Life Line ...

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As the sun set disappeared and secret cave went dark Jack and Isla stood up to go back to the villa." Jack you are one of the only people who know about my cave you can't tell anyone." Isla said as a precaution. " Don't worry Isla my mouth is sealed." " Promise. "Isla looked concerned. " Promise." They both went across the secret beach through the little passage round the corner and up the staircase.

As the ivy wall moved to side uncovering Jack and Isla they both got bombarded by their friends. " Where have you two been you have been gone for like two hours." Amber questioned. " Yeh Jack you missed the rest of the zip line video." Mason pointed out. Isla looked to the floor. Jack noticed. " Well we were gone for two hours but where that is a secret I will never tell. The whole group looked at the pair puzzled." Anyway we actually about to play a game and now your back you can be a team." Ellie handed Jack and Isla two white boards and a marker.

" So the teams are Amber and Phil, Jack and Isla and Mason and Macy and I will be the presenter. You have ten minutes to find out about the other person's life every detail needs to be said you then will be quizzed ." Ellie explained. " To make it more interesting the winning pair will get a free cake and box of cookies from my restaurant Cloud 9." Isla added to the platter. " oooo you have a prize to play for now time starts now you have ten minutes starting now." The timer was set.

" Ok Mason so you are family of four right

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" Ok Mason so you are family of four right." Macy quickly asked. " Yes it's me my sister my mum Debbie and my dad Tony." Mason informed." Ok Phil where was you born again." "I was born in Stockport Manchester and i went to school at Stockport Academy." Phil said looking at rather confused Amber. " So I know you have a middle name but what is it again." " Jack Peter Grealish."" Ok correct me if I'm wrong. Jacky peter Grealo." " Close enough." they both laughed. " After a serious session of questioning the timer went off on Ellie's phone. " Times up can all the contestants gather around prepared with their board and pen."

The boys were up first" Ok first question guys what does your teammate do for work or has a degree for?" Pens were instantly writing. " Okay turn your board around." " Model." Phil wrote. " Physio therapist ." Jack presented. " Pharmacist." Mason showed. " All correct good start lads. Next question What is your partners full name?" This time it took longer. " Isla Mae Prescott." Jack said confidently. " Oh that's weird because Macy's middle name is Mae. Macy Mae Court." Macy's shook her head. " Phil drew a cross on his board." Amber doesn't have a middle name."" You are all correct except Mason It's Rea not Mae." The whole group chuckled. After lots more questions it was now the girls round.

" Okay girlies your first question is what football team does your teammate play for?" Macy and Amber were all over the question however Isla wasn't. " Easy Chelsea Fc." Macy smiled. " I think this is right Manchester City ." Amber revealed." I'm not sure but is it Manchester City too." " Yes as a matter of fact it is well done girls. Next question is how many family members do they have. "The girls got writing. Amber's board said 4, Macy's said 4 too and Isla's read 6 fly high Keelan." " All correct." Jack smiled from ear to ear at Isla's answer. After another intense round for the girls the results were finally revealed. " The winners of tonight's Life line is Drum roll please. Macy and Mason." The team celebrated. As the night cam to a end the boys said their goodbyes before heading back to their own villa. " Bye guys I've enjoyed getting to know you all." " Us too." The front door closed.


It was now the morning and Isla and Ellie was up at Cloud nine. " So it's week two at Mykonos how has it been girls." Auntie Hazel said folding napkins." Its been great Auntie Hazel we have been at the pool, on the beach, down the zip line and just sight seeing. " Isla said looking at the cakes and cookies. "Don't forget that we did most of them with famous footballers." Ellie butted soon covering her moth with her hand. " Ellie!" Isla looked at her laughing. " Oops Sorry." Auntie Hazel dropped the napkin and turned to face the girls. " What famous footballers?"

" There is three famous English footballer staying in the villa near ours Mason Mount, Jack Grealish and Phil Foden." Ellie showed Hazel some photos. " Ahh i know I've recently seen them in her eating actually the same day you arrived." Hazel looked at the three boys. " Isla is actually getting close to Jack ." Ellie spitted out again. She then realised what she had said and covered her mouth again. Auntie Hazel gave a shocked look at Isla. "Is she know. Let me guess you met him behind the counter that's why you looked like a stick of butter when i came with the keys." Isla changed subject and said. " Auntie hazel i will buy the triple chocolate cake and a box of  chocolate and confetti brownies  . " " Coming right up." The girls chuckled.

A/N - Jack and Isla now know each other better and Auntie Hazel now knows that Isla and her friends are hanging around with famous footballers.

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