"New beginning or..."

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Author's POV

Jimin smiled softly and walked towards the Alpha. The omega folded his hands and asked "How did you manage to kill him without awaking the others?"

Jungkook walked closer to him and took the omega's hand and rubbed his bloody hand against him. The blood painted Jimin's hands too as he smiled "Thanks for teaching him a lesson"

"Ofcourse sweetheart" Jungkook said. "You didn't answer my question earlier" Jimin said. Jungkook chucked....yes chuckled for the first time and said "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I can do anything"

Jimin giggled and ruffled Jungkook's hair "Puppy"

"Excuse me?" Jungkook asked dumbfounded. Jimin giggled more and said "This is the first time I saw you smile, wait- chuckle instead of holding that dumb smirk"

"What- hey! My smirk is not dumb" Jungkook whined. Jimin looks at him with eyes surprising Jungkook

"What?","The Jeon Jungkook whined?" Jimin asked in disbelief


"What's wrong with you today? Why aren't you acting like a hot demon but a puppy prince?!" Jimin says

"So you like me hot self?" Jungkook asked with his dumb smirk. "yes-NO- I..I mean yes but no. I dont like your so called hot self" Jimin said with a huff

"Sure omega" Jungkook said and slapped the omega's peach.

After along pregnant pause Jungkook says "I'm sorry"

"Hah? You already said that"

"It wasn't....proper. Jimin-ah, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I was angry and I..I reallt dont have any control on myself when I'm angry. But the truth is that you...you are perfect to have pups. I've...I've said this in our first meeting too that you are best get breeded but...in anger I said that but...but I..I promise it was a lie...it is a lie...I'm...I'm sorry...." Jungkook said. Eyes big like a puppy and head low

Jimin sighed and walked towards Jungkook. "Did you realise what I felt that time? I felt like someone was taking my pride away from me...I..I felt so torn..." he said

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook muttered. Suddenly he was engulfed was a warm body. His brain stopped circulating, heart pumping blood faster than usual as he felt warm all over...though his body was cold

"Your cold" Jimin muttered. Jungkook let out a shaky breath and said "Thats because I..I'm dead"

He felt Jimin snuggling in his chest as Jimin smiled listening to the demons heartbeat.

"Hug me back?" Jimin pouted. Jungkook chuckled and circled his arms around the omega's small frame.

"I forgive you" Jimin said. Jungkook sighed in relief and let out a small 'thank you'

"So..let's go back?"

"Yes" Jimin nodded and they went back to the castle. Well....since when did they became so close? Let's see a scenario of 4 hours back
As soon as Jimin left the hall he directly went at the back of the castle where the pond was. Jimin loved the pond because it had varieties of fishes and swans too. Butterflies playing and bumping with each other in bliss.

He sat near the pond as let out a heavy sigh. His body was aching due to the impact he faced by Jungkook in Suzi's hut

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