Chapter 12: Kidnapped

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3rd POV

Hours ago...

"Jimin," Jungkook called and stood in front of the counter where Jimin stood behind. The latter lifted his head while holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Yes?" Jimin replied, turning his back and getting a pitcher of milk from the table behind.

Jungkook scratched the back of his neck before answering, "I gotta leave early today." He shifted on his feet and pocketed his hand, preventing him from fidgeting with it. He remained cool and showed no hint of apprehension.

"Someone's got a date." Ayla voiced and sipped on her cup of latte. Looking everywhere but the two. Jimin arched a brow at her before heaving a sigh and facing the taller in front of him who was smirking at Ayla.

"You jealous?" He retaliated. Ayla grimaced and almost spitted out her drink from Jungkook's comeback.

"Over my dead body." She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. "If you're gonna ask that question, at least ask it to the right person." She said, earning a glare from Jimin. She felt it burn through the side of her head and decided to go back to work, ignoring Jungkook who was throwing her confused glances.

"Uhh... if it's important then sure, go ahead." Jimin said with a sad smile on his lips. Jungkook nodded his head before exiting the cafe.

Jimin's mood dropped and became gloomy. He tried his best to cover it so it won't affect the others. He smiled all throughout the day and ignored the tiny ache weighing on his heart.

Ayla noticed Jimin's despondency but chose not to bother him. She knew what he was feeling and she felt guilty for teasing him like that.

Hours later and the cafe finally closed. Hoseok and Tae retreated upstairs while Ayla told them that she had to go home to her apartment. It's already 6 pm and the sun's about to vanish on the horizon. Jimin finished washing up and is wearing his pastel yellow PJs.

He finished drying his hair with a blower when his phone started alarming loudly. He grabbed it and looked at the time on the bright screen: 6:30 pm.

He went downstairs, phone in hand, and saw Hoseok sitting quietly on the sofa while Tae was walking back and forth behind him. Jimin's eyes roamed around to search for the locks of brown curly hair.

"Is she here yet?" He asked. Hoseok just shook his head seriously while his hands were clasped together in front of his lips and his knee bouncing anxiously. Jimin inhaled deeply, trying to stay rational and not letting panic rise and overcome him.

"Okay," He exhaled shakily. "Tae, come with me. Hyung, can you stay?"

Hoseok nodded his head in response. "I'll wait for her here in case she comes back."

Taehyung grabbed his phone and Jimin changed his clothes. They both headed downstairs and exited the cafe. As soon as they stepped out, they were welcomed by a gust of cold chilling wind as the sun had vanished and the full moon peaked on the other side.

They jogged to the park and saw only a few children present. Their eyes searched for their little girl but she was nowhere in sight.

"Khalisee!" Taehyung shouted with his hand around his mouth, hoping Issy heard his call.

"Issy!" Jimin copied. They received no response and that's when they were hit by a foreboding feeling.

Their hearts sank and was covered in disquietude as they searched the whole park. But even a shadow of her wasn't in sight. Jimin jogged to the bench she introduced to be hers and Jungkook's but didn't see her there as well.

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