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" Jack, Jack wake up mate I know you partied pretty hard yesterday night but we need to tidy the house there are cups everywhere!" A tired mason shook Jack." Yes we can do that later." Jack pushed mason off of him. " Oh yeh and did I fail to mention that some person texted you last night." Mason added. Jack fell of the bed begging Mason for his phone. " I only saw this morning ,who is she anyway?" Mason nosily asked . " None of your concern mate." Jack snapped back opening up the message.

Unknown Number

Hey its café girl
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Mason looked at the phone screen." Café girl , Jack you have already met a girl wow  jack has a summer fling, jack has a summer fling !" Mason teased. Jack covered mason's mouth and shushed him. Seconds later Phil stormed into the room. " Did I hear that my Jacky has a crush." Jack looked at his mates a laughed. " And so what I met girl ."Jack honestly said.

" Jack does she know its you it seems like she doesn't know ." " Mase she doesn't anything she is not a big fan of football she owns Cloud 9 the restaurant we went to yesterday." " So that's why she is café girl ." Phil concluded. " Well lets cut to the chase are you going to text her back or not ." " Yes I am actually I really felt something yesterday when we spoke." Jack started typing with his boys observing.

Meanwhile the girls had just woken up too.Ellie straight away asking about the infamous text. " And before all of you ask no he hasn't texted its been seen tho so I guess he was just playing." A kind of disappointed Isla updated her girls. " Maybe he just doesn't know what to say he has seen it after all ." Amber tried to bring some hope into the moment. " Anyway I'm hungry lets go make some pancakes." Isla switched the subject quickly as the girls ran down the stairs.

" Ok Jack I think you shouldn't lie to her and just tell her you are Jack Grealish the famous footballer ." Phil and Mason advised their mate. " Do you not think she will treat me differently?" Jack doubtfully said. " Well you know what I'm just going to get on with it."

Unknown Number

Hey it's café girl :)
Read 10 min ago

Hey nice to see u texted
I'm just going to tell you up
Straight I'm Jack Grealish please
Don't freak out.

PING ! Isla looked at her phone dreading to open the notification. All girls appeared behind Isla as if the ping had lured them in. " Do you think it's him." Isla nervously asked. They all nodded. " OMG he replied he confessed to be The Jack Grealish. " Isla squealed. They all jumped in the air at this news obsessing about how Isla is now texting a celebrity." Hey Isla I thought you didn't care about boys why are you getting so excited." Macy pointed out. Isla stopped faffing around and changed her facial expression to a serious woman. Isla just smiled and asked the girls what to reply with.

Unlike the girls group Jack, Phil and Mason were sat eying the Phone the whole time not moving a inch. " oh god what happens if she doesn't respond and just leeks our conversation on social media." Jack worried still staring at the screen. " Jack stop thinking of the worst thing that happens oh look ." Phil pointed at the screen.

Unknown Number

Hey its café girl :)

Hey nice to see you texted 
I'm just going to tell you up
Straight I'm Jack Grealish please
Don't freak out.
Read now


" Bro Jack your girl has seen it seen it she is typing." All three boys jumped up excited to see what Jack's mysterious fling replies with. " Well we better get ready for the day lets not think about the text today." Jack stood up and went to his closet looking at outfits he could wear. Mason and Phil gave him a look because they knew Jack actually was very happy about how she saw his text but didn't want to show it. PING! Jack came sprinting out the closet and grabbed the phone." Jack I thought you didn't want to text any more?" Mason said laughing. Jack ignored him.

Unknown Number

Hey nice to see you texted
I'm just going to say it up
Straight i'm Jack Grealish Please
Don't freak out .
Read 2 min ago

Hey I know its you my
Friends figured it out after
some news reports Now I know
Who you are now its up to
Me I'm Isla Prescott x
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" Do I see what I think I see Isla just sent a kiss." Ellie teased." OMG I didn't mean to god its a habit when I'm texting and to make things worse he has already seen it. "Isla regretfully said." What did he respond with." Macy mithered.

" Lads, Lads Isla sent a kiss guys what should I do." Jack joyfully panicked." So café girl is called Isla. Isla and Jack sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G ...!" Mason and Phil sang." Shut up guys anyway I've responded now so enough waiting around lets get ready to go out, for real now." The boys smirked and finally did something productive.

A/N - First Impressions are a big deal did Isla give off a good vibe or was it weird and awkward.

Summer Sweethearts - Jack GrealishWhere stories live. Discover now