Chapter 6: No

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3rd POV

"No." The man shook his head and said, "I'm here to apply for work."

Jimin's head jerked up upon hearing the words that came out of the man's lips. His eyes darted to the man before they went wide from utter surprise.

"You again?" Jimin blurted.

All eyes turned to him. He can't believe that the man he was just daydreaming about, the man he bumped into twice, and the man he forthwith lied to, is standing right in front of them. Looking casual but still hot, Jimin thought.

"I apologize. I assumed you were lying when you promptly said no," answered Jungkook as politely and formally as he could while locking gaze with Jimin.

He swears that he would recognize the short man from anywhere now that they have seen each other multiple times. 

"Hold on. You know each other?" Hoseok asked while looking back and forth between the two. But he was ignored as the two continued to converse.

"I am not lying though," Jimin said. Not wanting to look away, he held Jungkook's glazed eyes.

Taehyung decided to interrupt the two and asked, "Sorry to interrupt but may we know what you two are talking about? We're still within working hours, it's best to finish this as soon as we can before customers start entering." Hoseok looked at his boyfriend with pride. Tae never fails to amaze Hoseok when he turns into his serious mode.

"Are you hiring? If yes then can I apply for a job?" Jungkook broke eye contact with Jimin and turned to look at Taehyung, who he seems to be the mature one out of all of them.

From his serious expression, Taehyung's lips stretched widely into a smile and broke out of character. "Oh right! We were just on the topic. Yes! We are hiring." Jimin's eyes widened. Since when did he say they were hiring?

"Taehyung." Jimin gave Tae the eye.

"-not." he squeaked. "Oh look, is that dirt I see? Must clean it. Bye!" Without a second, he fled and disappeared from beside Hoseok and to the cabinet where cleaning materials are kept. Jungkook took back his thoughts about Tae.

An awkward silence blanketed the three who were left looking at each other. Sending silent messages through their eyes to see who's going to answer Jungkook.

The said man, however, waited while surveying the interior of the cafe. He only needed a yes or a no from their manager. Unaware that the manager already said no to him once.

"I don't like him, he's not my type." Ayla scanned Jungkook from top to bottom and clicked her tongue in distaste. Jungkook ignored her judgments. Ayla shrugged and turned to Jimin. "It's up to the boss."

"No," Jimin said and left his post behind the counter, walking towards Jungkook.

Halting five feet away from the tall man. He felt his hand tremble from his side and so he folded his arms in front of his chest instead. "We're not hiring." He said, looking straight at Jungkook's compelling eyes. Turning him down for the second time.

A small smile curved up on Ayla's lips after hearing Jimin's final answer.

Jungkook stayed indifferent, showing no reaction to the answer he was given. He finds it quite surprising and unexpected that the man he bumped into was the owner of the cafe he's standing in. He smiled and pointed to the lounge area with his thumb.

"Then, as a customer, can I stay there?" He asked.

Jimin struggled not to flush after seeing Jungkook's fetching smile. "Of course, you can. You're still a customer, after all." Jungkook gave Jimin a slight nod before walking to where the library is.

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