Ferris Wheel 💖

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After the awkward moment between Isla and Jack Isla decided to go into the haunted house. " Forgive me if i deafen you my screams are so loud." Isla said going in." I know I've heard it on the roller coaster." Jack said following. The house was dark and gloomy and Isla couldn't see where the path was. " Isla your going the wrong way." Isla burst out laughing. As soon as she went the right way something jumped out on her and she let out a big scream. Jack chuckled . As they carried on Jack felt a hand rap around his leg. " What the f-" Jack said leaping into mid air. " Whos sacred now ." Isla said taking a photo of the scared Jack.  After Going through many jump scares and creepy music taunting them it was last bit of the haunted house.

Not expecting a jump scare Isla walked  normally. A huge mummy came out of a coffin making Isla's heart jump. " Ahhhhhhhhhh!" She squealed jumping for jack hugging him. " Jack looked down at the girl who was clinging on for dear life. After this yet again awkward moment Jack decided to something that didn't cause their hearts to race." 4 balls 3 bottles one mistake and your gone." The man on stall explained handing Jack 4 tennis balls. As the que for the stall watched Jack attempt to win Isla was cheering him on. Jack threw the first ball aiming it perfectly knocking it of the table. The crowd clapped startling Jack a bit. After noticing the people in the que was watching him he launched another ball.

Missing by centre metres the crown sighed. " Go on Jack." Isla gave him a confidence boost. All eyes on Jack he tried once again hitting it down. The crowd cheered. " Last ball last chance." The man at the stall looked at Jack trying to put him of. Isla put her thumbs up. Jack Threw the ball hard. The bottle wobbled and wobbled and down it went. Jack threw his hand up and Isla went and congratulated Jack. Jack put his arm around her causing Isla to blush. Isla had butterfly's." Since you are the first winner for today you get to pick 2 prizes. " The man showed  all the options. " Two teddy bears please." Jack pointed at the last two brown bears. The man handed the two bears to Jack. Jack handed one to Isla. At this point Isla was in dream land Jack was so sweet and she was having the best time in the world yet again linking eyes Isla was going to say something.

" Awwwwww !" The que shouted as Jack handed Isla the teddy bear. They noticed how many people were actually watching and laughed as they stepped aside to go the last ride the big Ferris Wheel. As Isla hugged the teddy bear as they got into their seats on the Ferris wheel. The door shut and Isla and Jack were alone. The big wheel lit up in a million colours. They looked up at the top point that shone bright. As it started to move the pair looked at the beautiful view. " Jack this has been the best night ever." Isla said looking into his eyes. " Yes i really has i don't want to leave." Jack said also staring." Me either we shouldn't mention it until the last few days." Isla said a bit upset at the thought. The Ferris wheel had stopped and Jack and Isla was right at the top.

" And you know what was the best part was." Jack budged a little closer to Isla. " And what is that Mr Grealish. " Isla said blushing once again. " Meeting you Isla Prescott." Jack and Isla leaned in getting closer and closer every second. Miller metres away from their lips touching the Ferris Wheel moved causing Jack to Shake. Jack brushed the back of his neck knowing that the perfect moment was now gone. After seconds of silence Isla finally perched up." You were the highlight of my holiday to Mr Jack Grealish." This put a big smile on Jack's Face. The Ferris wheel had Finally stopped moving and the door opened and Jack and Isla headed to the car park to be picked up. Isla Still holding her teddy close to her chest. After getting in the private car Jack pulled his phone out.

jackgrealish Out with this one 🥰Tagged : IslaPrescottliked by Amberjones1,masonmount233,546 others

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Out with this one 🥰
Tagged : IslaPrescott
liked by Amberjones1,masonmount
233,546 others

Had a great time 🥰
Me too x

A date a didn't secretly set up 😂
Shut up Mase we will get revenge 😂

You too are so cute 💕
What he said 🤫🤫

Jack mate who is this ? 😂
All will become clear soon 👍

Jila ❤️😍
Stop !😀

Are these two a thing ?? Wtf 🙄

Whats Jila is that their ship name ??? I
Don't like it 😐

Who is that girl ? He is on holiday not
On love island.😳

Jila ❤️
Seriously Phil !😂🙄
Jila ❤️
Lil philippa 😂

Is that Jack's new girlfriend she is so
Pretty i'm jealous 😍


I look horrid 🤮
No you don't 😍

She is going to get a lot of hate lols !

A/N - Isla is getting a lot of hate but she doesn't care because she loves spending time with Jack.

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