Total eclipse of a heart 😘

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I felt free and that i had finally found my place in the world with Jack. I know after this holiday and the moment we set foot back in England that maybe Jack will forget me but i will never forget him this moment will forever be with me. My hair flying backwards as the motor bike went up hill. With my arms rapped around Jack's muscular frame i looked at the amazing view we were getting higher up the small coast. " Whooooooo!" I let go for a second screaming my heart out flinging my arms up feeling the breeze." This is amazing." I hugged Jack again." You like this huh." Jack grinned at my happy face." Yes I do." Isla admitted.

" So as you know we are leaving tomorrow and that this is our last date it has been a eventful summer and I'm so glad to have met you so welcome to paradise Isla Prescot." The bike turned the corner and came to halt. A full field of daisies welcomed the couple. Jack got off helping Isla off who was still finding out the mystery location. Jack placed his helmet on the bike and Isla took her helmet off too .Her beach blond hair bounced out blowing in the wind. Jack stared and realised that right in front of him was a girl who had made his summer full of love and that soon they will be millions of miles apart. Jack blushed as Isla noticed him staring.

" So Jack where are we going and what are you waiting for?" Jack snapped back into the moment. Jack grabbed Isla's hand. With the touch of his hand Isla was full of butterfly's only his touch did that to her. " I think it's somewhere around here just a little walk." They ran through a field of daisies standing proud. Giggles spilled out of Isla's mouth as she felt the daisies in her hands." Jack you do know I'm a hairdresser." Jack turned around knowing it was a lie. Isla placed a daisy chain on his head. " Beautiful." Isla preformed a fresh kiss. Jack twirled like a model before bursting into laughter and laying down in the flowers with Isla. " I'm going to miss your random actions you know." Jack said holding the daisy chain up. Isla with no response stood up and ran on. " Come on i thought it was a short walk." He chased after her.

After catching their breathe after the little catch me if you can game a beautiful horizon and sun set appeared. They were at the coast line the at perfect time. " Wow." Isla took a deep breathe and admired the picturesque view. After minutes of silence. Jacks brummie voice spoke. " I told you it would take your breathe away." Isla looked back with her glistening eyes and sat down on a close bench. Jack's arm around her. A tear flowed down Isla's soft cheek. Isla sniffled catching Jack's attention. He wiped the tears and pushed her hair behind her ears. " Happy tears." Isla laughed. " I'm glad." Isla looked distraught." It's just Jack i have been trying to hide my sadness for the whole week and i just need to tell you I have felt things i have never felt before with you i never thought i would get over my ex but you are living proof. You make me laugh, cry,smile,excited, nervous, feel safe, have butterfly's and most importantly Loved. This holiday has been the best i have ever had and that because of you and all our friends. I can't thank you enough for everything it has been surreal. I- " She was stopped by Jack who placed his finger on her lips.

" You know what just kiss me." Jack and Isla leaned in as their lips touched. It was what Jack ahd dreamed of since he gave Isla his number on that napkin. The kiss was pure and was full of love. Isla's smile interrupted the kiss. " I love you." Jack eyes widened. " Sorry i didn't hear you." Isla smirked. " I said I love you." " I know what you said i just wanted to hear you say it one more time. " Jack pulled Isla yet again their lips touched. This kiss was even more passionate then the first. After coming up for air Jack and Isla snuggled looking out at the sun set. The sun set was paying cupid the first time they opened up to each other was in Isla's cave under a sun set and now they shared a kiss under the sun set.

" Isla promise me that we will never forget each other like you said my heart this summer have been taking summersaults

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" Isla promise me that we will never forget each other like you said my heart this summer have been taking summersaults. You make my heart stop beating. This has been a summer of a lifetime i hope that when we get home that we may be millions miles away but a I'm just text away if you need me .Isla Prescott I love you. " Jack confessed his love making Isla blush. He placed a kiss on her forehead before heading back to the motor bike. Both hopping on and Isla grasping around Jack again they set for home with cupid's arrow hitting the target.

Coming up to the boy's Villa they were welcomed with a huge crowd of flashing camera's. Jack slowed down at the sight knowing that this would be chaos. " Jack what are we going to do." Isla said worried. " Just keep holding on to me and you will be fine." He reassured her. It looked like that the boys location had been leaked it was all good for most of the holiday this was the second time. The crowd was the biggest they had ever seen. Jack looked in hesitation." Wait isn't that my girls look they are trying to tell the crowd to leave." Amber, Macy and Ellie were trying to relax the crowd as Mason and Phil tried to close all the curtains. Flashes dispersed everywhere shouting arose of Phil and Mason's name.

Cameras switched angles quickly as Jack and Isla made a appearance. Isla was hugging Jack tightly trying to hide her face. Jack drove the bike quickly trying to get past the paparazzi to the door step as quick as possible." Jack this is the second time you have been seen with this lucky girl are you guys official." A reporter shouted trying to get a answer. The bike stopped as people blocked their path. " Jack I don't like this." Isla was shaking. " Just breathe we are nearly there." Flashes erupted at the couple blinding their eyes. " Jack i have seen that you have a ship name Jila that is so cute." Another mic was shoved near Jack's face.

" Over hear Jack over here." Jack looked around for a path. He just accelerated moving the crowd getting on the drive. " Is your secret girl named Isla?" At this point it was getting to much. Jack parked and helped Isla get of the bike. Once they were off the bike Amber,Macy and Ellie helped Isla and Jack walk towards the door. The crowd stampeded againts the stressed couple. Cameras pushed up againts the helmets witch they were still wearing. The crowd now got in between Jack and Isla." Jack!" Isla reached for his hand. " Isla!" Jack was pushing paparazzi off him desperately trying to grab Isla. But it was to late Isla was rushed away by Cameras. As much as they wanted each other there was no use the girls just advised for her to get to their own villa. Jack was so upset but he couldn't let the crazy crowd eat him up so he entered the villa with the stressed out boys. Jack looked so mad as he stopped to his room They didn't get to say Goodbye.

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