First date Jitters

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It was now 5:45 pm and Isla had left 10 minutes before Jack so they don't bump into each other. Isla stood waiting at the entrance as Auntie Hazel told her to Isla looked very confused. She was wearing a light blue dress that hugged her body with white wedges gold jewellery and beach curls. Her cheeks were rose red shining in the sun set." Uncle Reece why do i have to wait here aren't we taking photos. " Isla looked annoyed. " Just you wait the main man isn't here yet. "

As he said that Jack strode in through the door. Jack was wearing black jeans White tee- shirt, black cap and Red high tops. Isla looked at him as if it were a slow- Mo moment . Jack looked at the stunning girl and smiled. Isla was shocked to see super Jack." OMG Jack what are you doing here what a coincidence." Isla said looking a bit nervous." Well I'm here to pick up a cake." A waiter then came up behind the two. " Mr Grealish and Miss Prescott will you please follow me to your table." The waiter had two menus in her hand. Jack and Isla puzzled followed her.

" I'm so sorry but I think there has been a mix up neither of us booked a table for tonight. " Isla then saw auntie Hazel . " Auntie Hazel what's going on." Auntie Hazel and Uncle Reece just smiled and gave a thumbs up." Jack do you know anything." He shrugged his shoulders." I guess we are about to see." They were led into the private party room which had a table for two in the middle. It was a candle lit dinner complete with a vase full of flowers and a perfect view of the beach sun set. The pair looked astonished by the surprise they had just received." Is this for us. " The waiter nodded and placed the menu on the table." Let me know when you are ready to order." She left the room.

Jack pulled out the chair for Isla before sitting down himself. They were both scanning the menu and after a moment of silence a conversation finally sparked. " So how was your day do anything nice." Jack said a bit awkwardly." The girls and I had a bit of a lazy morning i went for a run and just chillaxed until twelve then we all went to get some lunch and go shopping how about you." " It was just a simple day for us boys too obviously we can't stay away from the sport we love so we went on the beach to have a kick about you ready to order."" Yep." After ordering and receiving their drinks the two finally were comfortable and the chit chat was flowing well.

For a moment Isla caught Jack of guard. " I'm so sorry but i'm just going to say it out plain I think you look gorgeous." Jack looked into Isla's eyes. Isla smiled to but no words came out. " Pasta cabonara and Steak." The waiter placed the two delicious dishes on the placemat. The two started tucking in. Isla didn't want Jack to think she was ignoring his compliment but she was nervous to say anything so she did what she did best change the subject.

" So how long do you and the boys have left in Mykonos?" Isla said twirling her pasta. " Just two weeks left then back to training how about you !"Jack said a bit nervous as Isla had totally aired his compliment. " Were here for another 5 weeks you leave 1 week before us." The chit chat was flowing nicely as the two forgot about the ignored compliment. Suddenly and loud PING ! Came from Jack's phone. " I can't believe them." The brummie said laughing. " Whats wrong." Isla said trying to look at the notification.

" It wasn't a coincidence that we were here the at the same time and the dinner had been prepared Macy and Mason had a secret plan to get to have a date." Isla's jaw dropped at the news but then joined Jack chuckling. As the candle lit dinner came to a end Jack and Isla said thank you to Uncle Reece and Auntie Hazel before opening the doors to a chaotic frenzy of cameras.

" Jack Jack is this your new girlfriend?" A man with a huge camera shoved it into Isla's face. " Why have you been keeping your relationship a secret or are you not dating." A woman took out a microphone to Jack's lips. Flash after flash surrounded the pair. Isla had no idea what to do as this was the first time this had happened to her.Jack quickly grabbed Isla's purse and was now holding it in font of her face protecting her from prying eyes.

Auntie Hazel and Uncle Reece had noticed the growing crowd  outside Cloud 9 and came out to control it

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Auntie Hazel and Uncle Reece had noticed the growing crowd outside Cloud 9 and came out to control it . Finally after getting squashed by all the people there was now a clear path Jack and Isla could walk through and walk home. Jack waved and excited the frenzy . Finally Jack returned Isla's purse. " I'm so sorry I just didn't want you getting papped." Jack said guilty. " Thanks Jack don't worry about it, it was bound to happen at some point." The pair was walking on the coast under the shining stars and dark blue sky.

After the short walk from Cloud 9 they were approaching Isla's villa. Jack walked up to the door as Isla turned around to face him. " Thank you for another amazing night Isla i hope we can do it again before we go back to our boring old life." Jack said yet again looking into Isla's eyes. " Yes i hope so to and by the way thank you I think u look quite handsome yourself tonight." Jack and Isla leaned in for a hug before she walked into the door waving .

Jack was over the moon that Isla had not actually aired his compliment he was going home with a big smile on his face. As the girl's Villa doors shut all 3 girls ran to welcome Isla. " Macy thanks for the date." Isla said also smiling. " Anytime."

A/N - Jack's and Isla's first date did it go well ???

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