|| The Dispute!

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Author's pov~

The Grand Red Meadow Hospital~

" I FREAKING Own this place!" Said a female voice.

And that voice belonged to none other than...

Ashley Asher!

it was the trio from the DR!

Anna, Ashley, and Shine!

" You own this hospital?..." asked Valentine.

" Yes! That's why it is called the red meadow hospital! indicating the famous redhead family-"

" Shine!"

" Yeah yeah... sorry!" Shine said jokingly.

" But this is not a joke!" Anna said and grabbed Heath's arm, further pulling him back inside the elevator.

" You both! Back inside!!" Ashley ordered.

" What?....."

Shine sighed and dragged them in by their jackets.

Once the elevator door closed... Heath asked,

" Soo..... why back in here?"

" We're going to the laboratory!" Anna said huffing.

Let me get this straight!

Annaliese was disappointed.

Ashley was furious.

and Shine was a bit too sarcastic than usual...

and that's when the boys realized... they messed up.

The elevator doors opened and the girls stepped out... followed by the 3 boys.

In the laboratory~

once they were in the lab, Ashley burst out furiously.

" How dare you come here and visit our friend without our consent?! you are no one to her!! are you guys trying to spy on us?! thought that Lily would tell you about what was happening on the island and why the Oshiro media is covering up all the news?! For GOD's sake... STOP INTERFERING IN OUR MATTERS!!"

" ASH! Take it easy!" Anna said, trying to calm the fuming redhead fire angel.

" Stop interfering you say... then fine! we will stop interfering! but only after you girls tell us what's going on? We can't stay out of it if it concerns the safety of our teammates!" Byron said and walked 2 steps closer to Ashley.

.... Only for someone to stand in between the two.

" Please! Don't yell at her!" Said Katherine as she placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away lightly.

Byron was surprised to see her here.

" Yeah... you'll only anger her more." said the calm voice of Eunice.

" Is the whole team here?" Valentine asked scratching the back of his head.

" Nope! Only the 5 of us... Now spill the beans... why were you here to visit Lily in the first place? and honest answers only... I hate lies." Shine said as she started tossing an empty conical flask in the air.

" You hate lies when you yourself are lying..." Heath said blankly.

" There is a difference between lying and hiding the truth, Mr. Moore," Anna said sarcastically.

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