"Jeon Jungkook"

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P.s discord: destinykm#0684. If anyone want to talk there, please feel free

Author's POV

Jimin jolts awake as cold sweats slips down his neck and breathing getting faster and faster by the time. He look beside him and saw Jungkook sleeping beside him, without a scar......

Without wasting any second he takes the Alpha in a big hug, nose directly going to his scent gland. The most strange thing was...he scent was still the same, sandalwood but that's not the matter to be concerned off.

"JIMINNN!!" He hears Taehyung scream at the entrance of the room as the omega wasted no time jumping on top of the Taehyung. "Ohgod!" He cried out, tears in his eyes. His body feels hot with the fire...the smell of blood and those painful smile...of the prince.

"It seems like...something awful happened..." The mage said who was standing out. Ofcourse it can be detected easily. His usual peaches scent was sour and mixed with fear.

"Leave me alone. Please..." Jimin says suddenly. The mage nods and leaves and slowly Taehyung leaves too. Jimin sat on the floor as he cupped his face with his shivering palm. The room was dark, only lit with a candle as it flickers occasionally. Suddenly, the luxury that he was wearing with proud, the crown, everything felt disgusting.

His crown shined brightly in the nightstand and he took the crown gently only to throw it with a greater force to the nearest wall. The glass piece broke into millions, something similar to the gaze that prince Jimin holded before dying. He wanted to scream, ask the mage to take him back and he wants to know what happened next but he knew that once he knows the entire truth...he will fear his own existence.

His eyes travelled to the motionless body of Jungkook. He chuckled in sadness thinking that...was it even his real name? Or was it fake just like a person he saw in the past? And main one is that...why didn't the real prince of the Jeons wanted to show his face? What was reason?

That walls felt cold and as if they were laughing at him now. The walls that witnessed the murder of a beautiful family and a prince along with....a pup. But then air knocked out of his body when a sudden realisation hit him.

Without wasting any time he tore open his hanbok till his waist and looked at that tattoo that's inked on his chest. His travels his gaze to his chest and brings his finger in the middle. A line....was in the middle of his chest. Not exactly a scar but a birth mark. In the exact same position where prince Jimin stabbed himself. Then he lifted his hanbok still his hips and gasped when the tattoo in his hip bone was similar to the one that the prince curved in his body before the marriage....

The exact same dragon was there with the same colour of gold. The tattoo in his hips is understandable cause he knew, it was the demon who inked it but the mark in his chest....was already eating his mind.

He can't see the line now, cause of his tattoo but the feel...a burn was there. He felt weird and scared of the future. Only questions and question, no answer. He was exhausted.

His gaze fell on the fresh tiger lily. It's been days since he kept it there but why isn't it rotten yet? Its exactly the same as before. He slowly moved towards the lily and takes it out of the vase made of clay.

He trace his finger over the petals and tenderly keeps it back on the vase. With a deep sigh he sits on top of the bed when he hears shuffle behind him. The queen, abruptly turns around and saw that the wolf Jungkook was waking up.

"H-Hey! You a-are awake!" He exclaims. The Alpha groans when he asks in a hoarse voice "W-Where am I?"

Jimin helps the Alpha to sit up, placing the pillow behind his back as a support. "Y-You are i-in the royal chamber, Alpha." Jimin mentally slaps himself for calling him Alpha as he gave him a glass of water to drink.

"O-Oh" Jungkook says lowly and closes his eyes back, rubbing his head. "May I ask who are you?" Jungkook asks. Jimin's expression fell and he thought 'He doesn't remember us'

Jimin clears his throat answers "I'm the Queen, Park Jimin." Within second Jungkook flys off the bed and fell on the floor. In the a hurry he bows to the queen mumbling "Oh shit! I'm sorry! I d-dont what happened or how I'm here but I apologise for my stupidity. I'm sorry for causing trouble, oh fuck! I'm sorry." Jimin giggles causing Jungkook's ramble to stop. The omega smiles and says "Please sit back on the bed. You didn't caused any trouble to us. You are safe"

Jungkook slowly sit back on the bed and asks "By any chance, am I your harem?" Jimin chokes on his breath and like again, Jungkook kneel on the floor apologising for asking inappropriate question.

"Oh moon! Please stop saying sorry and get back here in the bed. Right now." Jimin says as he watches the Alpha relaxing and getting up on the bed. He faces Jungkook and replies to the previous question "You are not my harem, first thing. Second, you don't have to scared of me, I'll not send you for exile. Dont worry and third, please don't kneel and say sorry for things you haven't done."

With a pout Jungkook says "But...um...it was inappropriate for me to ask." Jimin smiles and asks "What made you think that, you are my harem?"

He can see the Alpha blushing and he answers "No but....an Alpha like me..sleeping on the royal bed...on the queens bed while he himself he with me...is..kinda dream. Youarepretty." The last word made Jimin go fifty shades of red and he mutters and small thank you.

"Oh! You might now know my name but I'm Jeon Jungkook. A common citizen of your beautiful kingdom"


thanks for waiting patiently. ily<3

☁️ hope you liked the chapter

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