Kick off ⚽️🏟

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" Right has everyone got their tickets and everything they need." Elie made sure the girls were prepared for the intense game. " Yep all ready to go Come on England!" Ellie shouted as lots of fans looked and smiled. It was around for thirty in the evening at Wembley stadium groups of passionate fans running to get into the stadium the place was packed with excited faces and England tops. " Mason gave us front row tickets." Macy held up the special passes as they grabbed each others hand and headed to the huge que at the entrance. The girls were all wearing their personalised top on the back with jeans and a bucket hat or sunglasses on. Somehow the sun was still bright and setting on the horizon.

As they got past the entrance and found their gate into the stadium the girls located their seats and took some photos. " I love this one. " Amber pointed at the selfie where all four girls were silhouettes holding up the peace sign in the sun light the stadium behind them. " Me too." Isla had a smile from ear to ear something the girls hadn't seen much since the holiday. " Isla I'm glad to see you smiling again for a few weeks it felt like a dark cloud had come over you and you just wasn't yourself." Ellie looked happy for her friend. " Yes well I'm not letting anyone rain on my parade. " Isla giggled. " Period ." Amber hyped Isla up. " That's my girl." the girls pulled into a  hug until Macy's phone buzzed. " Oh girls do you mind staying here Mason just said he wants to see me before the game. " The girls teased her making a ooo noise. " Shush you." Macy laughed. " Yes go ahead send our love and good luck. " Isla said putting her thumbs up. " Will do see you in a minute."

The security guard let Macy into the tunnel as she ran up to Mason to give him a hug." Hey Macy how's it going out there." Mason looked down at the girl. " Great Isla looks so happy I can't wait to see her face when she sees Jack." Macy looked nervous that plan wouldn't work. " Trust me Jack won't stop speaking about how he wish he could apologise and that he knows his mistake and that she is more to him then she thinks." The boys agreed. " I just hope seeing Jack doesn't make her upset." Jack had just come round the corner making his way up to his spot in the line up. " I just hope that there is a positive outcome." Mason sighed. " Positive outcome to what?" Jacks brummie voice startled the pair. " Umm." Mason stuttered. " To the game hey Jack." Macy saved the secret. " Oh right long time no see Macy." They hugged as Mason wore a relieved expression on his face. " Anyway Good luck out there boys England for the win. " Macy cheered and headed out the tunnel back to her seat.

" Hey girls they are all coming out in a min get your singing voices ready for the anthem." The girls sat down as the speakers boomed in the stadium. " This will be a unforgettable game that will go down in history the rematch of England and Italy since their loss in the euros." The commentator got the fans roaring with excitement. " And here come the boys now the starting line up is the same as lasts game." The whole England team jogged out of the tunnel on to the pitch waving to the audience. And there he was Jack Grealish looking out.

Straight away their eyes connected their souls together. Those few weeks of discomfort and sadness were now gone in the space of two seconds. Jack stopped jogging freezing on the spot as Isla's huge smile turned into a confused look her cheeks going red. It was like a slow motion moment they read each others eyes like that night they kissed on top of the mountain. Maybe they were meant to be. " And there he is Jack Grealish looking ready to fight his first time starting in a England game in a while." The commentator flashed Jacks attention to the camera that was now inches from his face. He waved and went to join the rest of the team putting his arms around Mason. " You alright mate?" Mason smiled as the reaction he had hoped would happen just unfolded in front of him. " Yes fine." Jack looked nervous. " And now for the English National Anthem." A tornado of voices fulled the arena air singing the proud song.

" What I don't understand Why is he here i thought he played for city?" After the national anthem played a flustered Isla sat down her breathing becoming faster and faster. " Ugh I can't do this right now it's too soon i've just got over him my feelings can't process this." Isla's eyes started watering. " Isla we wasn't sure if you knew that he plays for the national team ." Amber hugged her feeling a bit guilty. " Isla don't worry about him yes he might be on the pitch but remember who we are here for." Macy handed her a tissue. " Isla if u want we can go sit in the lobby instead of watching." Ellie offered. " No it's fine i don't care about him anyway this was bound to happen someday we are here for Mason Cmon Money Mase!" She shouted. Mason waved getting into position. The girls smiled and carried on shouting.

" Just seconds away from the Big game starting and here comes the ball on the little mini car being carried by the ref onto the spot in the centre of the pitch. The captains Harry Kane and Georgio Chiellini have picked a side of the coin i think Kane has picked heads." The commentator announced. The crown anxiously waited for the results of the iconic coin flip. " And it is Tales Italy is starting with the ball." As the Italy fans cheered and the England fans booed the ref raised the whistle to his lips. " The ref has blown the whistle the game is a foot."

The ball was going so fast and all the fans were cheering so loudly so it was done and over in seconds. Italy started with the ball all ready putting the team on edge. Jack took one last look at Isla's direction. Isla was looking away at Mason so didn't recognise. " JUST TWO MiNUTES IN AND ITALY HAS SCORED." The announcement had caused the whole stadium to erupt with screams of sadness, Anger,happiness and excitement. " STRAIGHT INTO THE BACK LEFT CORNER by their captain Georgino Chiellini the team is celebrating." England players faces dropped trying not to worry getting ready for the fight for life. The girls looked worried and on the verge of crying. " Will It be the same outcome for Italy as their last game is this the end of the road for England?"

A/N - Sorry I haven't posted in a while lately i just didn't feel like writing but i am determined to Finnish the story. 💖

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