"My appearance?"

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TW// Paranormal activity

Author's POV

Taehyung looked at Hoseok with a blank expression. The omega didn't knew what more to ask. Hoseok stared at him with the same blank expression

"S-So you are telling me....WE LIVE IN A FUCKING HAUNTED CAST- umhhmp" Hosoek covered Taehyung's mouth as he said "Shhh! Dont scream" and released his hand from the omega's mouth

Taehyung took harsh breathing and said "so basically we..we are living in a haunted castle and the demon is actually the prince of this kingdom? It's stupid"

"Its not stupid Tae. There are more written about this demon but gradually the papers vanished and are left out only with these two" Hoseok said

"I..I will go crazy if I listen more to you. I'll go and check on, Min" Taehyung said and he left the room. Hoseok sighed and muttered "Its...not...stupid..."

Just like everytime, the temperature dropped suddenly. The room was dark since it was evening by now and the only source of light was lamp. Hoseok looked around a little, feeling a little scared. At the end of the room, a book fell. Hoseok startled at the noise and gulped down. He stood up and with hasitate steps he went there. He bend down and took the book in his hand. The beta kept the book in its place and sighed in relief. He turned around when he saw someone sitting on the chair where he was sitting once.

"Hey! Who are you?" Hoseok asked. As if he will say 'oh hey, I'm a ghost'.

"Turn around" He commanded. The person sat up as he turned around. Sad fact, the beta couldn't see any feature of the man.

Hoseok pushed the lamp infront of him and finally be saw a some features. Well burned features. The bulb in Hoseok's head lit up and as screamed "HELP!! SAVE ME!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!"

Jungkook smiled showing his bloody mouth where there were blood tracking down his lips. Hoseok fell on the floor as he crawled backwards. "You know a lot about me, dont you?" Jungkook said with his Alpha voice. Hoseok bared his neck in submission and he stammered "n-no"

"No? But judging by your face... its says something else" Jungkook said with a psychotic smile. Cold sweat rolled from Hoseok's neck as his neck was going dry in fear.

"I..I dont k-know a-anyt-thi-ing" Hoseok stammered. Jungkook came closer but then the beta realised that the demon wasn't walking. He was above the ground with blood trailing behind.

"L-Leave m-me" Hoseok cried out. Jungkook stopped in his track and he bend out. The ugly sound of bones cracking made Hoseok rethink his existence. Jungkook came impossibly close to the beta as he whispered "You saved someone..who is very precious to me..and in return of that...I wont kill you but...if you tell anyone...any single soul about me then I will misplace your joint and bury it under the earth" Jungkook whispered. Hoseok nodded repeatedly as within the next moment no one was infront of him. Its only him, the books, and the lamp.

On the top of the castle...Jungkook was sitting on the roof. His demon form inviting the crows newby.... as there was black smoke lingering around him. The night was dark, there was no moon and Jungkook loved it. In the back of his head his wolf spoke "What do you love so much about darkness?"

"I...dont know. There is something...something I cant put into words. Its....scary yet beautiful and something about this...pulls me more to it. I like those shadows that move freely in the dark....I like to see that darkness" Jungkook explained. His wolf asked again "Why don't...we come out of it? We have our light with us. We....have our moom with us"

Jungkook sighed "I..dont wanna let him see my real world. I don't wanna let him see my broken sight. And talking about light?...my darkness is something...well a place where no light is ment to reach....even if it did...my demons will swallow it down"

"So....when we will kill our- I mean, the omega?" His wolf asked. Jungkook tenses at the question as he replied "I don't know"

"And....I dont wanna suffer more. Not only me...but you too" his wolf said and suppressed him in the Alpha's mind. Jungkook looked up at the sky and then be saw the moon...which wasn't there before "Can you save me? Be my light? My...Moon?"
Jimin opened his eyes and jolted in pain that was in his chest. Though it was less than yesterday but the pain was still nerve aching. The space beside him was cold unfortunately

When Taehyung came in his room yesterday, the omega pretended that he was asleep. He can feel the omega's warm body gently hugging him and kissing his forehead. Maybe later at 2AM or 3 he felt Taehyung hug him. He knew that the omega love to cuddle with him.

Jimin closed his eyes recalling yesterday's event. It was....a messy roller coaster. He was supposed to be in heat now but Hoseok's herbs suppressed it and the queen was pretty much thankful for it.

Jimin leaned on his bed as his chest was throbbing. The door of his room opened as Taehyung came inside with a shocked face. Jimin frowned and asked "Anything wrong Tae?"

"You...You were s-supposed..be..unconscious by now" Taehyung stammered.

"Um...maybe they healed faster..due to hobi's herbs" Jimin said.

"NO! NO!! THIS!!-ITS!!-" Taehyung shivered in fear and shock. When, in the library Hoseok said those words he was distressed from the very start. He though that the healer was saying nonsense but...today...he felt it was true. Jimin was healing fast and a wound can only be healed faster...if the person's Alpha or beta licks it.

"W-Who is t-that demon?" Taehyung asked. Jimin face palmed and says "what demon, Tae? I'm all alone"

"....d-dont lie....DONT LIE PARK JIMIN!!" Taehyung screamed backing away. His eyes widened when he saw the curtains he opened today morning...were closing on it's own and the room was getting dark.

He was panicking and when he saw Jimin...well...the person behind Jimin he felt horror consuming his body. Jimin was stiff as an arms circled around him and the person rested his head on the omega's shoulder. It was Jungkook.

"You were asking for my appearance?"



This was a little rushed but tomorrow is my exam and no update until 8Oct most probably

What will happen next? Any idea?

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