Someone Like You ...

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The salty sea air hit my cheeks stinging them as the tears streamed down my face. My feet were running like never before i was going as fast as a cheetah. No matter how out of breathe i was i wouldn't stop until i reached the cove. Jack had poached my heart like no other before. He was going to go without saying goodbye like who was he. He definitely wasn't the person who i had fell in love with this summer. As i ran across the beach going into my secret cove. As I step foot into my invisible palace i broke down into sobs. Covering my mouth dropping to the floor. I was consumed by cries and hurt from my heart.

I took a few deep breathes after my mental break down looking out at the waves slapping againts the rocks. I stretched and lay down my head hitting something in the sand. As i rubbed my skull i turned to see a glass bottle with a note inside. My hands were shaking as i took the cork off the bottle shaking it to get the mysterious piece of paper out. My eyes were still sore and red from all the crying I had done but I had to read this.


Dear , Isla

I'm so sorry to do this in a letter but i couldn't do this is person because i knew that i would break down. Thank you for everything this summer it has been a summer of a lifetime you have made this summer extra special and I will never forget you like we promised. Your probably reading this upset or happy but either way I bet your thinking I'm a right Dick because i didn't say goodbye in person but i just couldn't face you. Please tell the girls that Mason and Phil will keep in touch and so will I if u want to. I truly believe that we are soulmates. Till next tome Miss Prescott i love you.

Love Jack


Tears stained the paper as i noticed i was yet again sobbing the tears weren't going to stop. A gush of anger and sadness ran through my body i could feel the tension. I through the note into the water still sobbing. After staring at Jack's soggy note i ran picking it up realising what i had done. I folded my piece of treasure from Jack and put it in my back Pocket. I took one last look at my cove and ran back up to the villa to to tell the girls.

After a afternoon of comfort from the girls and a pamper session i was feeling a bit better but still had a hole in my heart." Do you feel a bit better Isla." Amber asked hugging me. " I guess it is what it is." I said getting emotional. " Well he is probably in England now just forget about him that was a dick move. " We all laughed at Ellie's insult. " Yes you right were going home tomorrow night lets have a good last night we should watch a movie." Macy tried to look on the Brightside. I agreed and we all sat snuggled on the couch watching legally blonde. I'm so thankful to have these girls. Near to the end of the movie I had a girl power moment i pulled out my phone and blocked Jack from my social media and removed his contact. " You right I'm going to forget about Jack." The girls wee happy to see i had regained my former state.


The next day was packing day as we were leaving that night. I took out my big suitcase from under my bed and stared at the endless piles of clothes and junk I had to fit in this tiny space. " Get in you stupid thing." Macy was sat on top of her case with a angry looking expression. " How did you pack all of your stuff so quick?" I was pleasantly surprised. " Oh i just shoved it in there." Macy still was trying to force her zip around the case. At that moment her case exploded clothes flying everywhere. " Maybe you should try folding things. " I said with a grin. " Ill try it." Macy burst out of laughter.

After folding what felt like a whole shop of clothes I came across the letter he gave me asking me out on a date. At first i didn't know what it was until i opened the envelope and petals from the bouquet he gave me dispersed on to my lap. I didn't read the invitation again there was no pint i just put it in a little box i had names memories. I was still sad at the though of Jack but i had to forget about it . Thinking about it now meeting a famous footballer on holiday and falling in love sounded like a fairy tale but this one didn't have a happy ending. I carried on filling up my case. I came across another memory the original napkin Jack had gave me his number on ( Back when i didn't know who he was). I just placed in the box with the letter.

No matter how hard i tried Jack was always going to be there these memories weren't helping. I was now rushing to Finnish packing up the case. When a load of printed Photos came to my sights. Photos of the group of Jack of me. I was on the brink of crying but i kept it in. I took one last look at the pictures before also putting them in the little box.

  Last pile of clothes but in the pile was the teddy and bottled up note i stared at it while tears filled up my eyes

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Last pile of clothes but in the pile was the teddy and bottled up note i stared at it while tears filled up my eyes. At this point it was to much i burst out into tears. Macy came to my side hugging me and rubbing my back. " Sshhhhh." I sobbed in her arms. " I'm going to miss him i did love him." I looked at the prize fair teddy and hugged it. After another brake down i calmed down and hugged the teddy before putting it in the box. I slammed the lid on and put it in my case zipping it up and putting the padlock on. " I'm going to say goodbye to aunty Hazel and Uncle Reece. " The girls smiled as they also were packing up. " See u later."

As i was walking i couldn't help but think it's amazing that strangers can become friends, Friends in to lovers and strangers again....

A/N - Sorry i haven't been writing recently i had a little brake but i am now going to try post everyday until the end of the story :)

Summer Sweethearts - Jack GrealishWhere stories live. Discover now