"In the Shadows"

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TW// goggle is useless when it comes to exorcism therefore, I've added Catholic/ Christian exorcism here. Main tw is: attempt of exorcism

Author's POV

......"But Min how would we know when they war will start?" Taehyung says as the queen and him walk by the corridor

"I've send some soldiers in the kingdom to spy on this matter. But we cant wait for his message to deliver. We need to be prepared" Jimin says

"But I dont understand one thing...." Taehyung says stopping in his track. Jimin frowns and ask "and that is?"

"What happened with Joon-gi on his way? Like...something is not adding up" Taehyung replies. Jimin bit his lower lips and says "...I dont know that"

"I didn't asked you...." Taehyung says with a frown. He told Jimin's arms and ask "....do you know what happened with him?"

He can see the omega tense as Jimin says "n-no! I dont know...its just...I-I s..said..."

"Lying....you are lying" Taehyung says. Jimin shakes his head and says "I'm not, Tae"

"Was it......that demon?" Taehyung asked lowly. Jimin's breath hitched as he ask "How do you know?"

"Doesn't matter-"

"No it does! Tell me!?" Jimin ask cutting Taehyung off.

"....Yesterday" Taehyung replies. Jimin took a deep breath as he recalls the event of the previous day. Then it rings bell.

"Did...he do something to you?" Jimin whisper ask. Taehyung shook his head and replies "No. He didn't"

Jimin exhaled the worry of his body as Taehyung ask him again "What happened with Joon-gi...on his way, Min?"

Jimin closes his eyes and says "He killed Joon-gi". Taehyung gasped in surprise as an unexpected reply came out "That's cool"

Jimin jolted in shock as he looks at Taehyung in pure disbelief. Taehyung notices Jimin's reaction and says "Its cool because...because Joon-gi deserved for what he did in the hall that day....though it was little harsh but..its okay"


Both the omega burst into laughter with Taehyung's reply. Though he wanted to ask more question about Jungkook, Taehyung stopped thinking to ask about it some other day.
Jimin slumped on his chair as the meeting finally ended with the officials. It was dead tiring because of his wound and also cause the war is unannounced.

Jimin closed his eyes as his nose smelled Jungkook's scent. He smiled lightly knowing that Jungkook was with him in the room.

"Why are you smiling?" Jungkook ask. Jimin chuckled and answers "Because you are here"

Jungkook scoffs "You were supposed to be scared of me". Jimin tsk and said "I'm not scared of you. Why should I be?"

When he opened his eyes Jungkook was sitting beside him, dark eyes looking at him "My appearance should give you night terror but your brave ass is smiling due to me presence?"

Jimin giggled and ask "So you think I'm brave, Puppy?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes and replies "Ofcourse, My Queen. Who would have himself cause of heat? That's completely bravery. Unwanted one though"

"But nothing happened to be right? I'm here, in front of you, in flesh and blood" Jimin says. Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief as he gets up on his feet and stand behind Jimin. He placed a cup of blue liquid in front of Jimin's lips and commands "Drink"

Without any hesitation Jimin gulps down the liquid as he chokes in between. "What was that?" Jimin ask.

Jungkook trailed his fingers from Jimin's cheeks to his lips and said "Mixture of my...blood and a drop of water from underworld"

"Are you trying to posses me?" Jimin ask. Jungkook groans and says "I'll not answer that now but...it will protect you"

"How?" Jimin ask. Jungkook kissed his cheeks and whispers "When time will come...it  will react. Let is be a secret for now"

"But-" before Jimin can ask more Jungkook vanished by the time, leaving the omega alone in the room.
Lisa let out a troubled inhale as her chest moves up and down. She opens her eyes and saw herself in the middle of the forest. Beside her was a bag and a lantern, that was blazing fire inside.

She sat up and groaned when pain emerged from her spin to her head.

'Mahoutsukai of Silla' that's the only thing echoing in her head, when she tries to recall the events

She takes the bag in her hand as sees a map. A map that was old and had holes in some part of it. She looks for that lanterns and holds it in her hand, standing up.

"Where to?" She ask herself as she looks at the map. There she spots a route that was marked with blank ink as at the end point, its says 'Silla'
Four shamans comes in the kingdom, shivering as they enters the forest. They had a cross sign in their hands. All males and were beta.

The head of the group was wearing a red hanbok as he had a bottle of holy water in his hand and a cross.

The other shamans were walking behind him as the main shaman finally stops in the middle of the forest.

He closes his eyes and says "Here.". The other shamans nodded and sat on the ground. The main shaman recalls the memories that happened in the place and jolts when he saw how the demon breaks the prince's head.

He opens his eyes and looks forward, in the aphotic. He notices some movement but turns out to be a dear running around.....or was it?

"Its done" one of the shaman says. The main shaman or you can say baksu sat on the ground, facing the dark end of the forest and closes his eyes again.

Infront of him, was a piece of Jimin's hanbok, bark of a tree and some grass...which had dried blood and beside was the holy water with bowls of fire to lit up the place. He clears his throat says "Simple exorcism", and starts praying "All-powerful God, pardon all the sins of your unworthy servant. Give me constant faith and power so that, armed with the power of Your holy strength, I can attack this cruel evil spirit in confidence and security..."

The tress beside them dances with the blowing air. It felt like the crows were crying to them in mockery as they heard screams. The shaman can feel the unholy presence of the demon around him as he shakes in fear. The power it holds was something that was kind of not possible my simple exorcism but you need many priests for that.

He can feel the presence again. Now, behind the shadows of the trees as it moves round and round

The baksu opened his eyes as he can see a women looking at him, eyes totally black, with crimson blood flowing out of them....and she smiles but the priest doesn't stop praying. By the next blink there was Jungkook, sitting in front of him with a demonic smile in his face. The priest blood went cold when he looked at the demons appearance

Yet he didn't stop praying

"I e-exorcise you, Most U-Unclean Spirit! All Spirits! Every one of you! In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Be uprooted and expelled from this-" the baksu was cut off in between when Jungkook screamed "Creature of God!!!"

The shamans were thrown in the air as the baksu flew backward, his head hitting a tree. Then he hears the demon saying "Messed with my omega's belongings...wont leave...wont leave you even..even in hell"

His vision blurred as blood gushed out of his mouth when he feels the demon coming near him and he mutters his last word "The..demon.. is p-protecting, h-hiding in the...shadows"


Why the priest said the last line will be explained later on with my dulululu theories

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