"Wynorrific story"

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Author's POV

Silence. The hall had a suffocating silence. The mage and Lisa, both were looking at the bottle in the mate's hand. The smoke was red and black and it was thrashing around in pain, it seems.

Taehyung loosen his grip on Jimin as taking the chance Jimin pushed the omega off him and ran to the unconscious Alpha. "J-Jungkook?" Jimin took a hold of the Alpha's shoulder and pushed his head in his lap and Jimin cupped his face. "Puppy c-can you hear me? J-Jungkookie?" Jimin questioned, patting the Alpha's face

At a distance, the mage spoke "Its been a while since the demon was inside him. Let him rest. Few hours later he will wake up"

Jimin looked at the mage and fury and yelled "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM??!?!"

"Saved him." The mage replied calmly. Lisa poked the mage's hips as she spoke "M-Mister, w-what about t-this s-spirit?". You might have thought why hips? Why not hands or shoulder? Well, its because the mage was a 11 ft tall witch with a head of a a fucking buffalo. Agh! It's a skull

 Agh! It's a skull

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*a/n. If you haven't watched this anime than your life is a lie. Name: ancient magus bride*

The mage looked at Lisa and spoke "The truth is yet to reveal, first that will happen and then we will see what to do aftermath"


"MY QUEEN!!" Wook dashed towards Jimin and shielded him from the mage, thinking that it might be a threat. Jimin said weekly "Its fine Chang-Wook, he is not a threat"

Wook drawed his sword back and gasped in surprise when he saw Jungkook lying unconscious is Jimin's lap.

"C-Clorky?" He stammered. Jimin tighten his grip around Jungkook and pleaded "Chang-Wook, please bring him to my room"

"Y-Your r-room?"

"Yes." Jimin said and went to his room leaving them confused, shocked.
"Will he remember me?" Jimin asks as he looked at Jungkook's sleeping face. It was the first time he saw the Alpha looking so peaceful. His chubby fingers were brushing the Alpha's long hair tenderly as the room was dead silent. Only the mage was there as he told the others to wait outside his room

"We will get the answer after he wakes up" The mage said. Jimin nodded and let out a very tired sigh. The maids were clearing all the bloodsheds outside and the smell of blood was finally decreasing, that was a great relief for him 

"You seem tired." The mage comments. Jimin nodded and said "I'm tired of all of these. I want fresh air...want to relax my mind for a while"

"What's your favourite flower?" The mage asked. Jimin bit his lips, he does it when he is nervous. The mage tilts his head and says "You're hesitating"

"......I don't know"


"I dont...dont know what's my favourite flower. I never...got to explore anything about myself....its always just...war, meetings, bed, stereotype comments from some villages...." Jimin says. The mage nodded and says "Maybe from now on you should give some time to yourself"

Jimin looks at the sorcerer and asks "What about the kingdom?"

"What about you? And...Jungkook?" The mage ask back. Jimin slumps his shoulder and ask again "Why should I give time to myself?"

"Well..its because if you dont know who you are, you'll never know your surroundings, your goal. Try to learn about yourself, give yourself some private time. Its not being selfish but a few moments of taking care of yourself. Just do things that make you relax but yeah, it's not supposed to be sleeping. Maybe you can go for a tried to the places in your kingdom where you never went...or maybe you can go for a picnic with yourself and your horse. The nature still awaits for you, Park Jimin. There is still time, dont waste it" The mage completes.

"I hate you from now on cause you are right" Jimin mutters. He can hear the mage chuckling beside him.

"You want to know the story?" The mage ask suddenly

"What story?"

"The story....of this spirit?"

Jimin pauses his thinking and focus on only that topic. He wanted to know who the spirit was. Why did he possesed Jungkook? What about the picture he saw in the that room? Was it all a lie? Was his love based on someone who...wasn't even real? What about all the mix feeling he felt?

"I want to know" Jimin says. The mage nods and ask "Are you sure? It will be a little traumatic....most probably"

"I'm sure" Jimin says confidently. The mage nods again and leave the room. Him sat on the bed more comfortably and trailed his fingers over Jungkook's cheeks. "Please..remember me" he mutters and drift to take a nap.

Beside him, the tiger lily glowed and went back to pretend dead
"Minnie" Taehyung pats Jimin's arms, trying to wake the omega. Jimin stirs and opens his eyes, running them slowly 


"T-The mage is w-waiting f-for you" Taehyung says. Jimin looks at Jungkook and then thinks 'everything will be different if....I look what happened with you?'

"Let's ago." Jimin says then. Taehyung nods and gave him the key of his room. They went outside and Jimin locks the room. "Just in case, if anyone tried to sneak inside" Jimin says

They went to a particular room after that. Room, where he first encountered Jungkook or we should say, the possesed Jungkook? The omega takes a deep breath as he approach near it as he sees Yoongi and Namjoon guarding the corridor while Wook was infront of the door waiting for Jimin. He bowed and opened the room and Jimin went inside a familiar atmosphere of the room, he left earlier.

The mage was looking at the portrait carefully as Lisa and Hoseok were arranging the candles to lit the room. Jimin stood behind the mage and the sorcerer spoke "We will leave you here for now. After you see everything come out of the room immediately but before that make sure to slit your palm and drop some blood in front...of this portrait"

Jimin gulps and says "Okay". "Once we will leave the room, you will look at the...figure's eyes on the portrait and will say 'tell me your story'. Seconds later you'll see some scenarios but remember one thing. The spirit denies to reveal his true identity....you'll see the possessed boy, Jungkook, as the spirit. Dont try to get near him, no matter what. Understand?"

"I do" Jimin declares. Soon after they leave the room leaving the omega alone. He looks at Jungkook's eyes portrait in the portrait and says "Tell me your story"

An uneasy feeling creeps inside him as he can feel...many presence behind him. A hand rest on his shoulder as a female voice spoke beside his ear "Let's show you our Wynorrific story"


No update till December 11 cause of term 1. Need to focus on that and will be back with a double update.

Thoughts ?

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