smooth, chocolatey goodness with your lover.

And who else was better to do these things other than the adventurous young couple; Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin?

"Joonie, look! It's snowing!" Namjoon was awoken by the angelic voice of his lover echoing in his ears. The younger male opened his eyes, looking to his side only to find Seokjin standing and looking out the window still stark naked from the intense love making session they had had the night before.

"I don't know, I kind of like this view a little better." Said Namjoon with his deep, husky voice as he stared intently at Seokjin's plump, round, and bare ass, earning a giggle from his boyfriend.

Seokjin turned his head to face Namjoon, putting on the best puppy eyes and pout he could do. "Joonie~ can we go play outside? I know it sounds childish, but I don't care. Snow is pretty and I want to play in it with you."

The younger sat up to stretch his aching muscles before getting up to join his love. "Alright, I'll play in the snow with you. You deserve it for being such a good boy last night." Namjoon bent his head down to let his lips linger on a fresh hickey that was residing on Seokjin's neck, smirking as he heard the older moan quietly.

"Don't you dare start. I'm sore as hell from last night, and you know how I get with you. You make me so weak Namjoon-ah." Seokjin pouted.

Namjoon placed a quick, but sweet peck on the side of Seokjin's neck before patting the black haired male's bum a few times. "Let's start getting dressed before we both get horny then. Or how bout this: If you don't get dressed faster than me, I'm gonna wreck this booty of yours so hard that you'll need medical assistance to help you walk for the rest of your life."

Seokjin had never gotten dressed so fast in his entire existence.


As the two young lovers stepped outside the dorm, the cold winter air slapped Seokjin in the face, making his warm cheeks sting and his ears turn red. Not that he minded though. The chilly air against bare skin gave Seokjin an adrenaline rush he couldn't describe. Such a rush that he couldn't help but throw a snowball at the unsuspecting Namjoon, hitting him right in his exposed nape.

'Ahhh, the season of winter truly is beautiful. White snow blanketed on the ground against a cloudless deep blue sky, it's really a brilliant work of art. Maybe I should marry Jinnie in the win- WHAT THE FUCK?!' Namjoon was pulled from his intellectual daydream world as he felt ice cold snow hit the back of his neck. He turned around to see Seokjin covering his mouth and pointing at him while laughing loudly. Taking a handful of the cold substance, Namjoon threw the snowball at his wheezing hyung, hitting him in his precious and handsome face.

"Oh, it's on."

Quickly turning into a war zone, the small area the two had picked for spending the day together became filled with small piles of snow used to take shelter behind, or for preparing the ammo.

Balls of snow were hurled through the clear blue sky as neither of the men decided to give in to each other.

"Give up now Jinnie. Bow down to your dom and I will consider sparing that fine booty of yours!" Shouted Namjoon from behind his makeshift fort.

"Never! Give me your worst Kim Namjoon! I'll never bow to you!" Seokjin yelled back in mock bravery.

Namjoon chuckled to himself. His boyfriend was really a child at heart. That's what was so special about him. He could have a good time in any situation as long as he got to use his childlike nature.

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