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The key Slot into the lock Isla turning it unlocking their family beach house. At first it was pitch black as Isla felt her way to the light switch." Erm Isla is there a power cut I can't see a thing ." " I hope their isn't a power cut my phones on 20 percent." " Guys calm down here it is." Isla flipped the switch illuminating the most ravishing Beach villa. All 4 girls dropped their heavy bags and ran into the house. " This is crazy this place is so nice i can't believe were staying here on holiday." Amber squealed." If you love the inside you will adore the outside." The group looked at each other before racing through the back doors . Stopping in their tracks they looked at the picturesque view.

 Stopping in their tracks they looked at the picturesque view

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The group took a few minutes to take in the view. " This view gets me every time it takes my breathe away." SPLASH!! The sound of water broke the moment. "Macy what are you .... you jumped in." Amber, Isla and Ellie looked at their crazy friend who was in the pool fully clothed ." "Well are you coming in or not I thought this holiday was meant to be unforgettable you only live once!" The three gave a hesitant look ." "Its 7 o'clock at night don't think....aghhhh Ellie !! " Amber was pushed into the pool by Ellie who had a wide smile on her face . Isla glanced at Ellie " Well you are not pushing me in ill get in myself ."She took the Napkin out of her pocket and placed it to the side and Dived in." Cannonball !" Ellie made a huge splash as she finally got in.

After their late night swim they finally got out ,showered and unpacked. Isla sat down on the sofa with a glass of milk and cookies with the napkin. " Oh Isla I don't want to seem nosy but why is that napkin so special you slipped it to the side before you got in the pool?" Ellie asked. Isla giggled. " Hey I know that look, Guys come here Isla has met a boy !" Each girl came racing into the living room jumping on the sofa.

" So who is the special guy Isla and how did you meet we haven't been here for 24 hours yet." Amber wondered."" Yes he better treat you like a queen."Macy added. " Spit out then." Ellie urged on. " Well ... I don't know his name." " You don't know his name what do you mean so a boy likes you but he doesn't know your name and you don't know his." Amber shouted. The group laughed at her reaction. " But I have his number ."Isla uttered. " That's my girl !" Amber leaped up and high fived Isla.

She showed them the napkin ." Should I text him or should I just forget about it?" Isla looked at her friends for reassurance. " Well first did he say anything about where he comes from or any other details. " Ellie asked. " He is English I can tell he has a brummie accent and he said he is a football player." the trio gasped. " Wait did u just say ."Macy pulled out her phone and started typing away. " Yes I just said he is a football player but I said I don't know anything about football." Isla confessed. "I didn't want to believe this or get any of your hopes up before we got here but Mykonos is Known to be Footballer island." Amber revealed.

Suddenly,Macy finally finished typing and sat down next to Isla putting her arm around her. " Ok Isla I know you are not particularly fond of football but I'm going to show you a photograph witch was taken today at your restaurant the exact time we were there. Now be honest and just point to one if he was the person who gave you their number." Macy handed her phone to Isla and watched anxiously as Isla raised her finger and pointed to the famous footballer in the middle.

" OMG THATS JACK GREALISH YOUR MYSTERIOUS LOVER IS THE ONE AND ONLY JACK GREALSIH !"Amber, Macy and Ellie suddenly went into fan girl mode jumping and screaming. The three girls were into football a lot unlike Isla . " Should i be happy that it's him who is Jack Grealish ?" The three went silent and shook Isla. " He is one of the best midfielders in the Uk he is part of the Manchester City football team and don't forget England he also has the best hair ever." The three proclaimed nearly in unison.

" You need to text him now!" Amber shouted handing Isla the phone. " Text him Hi and ask if he is Jack Grealish then if he says yes ask him out and if he is not still ask him out ." A excited Ellie quite quickly mumbled. " OK OK fine look here is his number ill name it JG for now."


Hi it's cafe girl :)

" Ok now we just wait. " Isla confirmed that she had actually texted the famous footballer. " Cmon girls lets get some sleep and we will see in the morning if he even responds." " Can't we just wait ." A concerned Macy yet again complained. " No i don't want to." Isla said. They made their way to bed and everyone was asleep in a matter of minutes except Isla. she couldn't help but think about the handsome stranger who turned out to be a famous footballer and if he would respond or not. The wondering sent Isla to sleep and ready for the next morning.

A/N - Will jack respond or do you think Isla is just another girl ?

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