Up Up and Away ... ✈️

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" Has everyone got everything?" A concerned Isla questioned. " Yes!!" a excited group of girls shouted. " Don't worry we are all set and now we jut need to get on that plane and get out of here." Amber confirmed. " Your right lets get this summer started ! " Isla screamed. The girls chuckled as they said their good byes to their family and entered London airport .

Bags and suitcases in hand the girls were now at the airport check in and each showed their passports to the member of staff. They were all approved and got past  security " Mykonos her we come !" The announcement did turn a few heads but the girls didn't care they all jumped about taking photos until something made their jaws drop." Check that out ." Ellie said staring through the huge airport window. The group were now in sink also eyeing the object through the window.

A luxury jet  running past window caught the eyes of many. And stopped right in front of where the group was sitting. The stairs into the jet unfolded complete with a lush red carpet leading inside. This immediately caused a croud to gather near the window." Wow !" the group uttered in shock. " Imagine flying to Mykonos in that . " Isla said jealously. As Isla finished her sentence 2 doors at the side of the airport flung open revealing 2 pristine stewardesses who made their way to the jet. " They even have private help . " Amber examined ." Who do you even think is even travelling in that fabulous thing maybe its a celebrity." Macy questioned.

As the girls were guessing who the special person or people were getting on the jet the same two doors flung open however this time the croud against the window spammed it with flashes taking photos of the special guests.   " I guess were about to find out." Ellie said. Seconds after, a announcement radiated through the speakers and throughout the airport. "Attention all  passengers Flight 10124 To Mykonos will be departing in 30 minutes can all passengers for the flight please make your way to gate three complete with your ticket and boarding pass thank you." Realising it was their flight Isla told the girls" Shoot guys quick get up grab your bags, did you hear that were departing in 30 minutes we need to get to our gate its on the other side of the airport."

The girls shot up scrambling for their belongings. Isla clasped Ellies's hand and dragged her proceeding into running through the airport ." awww we didn't even get to see who was getting into that private jet. " a disappointed Ellie said while running. Isla rolled her eyes and laughed at Ellie. " Were here were here." Macy said breathing heavily. They each presented their boarding pass and ticket to the member of staff and walked on the plane.

In the background another announcement commenced " Attention all passengers this is the last warning for flight 10124 can all please make your way to gate three complete with your boarding pass and ticket this is the last warning thank you ." The group looked at each other and giggled.

After finding their seats they finally settled down on the 4 seats in the middle aisle. They buckled their seatbelts and watched the safety clip and listened to the  pilot giving his speech.The plane moved into position and now was ready to take off . The girls held hands as they now left the ground and submerged into the clouds .
It has been 1 hour and 40 minutes since the plane left London and the group was now busy watching movies and playing games together on the plane's iPads. With 2 hours left of the flight Amber got up to go to the toilet" guys I'm just going toilet ." while waiting in the que she got out her phone and checked her only notification she had as her phone was on airplane mode. The notification was from the news and was released 2 hours ago.

Amber let out a little squeal before she remembered she was on a public flight

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Amber let out a little squeal before she remembered she was on a public flight. It was finally her turn for the toilet and right after ran to the girls explaining her notification. " Omg girls look I think I know who was going on that private jet look! " All 4 girls studied the screen and all let out a exciting squeal. " Guys why are we getting excited that jet might of been their jet but we never even saw them." Macy explained. " Also how do we know it was London airport it could have been anywhere." Isla said. " And they probably are going to Croatia or Bora Bora not Mykonos." Ellie disappointedly pointed out.

It had roughly been 3 hours and 30 minutes and the seatbelt sign finally appeared on the screen notifying the passengers that we were shortly arriving in the luxurious Mykonos the friend group put there seatbelts on and now were minutes away from heaven . " We landed yay ! " Isla confirmed they looked around and saw a shocking sight outside of the left window.

" Omg guys I told you isn't that the same private jet back at the airport maybe the footballers really did come here." a buzzing Amber yelled. Eyes shot at the plane. " No it can't be there are millions of the same jet it could be anyone." Ellie said spoiling ambers hope.Macy and Isla agreed and both grabbed their stuff as it was now time to exit the plane and enter Mykonos.

A/N - Is it the same jet and is it Jack,Phil and Mason we will soon find out .

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