Movie Night 🍿

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It was now Sunday in sunny Mykonos and it was around elven thirty at night and Isla and jack was still texting. Every day they were at least texting for 15 minutes. Isla had changed her whole sleep schedule for him." Isla are you still texting Jack its nearly midnight ." Amber said in a sleepy voice." Its nearly midnight I lost track of time I'm going to say good night now and go to sleep. And before I forget I'm going for a morning jog tomorrow so if I'm not here ill be back for breakfast. Good night Ambs." Isla switched of the night light and fell asleep.
Slipping on her trainers and airpods Isla left the beach house and headed across the coast. She ran the same way on the weekends past the footballer's villa, Up the little hill and round the market. Finally in front of cloud nine down to the beach and back to home. Isla loved the morning air at this time no one was around , the sun wasn't beaming down striking on her skin she could just freely run with no worries. It was coming up to the boys villa. Usually the boys were never up and all the curtains were closed but this time the curtains were wide open.

Driving up the drive was a grey mini bus, it looked very luxurious with tinted windows. Isla soon realised that it was Jack, Mason and  Phil.A tall man exited the passenger door walking over to Isla. " I'm so sorry miss but you are trespassing on private property if you don't mind moving that would be great but if you refuse to I will have to escort you away myself. "The intimidating man informed Isla." Hey Brian its ok I know her." Jack said holding a bag." Hey Isla." " Hey Mr Jack Grealish." The two stood in the drive shocked to see each other.

" So what are you doing here." " I was  on a jog until i got stopped by Brain over here." Isla looked at the body guard." So where are you off to going back to the stadium back home already." " No not yet I'd rather say here. Were just going up in the mountains for one night for some sight seeing. In fact when we come back do you , Ellie, Amber and Macy want to come round when we get back for a movie night. We have been partying most nights and I just want calm night Phil and Mason are all up for it." Jack invited once again. " Yes of course we would be honoured to join you and the boys." Isla accepted." Ok perfect we will see you Tuesday night at seven." the plan was set." Ill see u then." Isla jogged of as Jack got into the mini van.

Isla rushed into the house gliding into the dining room to the girls. " Good morning Isla." The girls greeted." Girls get your popcorn and slushies ready we are going to the footie villa for a movie night." " Ayyyyyyyy." They all celebrated.


It was 2 hours till the girls had to go round to the other villa." Should I wear this Isla your the fashionista of the group does it blow your socks off." Macy posed showing off her joggers and tube top. " It looks very nice but girls were just going for a movie night." Isla laughed. " Yes a movie night with three famous and hot footballers." Macy said trying on another top." Ok guys I'm nearly ready I'm going to come out in 3-2-1 taddaaaa!" Amber came out wearing shorts and a halter neck top. " Ten out of ten from Island and me." Macy complimented. " ok my turn ." Ellie appeared in the door way . Her fit was grey flare leggings, collar T- shirt and bucket hat. The girls gave the seal of approval with thumbs up." Right enough about us what are you wearing Isla."Ellie pulled Isla up and pushed her to get changed. Isla came out wearing slit jeans and a silk red tie top with red Jordan mids.

" Isla I see you are wearing the colour red that's a colour men are attracted to and its also the colour of LOVE." Amber pointed out. The girls laughed and resumed getting ready. After all the shenanigans the girls headed to the other beach home. They had made a fruit salad and bought some drinks." Right Macy you knock." Isla forced. " Why me ." Macy nocked as mason came to open the door." Hey girls nice to see you again come on in." " Hey Mason we brought a fruit bowl and some drinks." " Great we will add it to the feast." All four girls walked into the spacious kitchen. On the dining table there were millions of treats for them to enjoy. The girls placed their donation next to the rest and went to sit on the couch with the boys.

" So what movie are we watching." Ellie looked at variety of films. "  lets watch the new movie its called Free Guy." Jack pressed play as the lights died down. The sound of munching on sweets were full volume as the movie played. Mason and Macy were really getting along they were talking for most of the movie. Amber and Ellie were giving Phil the fan girl treatment, they still were taking photos and Phil seemed to love it. As  for Jack and Isla they were the only people actually watching the movie. Isla had a bag of popcorn and put it back on the side table witch she was sharing with Jack as she put it down it nocked Jack's  plate of cheesy nachos  .

" I'm so sorry jack I didn't mean to spill it all over you." Isla apologised. " No no its fine ill go clean it up. "Jack stood up and went to the kitchen to grab a cloth. The girls looked at Isla and laughed. Isla wiped the chair and went to see if Jack was ok." Jack are you ok I feel really bad that I stained your shirt and now your missing the movie." " Isla don't worry about it." Jack was now  frustrated  scarping and scrubbing some cheese of his white top. Isla walked up to him grabbed the cloth and ran it under some warm water. " All you need  a damp cloth and patience." Isla wiped the shirt clean so it looked brand new.

Isla looked up to see jack staring at her with a smile." What." Jack was still staring." What Jack what?" Isla confusingly smiled." Nothing." Jack and Isla just stared at each other. " I swear  nothing." Isla threw the cloth at jack laughing. " Hey your not getting away with that." Jack shouted. " I already did !" Isla ran out of the kitchen into the living room smirking." Come on Jack were missing the movie."

A/N - Jack and Isla had their first special moment are there more coming ??

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