"Prince Jeon Jungkook"

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Author's POV

Jimin stumbled back, accidentally knocking down the near by things around him and the lantern breaking few meters away from him.

'What did I just saw?!' Jimin asked himself in his mind. He gulped down his own saliva as he pushed himself up the floor. The omega tried to walk a little in the dark but unfortunately a piece from the broken lantern pierced Jimin's foot.

"Ouch!" Jimin hissed in pain as blood dripped out of his delicate skin. The smell of blood mixed with peaches scent as a certain demon in the room, who was watching Jimin from the dark corner, became crazy

Jimin sat on the floor carefully and took a deep breath.

"Bitch, where the fuck is that stupid demon?! When he is not needed that idiot will pop out of everywhere but now, when I need him...he is munching bones?! Agh- fuck you moron..." Jimin cursed ".....that intimidating Alpha is so stupid. Its happening all because of him. I hate him! I hate that seductive Alpha"

"Bad mouthing me, Omega?" Jungkook said from behind. Jimin flinched and turned around.

"Fuck! He is so hot" Jimin's Omega rolled on the floor. The Alpha's eyes were glowing bright red and his palm was radiating flames

"Hey! That hurts!!" Jimin tried to get up but end up falling again. Jungkook sat infront of him and said "I'm a demon, baby. I was trained in the middle of flames"

"Shut up and help me get up" Jimin spatted. Jungkook raised his eyebrow and asked "....and that's because?"

"Cant you see I'm bleeding?!" Jimin glared at the Alpha. The demon chuckled and booped the omegas nose with his finger

"Hey! Dont boop that-" Jimin whined. "I'll pretend like I didn't heard that" Jungkook said

"Wh- THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!" Jimin yelled when Jungkook pulled his leg in front of his face. The Alpha removed tha glass piece and used his tongue to lick the blood and also the deep cut.

"D...Dont lick that" Jimin stammered, completely stunned by the others act. Soon after the Alpha licked the wound clean and placed a kiss on top of it

"Dont think I did it because I care for you but because it stung my foot too" Jungkook said in his cold voice and vanished in thin air. Jimin blinked his eyes to register what was happening when he saw a new lantern beside him, with fire inside the glass frame.


Jimin came out of the room, try not to be too obvious about 'A dEmON liCKeD mY fOot'. He signed and walked down the hallways when he found Lisa sitting beside the window looking outside

"Lisa" Jimin said. The omega flinched as she looked at Jimin as if she saw a ghost

"M..My Q..Queen?" Lisa stammered. Jimin frowned and asked "What happened Lisa? What's troubling you?"

Lisa smiled nervously and said "N..Nothing is t..troubling me..I swear. Just a little tired"

Jimin sighed in relief and said "Take a day off today. You look tired for real"

"O..Okay" Lisa said and went to her room leaving Jimin alone. The omega frowned and said to himself "Its not tiredness but something...that she is hiding from me. Her Vanilla scent says everything"
Jimin covered his face with a cloth a went to the forest riding his horse. The male was worried for Lisa and  also for what was happening to him. The sudden burning of his skin, throbbing of head and other activities

Wind was hitting his face and the smell different flowers made his mind relax for s while. The horse reached its destination and Jimin went off of the him. He tied the horses around a tree trunk and patted his head "Be obedient, Kookie"

Jimin removed his hand from the horse head and went inside the pathway. It was covered with different varieties of vegetables, fruits and there was also a flower garden backside of it. The house was grey and back. The walls were made of cement while wild plants were growing below the ground, sticking on it. He knocked the door and a witch opened it

Her eyes were naturally yellow while her hair was pure white. The witch was around 70s and She had a clork on and was holding a portion. Something that Jimin think is out of the world.

"You had already met him didn't you?" The witch said directly looking at Jimin. The omega gasped in surprised and asked "Him? W..Who?"

"Come inside" The witch opened the door wider and let Jimin sit on the stool.

"You met him..." , "Met who-"

"Listen to me and dont utter a single word" The witch said with a stern look. Jimin gulped and nodded.

"You met him..and you called him yourself. You called your own destruction. You opened the door that wasn't supposed to. The door that holds the darkest secret of Busan kingdom. That room....is not holy, Omega Park. It is filled with curses that was make years ago. It will destroy you or should I say that the demon already become a nightmare to some of you all? He will kill and kill. He won't stop until the vow is fulfilled. He is buring...buring with pain, anger and betrayal. They changed him to a monster. Someone...who is different from all. Someone who.." The witch looks and Jimin and said "....is waiting to get drowned with blood"

Jimin shivered with her words and said "Who? Suzi, I ask who? And what do you mean darkest secret and..and what do that door hide. Who changed whom?! Who want blood? SUZI WHO??! My body burns...I..I hear screams....blood all over"

The witch sighed and said "Dont worry about that, Omega Park. I'll come to your palace by tomorrow and will try to help you"

"Suzi, don't change the topic. I ASKED WHO IS THE ALPHA?!"



Theory? What happened with Jk?

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