Sun Set Secret 🌅

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" Movie night was fun." Macy expressed." Shut up Amber you were literally were taking photos with Phil whole time." Isla teased. " Like you didn't have a moment with Jack." Amber rolled her eyes." All I did was wipe his shirt and all of a sudden it was like staring competition also come on we have to pop into Cloud nine before we go zip lining. "The girls piled into the taxi and drove to the restaurant.

" Hey auntie Hazel." Isla ran in." I came to pick up the 4 lunch packs I ordered." " They are right her honey you didn't have to pay online." " Honestly its fine thanks Auntie Hazel." She rushed out back into the taxi. The car journey was 30 minutes to the top of the mountain where the zip line started the end was the beach near the villa. " Guys I forgot to tell you this morning but i might have invited Mason and the boys to the pool later." Macy confessed. The girls screamed.

" Ok girls who is going to go first." The girls stood in a line looking at the zip line on the top of the mountain. They each looked dead in the face so nervous they could hardly speak. " I don't think I want to go." Ellie said shaking. " Girls I'm so sorry but some one has to go now as you are holding up the que." the operator said. They all pointed at Isla." Seriously guys why me."" This was your idea you said your brother went on this last august." Isla got strapped in the harness." So is all loose belongings on you the only cameras are allowed." " Yep." Okay please lean forward you will be going in two minutes."

Ellie was holding a camera videoing Isla waiting to go. " Say hi Isla you look scared to death." " Hi camera and yes i am scared I'm trying not to look down." Isla said almost in tears." Your going in 3." " Oh god." " 2" " Say hi Jack."Ellie said laughing." Hey Jack." " 1." " Ahhhhhh !" The girls watched as they were next. " We are defiantly showing that to the boys later." Macy bossed. " Next please. They each pushed Macy first. Macy was now waiting to go but told the operator not to countdown and just let her go. Last minute Amber shouted. " Is that Mason Mount." " Where." Macy looked around. " Aghhhh." " No where." Ellie said yet again laughing her head of. The next Zip line was now available so Ellie and Amber went together. The girls held hands and were soon let off. They both shouted. " We are the number one fan's of Mr Phil Foden." The video was going to be a good memory.

As everyone finally reunited with solid ground the girls walked across the beach up the hidden spiral staircase and back to Isla's house. Time was ticking by and the boys were coming round for a swim soon so the girls went to get changed in their bikini's. " Guy we have just ran out of drinks I'm just popping to the market to get some if the boys arrive just apologise." " See you later Isla." She hopped on her bike and was on her way. 

As four loud nocks arose from the door. Ellie answered." Hey boys come on in the pool and hot tub is ready to go. Come on this way." The boys went outside to find Macy and Amber sitting in the hot tub." Hey guys." The boys waved. " Ellie where is Isla." Jack said trying to make it look like he didn't care too much "She popped to the market to get some drinks we just ran out. Why do you miss her." Ellie ran and jumped followed by everyone except Jack. Jack sat on the sun beds. After 10 minutes the front door opened and closed again hinting that Isla was back.

Isla put the drinks in the fridge  and went to get ready as she saw Phil's blonde hair through the window. Isla wore a fabulous white one piece bathing suite with a low back. She had put her blonde hair up in a bun  and headed outside. As she walked outside she saw Jack turn around and look at her.

Isla was back she looked beautiful I really don't hope I'm staring that would be so embarrassing. Jack thought." Hey Jack." " Hey Isla." Jack smiled again. " Well what are u sitting around for." Isla took Jack's hand and pulled him up Jumping into the pool. Jack shook his hair a bit sad it got rewind. " Aww is Grealo sad his hair is wet." Isla teased ruffling it about with her hands. " Jack laughed and splashed Isla with water.

After seemed like hours of  swimming the whole group got in the hot tub to relax. It was still very bright but sun was starting to set. " So what did you girls get up to today." Mason asked. " Oh i almost forgot to tell you we all went down the Zip line starting from the mountain to the beach." Macy explained. "That's so high you must have been very frightened." Phil said." Yes we all were we stood up there for about 10 minutes just looking at the thing we have a video look." Amber pulled out the camera. Isla was first up she was getting very embarrassed as everyone laughed.

Isla was as red as a tomato. She stood up put on a towel and flip flops headed to the ivy wall pulled it back and went down the staircase. Jack was one of the only people who noticed. " Guys where has Isla gone." " She probably went to the beach she always goes there at this time i don't know why." Elie pointed towards the secret staircase. Jack stood up and followed. Isla went down the staircase around the corner of the beach through this tiny passage in the sand into a private beach.

Isla sat in this beautiful cave

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Isla sat in this beautiful cave. There she sat looking out into the sparkling ocean and the sky of fire. For a few seconds it was silence. " Hey Jack i know you are there." Jack came out of the little spot where he was hiding with his hand above his head. " Caught red handed." He went and sat next to Isla." So what is this place its stunning." This is y special place i don't know if it has a name but to me it's sun set cove. I like to come here when I'm sad or just need some space."

" So are you sad Miss Isla Prescott." Jack said nudging Isla." If I'm being honest I'm not sad just really embarrassed." Isla admitted looking away. " Well you shouldn't be because that video was nothing but reality and a group of friends reacting like i would be scared to. I may be good with a ball but with heights its the opposite. Isla looked at Jack and smiled. " Do i see a smile on your face?" Isla ruffled his hair." Yes you do you win Grealo." Jack and Isla were now both smiling watching the sun set fade away into stars.

A/N - This episode is so cute i love it Jack makes Isla smile and maybe they will be more then friends soon.

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