|| The Grand Red Meadow Hospital!

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Author's pov~

Sunday, 01: 23 p.m.~

In a car~

In A car, Byron was in the passenger seat while Valentine and Heath were in the Back seat.

" Come on Byron, Why are you taking us there?" Valentine asked.

" Patience young child... patience.." Byron said as he rested his arm on the armrest.

" Oh! And that is the Carmer's Bakers! they are said to sell the best vanilla muffins in the country!" Heath fanboyed while looking out of the window.

Yup, this was going on for a while now...

The three boys booked a taxi and are currently traveling to their destination while piercing through the roads of Oshiro city.

Byron was chilling, Valentine was getting bored, and Heath was pointing at famous food centers.

"But honestly speaking... Oshiro still has that Vintage look... It's awkward yet soothing to the eyes at the same time...." Byron claimed, looking at the vintage-like-looking buildings.

" Yup! That's right! We Oshiro citizens are very fond of our unique culture! All these buildings are build in the last 20 years! you will rarely find any building with modern infrastructure!" The driver exclaimed proudly.

" Really? So you're saying that there is no old and original vintage-style building in Oshiro?" Valentine asked.

"Of course there are! Like our Museum, the government office, and the residences of big wealthy families, etc... We only use modern technology, but according to my thinking, It will take almost a decade for modern infrastructure to fit into the cultural minds of our citizens!" Driver said.

" Hmm... This place is different from Elliptical island. At the island, we can't stop awing at the Infrastructure... and here there's nothing like that..." Heath said.

" Well, maybe because you guys are from outside, you'll don't know about the protest..." The driver said as he rotated the steering.

" The protest?"

" The wealthy families here, who were once the noble families in the kingdom ages ago, have started to protest against the formation of Elliptical island along the coast of Oshiro. They think it is violating and insulting the ancient tradition and culture of the Oshiro city...." 

The boys looked at each other with confused expressions.

" Can you... tell us more?" Byron asked.

The driver suddenly stopped the taxi and lowered his cap.

" I am sorry... I wish to tell you but... I have a family to serve... Your Destination is here! The Grand Red Meadow Hospital!" The driver said.

Soon, without saying anything, the boys paid the driver and got off the taxi.

Soon, without saying anything, the boys paid the driver and got off the taxi

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